Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • yep encounter another issue, the tracer for the BT hasn't changed. the server at least boots up with no issue, that good. I though it was because BT already has tracers and its red, so i figured maybe if i tried another bullet like 5.45 BS it might work.. It didn't work. need help again. sorry.

    Can't check now, out of power.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • no worries, take your time.

    Well, that's BSG for you.
    `Blue` won't work, because there is no definition of such color.
    BSG went really hard way to define colors, because they have multiple entries that may have no sense.
    Tested with `tracerGreen` and it worked.
    "tracerRed", "red","green","yellow","tracerYellow", are other fields that potentially can work, you may ask why there is color, and tracercolor? I don't know, ask BSG. I think only tracerGreen, and tracerRed would work in our case. Tried tracerYellow and it didn't work.
    Before you ask it: No, you can't have 'tracerBlue', i tried, it will hang the loading sequence, not even throwing an error.
    Sadly seems like you won't have tracers colors you want.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • what happened to always being bosses in the raid? i cant find it anymore.

    Now it's more controlled in bots section rather a single checkbox.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Two questions one request :D


    1. How is the 'Bots' section affected by the Raid settings for AI amount, e.g. AsOnline,Low,Medium,High,Horde?

    2. Under "Bots" what does 'Spawns per zone' and 'Limits per location' mean?

    Is it number of bot spawns per map zone, like a couple bots here at the gas station? If yes, why is it 0 by default for Factory at Night and I still get SCAV and PMC spawns? What does 0 do here?

    Or is it waves per spawns, multiplied by the AI amount?


    Can we get something like 'amount of flea market sale slots'?

    I know it's an easy edit of the respective server json, buuuut... anyway, nothing high priority ^^

  • Two questions one request :D


    1. How is the 'Bots' section affected by the Raid settings for AI amount, e.g. AsOnline,Low,Medium,High,Horde?

    2. Under "Bots" what does 'Spawns per zone' and 'Limits per location' mean

    I've played with the raid settings, and I believe it is related to the "wave timer" and number of spawns allowed per zone.
    Spawn per zone (Like Old Gas Station and New Gas Station in Customs) is just that however it can conflict with 'Limits per location'
    which if you allow 2 SPZ and have 6 Limit per Location there might end up being 1 spawned at each zone lol

  • Raid settings are just a multiplier for those values above hidden somewhere between globals.json and bots/core.json.
    As of rest...I wish I could give you a potent respond, but I honestly have no clue how those numbers work.
    The max cap was written on recent AKI versions, initially they are stored in configs/bots.json, whilst cap per zone is from locations.
    They were colored blue on previous versions - meaning they may not be in effect at all, I bet max cap works now, but i'm unsure about SPZ.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hello! Love the mod, had a question though. Is the spawn rate of the goon squad tied to just the goon squad value or also the general rogue spawn percentage? I have it set to zero but it seems like I run into/die to the boys in fully half my games.

  • Hello! Love the mod, had a question though. Is the spawn rate of the goon squad tied to just the goon squad value or also the general rogue spawn percentage? I have it set to zero but it seems like I run into/die to the boys in fully half my games.

    Goons have own wave with own value, they are completely separate with rogues.
    Speaking of rogues that may spawn everywhere - i think that's related to specific AKI version, because they made it when there was an event in live EFT.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hello! Love the mod, had a question though. Is the spawn rate of the goon squad tied to just the goon squad value or also the general rogue spawn percentage? I have it set to zero but it seems like I run into/die to the boys in fully half my games.

    I have set 'Rogue Trio' to 100 and have them in all my games. I did not confirm with setting this to zero though.

  • hi just little help for skills

    Im trying to do 2x from original for skills but when i thought i did it went up 51 straight away if anyone has 2x skills would be amazing thanks

  • hi just little help for skills

    Im trying to do 2x from original for skills but when i thought i did it went up 51 straight away if anyone has 2x skills would be amazing thanks

    If you want closest to live experience - set only Skill XP multiplier to 2. Alternatively - you can keep it one, and make either 2x default Minimum skill point multiplier OR/AND amount of fresh skill points to 2 and fatigue point to 2.
    To understand how those values works - read EFT Wiki related how skills accumulates.
    Be advised, if you made account with Easy Start - it already has certain skills maxed.
    Also Metabolism leveling was broken at 3.4.0 Build.

    This is so amazing, I myself who has had several months of coding language practice and can just mod my own files every wipe.
    If you want to get into manually modding your own SP Tarkov, send me a message! (It's as simple as editing text values)

    Instead of boasting your `coding knowledge` you could've just show him globals.json, or at least guide him by looking how my mod getting those values to begin with, you don't need `several months of coding language` to look into simple DB written in .json, which isn't even a coding language.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • The_Katto added a new version:

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