Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • Hello. There is a small bug in the Loot section.

    The screenshot is self explaining.

    Well now I remember what I actually forgot to finish in my update.
    Thanks, will be fixed in the next version, hopefully 3.6.0 coming soon.
    It's only affected in those 2 values, the airdrops min/max function wasn't finished, so other fields won't be causing issues - that being said, be aware to not mix up minimum and maximum yourself.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • any idea what might be causing this? i have the bots and bots loadout options turned off.

    bots (in factory for example) spawns in continuous massive waves causing lags and stuff (game crash on bigger maps). Imma use the default SVM profile and see if this happens still. :/

  • any idea what might be causing this? i have the bots and bots loadout options turned off.

    bots (in factory for example) spawns in continuous massive waves causing lags and stuff (game crash on bigger maps). Imma use the default SVM profile and see if this happens still. :/

    Not an error, however it might be related to your max bot cap and AI amount settings you did.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • The_Katto added a new version:

  • Hi there,

    I'm having some issues with my progress rolling back. Each time I've loaded the preset after starting a new day, it resets my progress back to that point. For example, last night I got up to level 13, roughly 3k XP in, and this afternoon when I logged in, it was reset back to level 12, 16k xp left to 13. It's happened to me a few times and I have no idea what to do about it, I've struggled to find an answer anywhere else. Please help!


  • Hi there,

    I'm having some issues with my progress rolling back. Each time I've loaded the preset after starting a new day, it resets my progress back to that point. For example, last night I got up to level 13, roughly 3k XP in, and this afternoon when I logged in, it was reset back to level 12, 16k xp left to 13. It's happened to me a few times and I have no idea what to do about it, I've struggled to find an answer anywhere else. Please help!


    Very unlikely it is related to SVM, every XP related field does not change anything related to XP required for level nor could deduct already attained XP from the profile.
    Make a post on support zone with all required info (logs on the moment when issue happened, mods, etc), maybe someone can help you out.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Very unlikely it is related to SVM, every XP related field does not change anything related to XP required for level nor could deduct already attained XP from the profile.
    Make a post on support zone with all required info (logs on the moment when issue happened, mods, etc), maybe someone can help you out.

    Hi, I forgot to mention it resets my stash as well back to what it was. Does that make a difference?

    I just tested it and the reason why it was doing it, -it seems-, is that each time I'd load the game, I'd load it through GVFE, load preset, then start the game. Loading the preset before starting the server and launcher seems to reset it back to when I last saved the preset, I think this is the case.


  • Hi, I forgot to mention it resets my stash as well back to what it was. Does that make a difference?

    I just tested it and the reason why it was doing it, -it seems-, is that each time I'd load the game, I'd load it through GVFE, load preset, then start the game. Loading the preset before starting the server and launcher seems to reset it back to when I last saved the preset, I think this is the case.


    Preset loading have no effect on SVM or AKI, granted we're talking about loading and not applying.
    Even if you reapply your settings in SVM - it should not `revert` your profile.
    Most likely you have some kind of read-write permissions issues in your windows, or something else, i am not aware of this issue and I am lacking ideas why it could happen.
    Speaking of Stash - You can affect your gear by changing such options to save loot/durability after raid, but that doesn't affect stash, same with Softcore option, it can save your gear if you died, but it doesn't touch your stash.

    My point still stands, either you need to give me valid details to work with - as if it happens with SVM ONLY and there is errors in client/server, or you need to address Support zone.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • I have Goon's in factory and Killa in factory both set at 100 but have played multiple raids and haven't seen any bosses. Also, I was wondering if enabling the Halloween event also adds the Poison Green Flare to the loot pools again. Thank you.

  • I'm having a minor issue. Every time I load the game, my health gets reset to the standard 440, instead of keeping me at full health, which I've set to 880. So every time I launch the game, I have to wait for my PMC to heal from 440/880 to full health. Is there a way for me to fix this, so it keeps me at the health I left off at, or is it just Tarkov being Tarkov?

  • I'm having a minor issue. Every time I load the game, my health gets reset to the standard 440, instead of keeping me at full health, which I've set to 880. So every time I launch the game, I have to wait for my PMC to heal from 440/880 to full health. Is there a way for me to fix this, so it keeps me at the health I left off at, or is it just Tarkov being Tarkov?

    That is not supposed to happen - when you override your health via SVM - it is supposed to stay this way, since you're modifying your profile permanently.
    Can't reproduce it on my side either, my default preset also contains modified health
    Guess it's Tarkov being tarkov, but i'll keep an eye on that.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hello, first things first, thanks for the hard work, your mode is awesome. But i got some problems with bots spawns and aidrops. First airdrop, you can see on the following screenshot of the mod, that i put chances to 100% of airdrops but in game not a single drop happens. Did i do smtg wrong?


    On a second hand, you can see on the following screenshot , when i put 10 in spawns per zone ( in the red circle), instead of more bots spawning i have less, hardly find one or two. Same, did i do smtg wrong?


    Thanks for the help, appreciate it.

  • For airdrops - check if you applied changes first and foremost, and check if any other mod could possibly affect those fields.
    For bot spawns - this one is hell of a tricky thing - it does not increase the spawns but rather allow more bots per single point of interest to be spawned, however it will not affect bot waves to allow more AI to spawn within a single wave.
    I recommend using different AI related tools rather trying to figure out how that field work really, SWAG + Donuts will do a better job on every aspect of that.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • For airdrops - check if you applied changes first and foremost, and check if any other mod could possibly affect those fields.
    For bot spawns - this one is hell of a tricky thing - it does not increase the spawns but rather allow more bots per single point of interest to be spawned, however it will not affect bot waves to allow more AI to spawn within a single wave.
    I recommend using different AI related tools rather trying to figure out how that field work really, SWAG + Donuts will do a better job on every aspect of that.

    Thanks to you bro i found the problem, another mod was blocking it.

  • Having an issue reguarding bot loot and minimum/maximum settings,

    im running the beta build of 3.7.0 of SPT and have the SIT mod installed to run my own server for freinds.

    when booting after changing the BOT spawn items and min/max allowed, the server spits out an error reguarding the SVM.js file not able to set properties of undefined for the Min and Max of bot loot settings,

    Ive looked it up a bit and fiddled around, but im not sure i can do anything on my end with javascript, as i dont, know much of it.

    please let me know if youll look into this issue, or if, because SPT 3.7.0 is not released yet, you will be waiting for the official release.

    Thank you!

  • You answered yourself, This is not stable release version, I am not planning to fiddle with those until they get stable, the issue is indeed related to Bots loadouts, just don't use it. It may either be caused by AKI changes or SIT.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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