Posts by FlashMode

    FlashMode added a new file:

    FlashMode added a new file:

    FlashMode added a new file:

    FlashMode added a new version:


    First of all, I want to express my gratitude to DrakiaXYZ <3


    • Add compatible with DLSS method
    • Now mod agnostic of the SPT version (i.e. compatible with future versions SPT, much appreciated to DrakiaXYZ)
    • Improved Switch Sampling - for now only for usually SuperSampling (not FSR1|2 or DLSS), this change remove black screen when entering into optic scope

    Known Issue:

    • Not compatible with SurroundDOF option in Amand's Graphics (idk how to fix it so far, it's beyond my capabilities ?()

    Tested on 3.7.0 and works fine

    FlashMode added a new file: