Posts by Blazorfire

    Things to make sure -

    You are running the "Server" and Using "Aki.Launcher" inside your Tarkov Folder.

    Try running them both with antivirus / Firewall disabled (if still having issues, turn them back on!)


    I have been told that uninstalling and reinstalling ".Net" Programs helped with weird stuff like this,

    Try to download -

    * SDK 5.0.406

    *.NET Desktop Runtime 5.0.15

    *.NET Runtime 5.0.15

    from -

    I'm not sure about *ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.0.15

    but if all fails, try that too. :/

    (Make sure to download the x64 Versions)

    Other than that, can't really see much without screenshots / Log files

    just have to shoot in the dark here. :S

    I can do anything except for load into any of the raids on any map, including the fresh 2.3.0 character as well as copy and pasting my 2.2.3 character, even the scav raid will do the same thing, it just keeps looping back into the main menu when I try to jump into raid, I have the .Net applications that I'm supposed to have installed, I have deleted all earlier .Net versions already to see if that was the issue,Ii have also deleted all traces of BSG and EFT files from computer to have fresh installs, I have also verified integrity of the EFT game From the BSG application, and yes of course everything is in a directory separate from the EFT directory, i have also tried to go back to 2.2.3 instead and the same incident occurs? :(

    Can you play Live without any problems?

    if so, id try Setting: Server, Aki.Launcher and the EscapeFromTarkov as Admin and see if that works.

    after that id try disabling any firewalls or antivirus and test if it will run (if it still won't let you in a map, I'd turn them back on)

    if none of that works, try moving it to a different drive or if you have it installed in "Program Files" move it to "Program Files (x86)".

    First problem I can see is from Fin's AI Tweaks,

    the removeFireRateWeapons is messing up, which means that you put something in the config that is wrong.

    second is a Ragfair error, which can be anything to do with loot.

    which leads me to think you incorrectly configer'd AiTweaks.

    I think you need to double check these configs.

    if that doesn't work, try reinstalling AiTweaks and leave it with the default config and see if that errors up.

    Last thing I can think of is that SPT-AKI doesn't do kindly with being run on a OneDrive. which I presume you are running it from -

    \OneDrive\Documents\Escape From Tarkov SP

    When I type in the commands for the all-in-one mod, it says there are no commands for that. It still reads that after I copied and pasted it from the mod site.

    Same with the weather mod, I did not see a drop down with weather, same with ai mate it shows nothing. pepescream

    I'm a little confused...

    I'm 99% sure there is no "Commands" to be typed.

    Make sure you read the description of the mods again.

    A lot of the mods for SPT-Aki are done through Config files and "loaded" on startup.

    also recommend reading

    Everytime I boot up my server, a pop up appears saying ""The given key was not present in the dictionary". I press the ok button and 5 seconds later the same popup appears again and it just as an infinite loop. I made a new profile and it loaded up just fine. But my main SPT profile cant get past the loading screen. Anybody got a fix?

    The fact that a new profile lets you play but the old one is crashing,

    makes me think its a corrupt save/profile file.

    and in the log it mentions a item -

    Error while parsing item upd for item tactical_all_surefire_x400_vis_laser (id: 60b3c3bdb0a6f6f50b8c8100):

    I could have a look at it, just post your profile file.

    typically things like this can be fixed using SPT-Aki Profile Editor.

    Im having an issue, I can't open this. Every time I try to open it, it gives me an error message say "To run this application you must install .NET.

    And I have. But no dice.


    for some reason I cant install. I downloaded absolutely everything NET and Core too. how fix this?

    Try to download -

    * SDK 5.0.406

    *.NET Desktop Runtime 5.0.15

    *.NET Runtime 5.0.15

    from -

    I'm not sure about *ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.0.15

    but if all fails, try that too. :/

    Server shows as 0KB in your screenshot... Server.exe should be around ~61,700KB, give or take.

    Looks like an error occurred during extraction.
    If you used the default zip extraction utility built into Windows... don't.
    Extract the files using 7zip.

    This is also happening to me. I extracted with 7zip as suggested and it didn't work.

    jbs4bmx has the right idea, I do believe if any of your files are less then around 1-2KB, Server.exe being around 61,000~KB and Launcher being 30,000KB. then its a problem with either the extraction, or the download.

    example of my file sizes for reference.

    I personally own a copy of WinRAR, which I used to extract my files, some people have had issues with it ( I haven't so far ).

    so you could give WinRar or 7zip a try

    I've run the game spamming that for a few of the modded weapons i've downloaded, it doesn't seem to effect much considering it goes to a failsafe and just goes back to default.

    but you could try Blacklisting the weapons from spawning on bots.


    Can be found in the "Gear" section of the config.

    and recommend using the awesome config editor :)

    i guess i need just redownload tarkov?

    i also noticed J:\eft1\Escape From Tarkov  in the log, is there a folder in your "eft1" called "Escape From Tarkov" if so, i'd try removing the spaces (computers tend to not like spaces) if not, i'd recommend starting from Step 1 and work your way down to step 5. which step 5 is to reinstall Tarkov, i'd try the other things first though!

    would also like to add, i'd recommend Copy-paste your EFT (live) folder into a different directory and installing SPT there, so when stuff like this happens you don't have to fully reinstall from live. :)

    as mentioned in

    under Endless loading / Stuck on splashscreen / Game crash to desktop

    1. Your client version is wrong

    2. You changed your FOV to higher than official game can

    3. You're missing one of the prerequisite .NET Framework versions - either 4.7.2, 3.5 or 5.0.10

    4. Your antivirus is blocking the module.dll patch

    5. Your game files has some residual old files that cant be used (specifically for EasyAssetPatch error)

    have you done any troubleshooting with these 5 possible causes?


    - Make sure you are using the correct client version according to your AKI version (clients needed can be found on the download page)

    - If not, check if a patch exists for your game version to downgrade to the needed version(Versions supported are found on the patcher page)


    - Go to MyDocuments/EscapeFromTarkov/ and delete shared.ini file


    - Download .NET Framework 4.7.2, .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET 5.0.10. Order does not matter.


    - You need to whitelist the module.dll file. This can be found in ...\Aki_Data\Modules\aki-core\module.dll

    - Redownload and copy the Aki files into your install directory


    - Delete everything relating to EFT and SPT

    - Redownload EFT and start the install process for SPT again.

    Help please

    Does this happen only trying to access 'Customs' or does it happen to all maps?

    My first thought is that you have corrupt / Bad tarkov files, which a full re-install through Live client is needed.

    is there a Error that pops up on screen?

    Hey there... Installed mod as directed and I am getting an "ERROR Invalid mod" and it also says missing json package issue when starting the server. Not sure were to go next please advise. Thanks!

    Considering you posted the same thing at Never Lose Equipments. im guessing you installed them incorrectly.

    the Mods archives (.zip) content need to be extracted into [Your AKI directory]/user/mods/

    so for me it will be in - MyPC/SSD/Tarkov/user/mods