Posts by Nightingale

    Check if it actually works, i.e. doesn't pull "ammo" and "magazines" category. It might be only an issue with the message in the notification.

    Nightingale added a new version:

    Nightingale added a new version:

    Judging by the comments on the Softcore page, people seem to have some item/flea related errors on 3.5.5, somewhat similar to yours. So I guess that might be the cause.

    First step would be trying to buy the same items that cause the error without the Broker. I've personally used Softcore with Broker without any issues, on SPT-AKI 3.5.4.

    Also it doesn't try to run anything Broker related when you buy/sell from flea. The BrokerTradeController is simply a replacement for server's default TradeController. The only method it overrides is confirmTrading(not confirmTradingInternal), everything that you see called in the error stack is all default, nothing related to Broker.

    You'd probably want to check if it happens with all items or just some. Your error message specifically states that item with template id 61a6446f4b5f8b70f451b166 can't be found in the database. Here's that item in item finder.

    Nightingale added a new version:

    Nightingale added a new version:

    Nightingale added a new file:

    Nightingale added a new version:


    Added notifications, fixed/improved some stuff.

    If you want to use the mod on an older version - replace the client plugin(BrokerTraderPlugin.dll) with the appropriate build.

    Client plugin builds:

    Nightingale added a new version:


    Added currency exchange, it's config properties and several other improvements.


    Nightingale added a new file:

    Nightingale added a new version:


    Added profitCommissionPercentage config property to determine how much will Broker take from your profits.


    Nightingale added a new version:


    Added a config option which decides whether the Broker will use Flea market.


    Nightingale added a new file:

    Nightingale added a new version:


    The most recent version with queries and nested property access.

    Developed for SPT-AKI 3.5.0, should probably work for newer ones too.

    Nightingale added a new file: