penguingreentea added a new version:
QuoteUpdated for SPT 3.10
penguingreentea added a new version:
QuoteUpdated for SPT 3.10
penguingreentea added a new version:
QuoteUpdated for SPT 3.10
penguingreentea added a new version:
QuoteSPT 3.10
penguingreentea added a new version:
QuoteUpdated for SPT 3.10
penguingreentea added a new version:
QuoteNew: Helmet protection will only benefit the player for those looking for an alternative mod to prevent headshot deaths while still maintaining usual game balance. Bots will have their helmet durabilities reduced down to 1 when they spawn into the raid.
Change ReduceBotHelmetDurability to false to disable this feature in config.json.
penguingreentea added a new version:
QuoteDisplay MoreChanged how durability works to make it more readable: all helmet plates are now set to 1 max durability, meaning that the helmet's total durability numbers will almost 100% accurately reflect how much full-head durability is left in the helmet.
(i.e. If a helmet has 100 durability and 3 plates, 97 out of the 100 durability will cover the entire head).
In line with moving back to vanilla durability numbers, face shields' durabilities have been moved back to default numbers.
The changes will not apply to current helmets equipped.
penguingreentea added a new file:
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In SPT 3.9, the armpit hitboxes are covered by insertable ballistic front plates but they are not covered by unremovable soft armor. This matters for players in early-game that are using rigs with only soft armor like the rat rig and find themselves getting one-tapped in the thorax via a low-pen bullet into the armpit.
This mod expands the hitboxes in the front soft armor for all body armor/chest rigs to cover the armpit hitboxes. As a result, the armpit is now protected by the armor class of the soft front chest insert.
In addition to this, if a body armor/chest rig does not have any soft side protection like the 6B2 body armor, the front soft armor will also cover the hitboxes on the lower left and lower right sides of the thorax. Buffs to all soft armor-only vest and rigs!
Extract directly into the SPT folder. The mod can be located in users/mods/.
I made this mod due to finding early-wipe gameplay extremely captivating except for occasionally getting one-tapped in the armpit by ammo run by scavs and low-level PMCs. Although insertable plates protect the armpits in the current version of SPT, it can take a while before a player can upgrade to those rigs reliably if they are doing something like a FM-less run.
penguingreentea added a new version:
QuoteAdded configuration options in ../config/config.json, for setting values if user does not want either helmets or face shields to be affected by this mod.
penguingreentea added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreRemoves the blurriness, smudginess, and distortion effects when looking through a face shield. It's so clean that you can't even tell when it's flipped down! (look at your inventory to check)
I like face shields - how they look on my character, how they make me feel all warm and protected, how scavs hate it when they cannot head-eyes me anymore with buckshot - but I hate the visual smudginess and blurriness when actually equipping them. I saw that there were several outdated mods to fix this so I decided to code my own for 3.9.
Extract directly into the SPT folder. The plugin can be located in BepInEx/plugins/.
Other Mods
I recommend using Quieter Faceshield Breathing by Arys and my other mod, Get Concussed, to pair nicely with this mod.
Full Helmet Coverage is compatible as well only if you want to buff all helmets and face shields in general (it's pretty sick though if you turn on PMC aiming at heads while using SAIN).
This mod patches a prefix to the method2() function in VisorEffect.cs, which sets the material textures for the VisorEffect's Mask, BlurMask, and DistortMask when flipping down a visor. It simply removes those function calls. I tested with thermal and night vision to ensure that only face shields are affected by this patch.
penguingreentea added a new version:
- Adds configuration options in F12 for concussion duration and concussion strength (default: 0.75 strength and 5 seconds duration), and turning tinnitus on/off
- Fixes the bug where the concussion effect does not occur after armor takes damage on the helmet. This should fix most of the issues where helmets/additional helmet armor block damage but no concussion effect happens.
penguingreentea added a new file:
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Headshots will trigger the concussion/tinnitus effects if the bullet is blocked by helmet armor.
Like Live EFT, tinnitus will only occur if you do not have a headset equipped.
Extract directly into the SPT folder. The plugin can be located in BepInEx/plugins/.
Concussions/tinnitus caused by gunshots to the helmet are currently not working. This mod restores the effect, for concussion lovers like myself.
Hit F12 to configure concussion duration and concussion strength (default: 0.75 strength and 5 seconds duration), as well as turning tinnitus on/off.
penguingreentea added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreInsurance Fraud
This mod generously simulates insurance fraud in live EFT by ensuring that all discarded insured gear will return back to you with 100% return rates (imagine you hid it in a bush or something).
By default, SPT insurance works through percentage rates that are set to 75% and 85% if you insure through Prapor or Therapist respectively. This rate will still apply for all insured gear that is equipped if you die in a raid, but any other insured gear that was dropped or moved to a container outside the inventory will be affected by this mod.
The mod is compatible with Insurance Plus, Insurance Tweaks and Server Value Modifier. It is not compatible with the Insurance component of SPT Realism.
I was interested in making a mod like this so that I can feel better about dropping my guns in raid and found a lot of good direction on what and where to edit from looking through the source code of Insurance Plus by Mattdokn. Thanks a lot!
Extract directly into the SPT folder. Mod folder can be located in user/mods/.
The mod overrides functions in /spt/src/services/InsuranceService.ts and /spt/src/controllers/InsuranceController.ts. The mod extends the Item class with an additional property (dropped: boolean) and uses it as a flag for gear that's missing in post-raid gear, creating some conditionals that will move the gear through the deletion helper functions without getting deleted. After the insurance package is handled, the dropped property is cleaned up on all items.
Any mods that do not modify the above functions in InsuranceService.ts and InsuranceController.ts should be compatible, but let me know if any issues are being experienced.
penguingreentea added a new file:
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This simple mod edits helmets and face shields to cover all head hitboxes:
Face, Top of Head, Nape, Ears, Eyes, Jaws, Throat, and Back neck.
Enjoy the thrill of being able to peek your head out of cover without worrying about being one-shot in the face by a small caliber. Helmets now work with the rest of your gear as a vital piece of armor. The armor class difference between a SSh-68 (level 3) and a ULACH (level 4) will impact your raids.
This affects ALL helmets, including helmets worn by bots.
READ BEFORE INSTALLING (so that you don't end up in the Discord server asking why your bot helmets are at 1 HP):
All bots have their equipped helmets reduced down to 1 durability by default. This allows players to use small-caliber guns like SMGs and pistols while aiming for the head, as all headshots will almost immediately zero out any bot's helmet.
You can change the above using the configuration file if you want enemy bots to have normal helmet durability. Just keep in mind that this will cause enemy bots to potentially become major threats - like, REALLY major threats. I played with this mod for dozens of hours and can safely say that unless you enjoy getting kicked in the balls multiple times every hour, you don't want to revert bot helmet durability to normal. Don't expect pistols or SMGs to be viable for headshotting a PMC if you toggle this option to false. If your bots have face shields on top of a high-armor helmet, you're honestly better off aiming for legs or arms unless you're shooting with M993 or something silly. You've been warned.
Extract directly into the SPT folder. Mod folder can be located in user/mods/.
Other Mods
I recommend using my other mods, Get Concussed and Clean Face Shields, to receive concussions/tinnitus when your helmet takes headshots and also clean up that visor.
Edit config.json in the mod's config folder:
For ModifyHelmets and ModifyFaceShields, set a desired value to false if you do not want helmets/face shields to be affected by this mod.
Set ReduceBotHelmetDurability to false to set bot helmet durabilities back to normal, if you want enemy bots to also benefit from the full head coverage granted by helmets.
The armorColliders, Durability, MaxDurability, and armorClass are updated for all helmets. For example, the modified SSh-68 steel helmet (which has default 54 durability) is shown below:
- Plate - Head top - 1/1
- Plate - Nape - 1/1
- Plate - Ears - 1/1
- NEW PROTECTION: Face, Head top, Nape, Ears, Eyes, Jaws, Throat, Back neck - 51/51
In practice, the 51 durability is used for all head hitboxes and receives durability damage when shot at. You can safely ignore if any of the 1/1 plates are lowered to 0/1 since the 51/51 helmet durability acts as the 'top layer' and will be used to block bullets.
Face shields have also been buffed with +2 armor class, to keep them relevant with helmets.