Hey guys, i have an issue loading KMC Core ammo for some KMC guns, correct me if i'm wrong but from what i can guess, some guns are using ammo in their .js file that don't exist in the KMC Core's ammo bundles files.
Here is the GLOCK 40 example; AP, FMJ, HP and HVSP ammo types are missing and i wondered if that was normal ?
So i don't know anything about coding or stuff like that, but i believe this conflict is also the source of the server's inability to load dynamic loot before a raid, DESPITE having the supposed fix installed.
Let me know if there is anything i can do about this error ! Thanks in advance
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This is an old version of weapons. Weapons will be soon updated to match core. We're doing more internal work and QA. Some of the ammo types *do* still exist however and those should work. However, if you dont wish to wait for the weapons update, here is the list of our ammo IDs from the expansion