Posts by Tyfon

    Tyfon added a new version:


    Fixed multiselect "Keep Original Spacing" setting behaving like "Same Row or Below"

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new file:

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Fix nonfatal exception due to unupdated "Keep Windows on Screen" patch

    - Enter key accepts/confirms quests

    - Fika compat: Fix resize up/left not working

    - Fika compat: Fix for eye button during raid load updated to work with fika

    - Fika compat: Change rebind grenades feature to be optional, and to handle fika slightly differently. May have contributed to desync issues.

    Tyfon added a new version:


    Added quest conditions

    Tweaked tooltip

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    Fix in-raid detection when also running Fika

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Inspect panel will highlight (green border) compatible empty slots when dragging attachable mod (just like player equipment slots)

    - In-raid weapon modding will not consider weapons equipped by dead bodies to be "in hand"

    - Fix resizing left/up feature to work in raid

    - Adjust rules around in-raid container swapping. Swapping incompatible containers (e.g. a container that could never fit inside another) was previously disabled in raid to prevent you from accidently swapping with your dogtag case and losing it all. That's still disabled, but you can now swap *equipped* containers. This will let you swap your backpack with a bigger one off a dead body.

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Improved modding/preset dropdown usability: you can click the whole box to open and clicking outside closes it

    - Fixed BSG bug: Clicking a red-outlined item in the modding/preset screen will no longer break the UI.

    - The "Purchase All" hotkey from the flea market section now works on normal trades as well

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    Added ctrl-alt-c support to copy item template ID (Tpl)

    Tyfon added a new file:

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version: