Posts by Tyfon

    Tyfon added a new file:

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Add option for grid reorder to prioritize smaller grids. For example, quick moving a 1x1 item like a grenade into your rig will place it in a 1x1 grid if possible, rather than a larger one.

    - Add keybind to highlight search in hideout craft, handbook, and flea market. Defaults to Ctrl-F

    - Fix some issues with flea market search bar

    - Fix more compatibility with MergeConsumables, allowing item swapping between different med and food items. This fix also allows med and food items to stack (assuming you have some other mod that changes stack size)

    - Fix null references when flea market back button is disabled

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Add in-menus reload keybind (R)

    - Compat fix for MergeConsumables (requires version 1.1.0)

    - Fix description of Add Offer keybind

    - Fix exception thrown when viewing weapons in handbook

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Quickbind tactical devices now includes headlights and NVGs

    - Toggle/hold setting now applies to respective quickbinds

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    Hotfix for ammobox unloading in fika


    - Disabled Home/End/PageUp/PageDown when a textbox is active

    - Tweak dropdown expansion to not go off screen

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Added setting to autopopulate new flea offers with min/avg/max price

    - Added setting to auto-update flea offer price when toggling bulk, or when updating the number of selected items when bulk is checked

    - Limited various UI components to be only draggable with the left mouse, without shift held down, to avoid multiselect conflicts.

    - Temporarily removed "Open ammo boxes in-place" feature while I sort out some issues with it :S

    Tyfon added a new version:

    • Unlocked cursor from window in maximized windowed and borderless (it was already unlocked in windowed), or disable setting to lock cursor to screen in windowed
    • Changed ammo box unload to unload in-place
    • Added keybind for examine/fold/toggle/check mag
    • Tweaked multi-select logic and interaction with sorting table:
      • Shift-drag will now draw a selection box anywhere, including on top of items
      • If you've changed the selection box keybind to anything other than left-click, you can start selection boxes anywhere (without needing shift)
      • Shift-click multiselect is disabled when the sorting table is open (previously it moved AND multi-selected, which is just weird)
      • But you can now multiselect and then move all of them to the sorting table with a single shift-click
      • ...unless you use the new advanced setting to disable shift-click move to sorting table
      • ...Because I added a new keybind to move an item to/from sorting table (with auto-open)
      • That all sounds complicated, but in general it should feel more intuitive now. Use shift!
    • Added optional setting to force magazines to always reload in-place even if there's room and even though it's slower
    • Updated flea barter owned/required numbers to account for global setting requiring found-in-raid on flea
    • Fixed custom scroll speed not applying to flea market

    This is showing up as containing a trojan. Why is this download executing remote code?

    It's not, it's a false positive. Release has been repackaged as a zip instead of 7z and is no longer flagged by Windows Defender.

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Swap magazines on reload! If necessary, the old mag will take the place of the new mag. Note that this takes about a second longer than a normal reload, so leave space if you need speed (or use a tactical reload!)

    - Overhauled flea market barter display - now shows icons for required items, and when expanded, whether you own them

    - Items made stackable by other mods will now auto-stack in containers like money and ammo do, and be stacked by sort

    - Fixed flea barters for dogtags to correctly show required level, type

    - Hitting enter after typing in flea market search box will clear filters for you if there were no matching offers

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Fixed compatibility with IoF

    - Fixed BSG sorting table code to actually check if player is in raid :rolleyes:

    - Fixed some typos

    Tyfon added a new version:


    Fix multiselect bug that was moving extra items in certain circumstances ?(

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Added tooltip to empty equipment slots

    - Made quest tooltips turn on/off without having to refresh the screen