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Posts by gFresh
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That's odd, it renders for me.
SAIN Presets (F6 Menu)
- Baby Bots
- Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible
- Less Difficult
- Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible
- Default
- Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible
- I Like Pain
- Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible
- Death Wish
- Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible
Donuts F12 Difficulty Selector
- Main Settings
- Donuts On/Off: Enabled
- Despawn Option: Enabled
- Bot Hard Cap Option: Enabled
- Cool Down Timer: [Slider value]
- Donuts PMC Group Chance: High
- Donuts SCAV Group Chance: High
- Donuts PMC Spawn Difficulty: Easy / Normal / Hard / Impossible
- Donuts SCAV Spawn Difficulty: Easy / Normal / Hard / Impossible
- Other Bot Type Spawn Difficulty: Easy / Normal / Hard / Impossible
- Preset Selection: all-pmcs
- SCAV Raid Preset Selection: scav-raids-starting-pmcs-only
Key Information:
- SAIN Presets are NOT difficulties.
Presets modify the behavior of the four difficulties: Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible. - Step-by-Step Setup:
- Choose a SAIN preset in the F6 menu.
- Select a bot difficulty in the Donuts F12 menu.
Does it make sense now? 😊
(chatgpt added that last line, not me bro)
- Baby Bots
I´m trying to get my head around how this mod works in general and especially with SWAG + Donuts?
The menu you open via F6 controls the SAIN settings, and via F9 you control the SWAG + Donuts settings, that´s easy.
But how do Presets interact with the vanilla SPT and SWAG and Donuts?
Both Vanilla SPT and SWAG + Donuts do not know the difficulty presets "Baby Bot" and "Deathwish"
Why are there essentially the same settings available under the "Home" and the "Bot settings" tab? And why does the "Bot settings tab" have different preset names? Is the "Bot settings" tab the one to use to update the Bot behavior when using SWAG + Donuts?
Are the tabs "Home" and "Bot settings" interacting with each other?
I´ve tried to figure it out on my own and also tried to search for some documentation or discussions, but I come up with nothing helpful.
Mod Custom Interactions doesnt install properly.
Custom Interactions
it needs a file in Bepindex\Patchers which i noticed was not there when i manually installed the mod.
IM on latest version and enjoying it mostly.
The only downer is the grenade accuracy - i dont want to disable it completely, but is there a way to change the grenade accuracy. Or nerf grenades so they mess you up but never kill you. ?
Knight and Co at Radar on Shoreline. Imposibble to assault them. very little cover on that location.
so I decided to snipe from the radio tower first just to see if theres a chance to take one out first.
i was in place for less thatn 3 minutes and knight triple shot me from i have no idea where.
SO, them on that location is challenging, BUT their AIM ESP makes it ridonculous. I hadn't even fired a shot just tracked one of them from afar (its like150-200 meters)
Easy to turn off BOT AIM ESP? ( they know when you only aim at them and engage you like a heat seeking missile.)
breaks 3.5.2 load btw
Database import finished
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')
at KeyBlacklist.postDBLoad (E:\xG\Tarkov SP v3.52\user\mods\RaiRaiTheRaichu-UselessKeyBlacklist-1.1.1\src\mod.js:57:80)
at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')
at KeyBlacklist.postDBLoad (E:\xG\Tarkov SP v3.52\user\mods\RaiRaiTheRaichu-UselessKeyBlacklist-1.1.1\src\mod.js:57:80)
at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)
Finally got bots to spawn in 3.2.3
Runedog48 has updated the "getPmcRole" location to match 3.2.3. This is a temporary fix, gearchange does not really work, all pmc are level 70, but at least they spawn.
Got to this Link.
Click RAW to pull the entire mod.js script.
Copy all
Open of user/mods/zFin-AITweaks/serc/mod.js
Replace the entire content with what you copied.
Again, this is not a perfect fix, more like a patch to the mod to work with current AKI.
All credit goes to Fin and Runedog48
Work with Lua's spawn rework. only tested in factory.
To be honest, if you are not getting significant fps gain with 3.2.3's bot cache feature, which suppose to improve the fps drop/stutter when bot spawn, nor you're interested with air drop, i would say stick with 3.2.2 and hope Fin would have some free time on update.
24 or 24a?
Fins stopped updating this now, but is there an alternative? I think he said he was splitting the mod?
EDIT Incursion Variety - is probably the newest AI mod... Thanks FIN for all your hard work on the AI, I would not have played SP without your mods.
I have a few mods loaded. when i have a non compatible mod i get the following:
ModLoader: loading mods...
Mod Geff Hanningan [ACOG4Life], SamSWAT-opticsrework is incompatible with SPT 3.0.0
Server: executing startup callbacks...
Importing database...
Started webserver at
Started websocket at ws://
Server is running. Happy playing!!
Could not find recipe 5e074e5e2108b14e1c62f2a7 for area type
WHen i remove that mod i get the following
ModLoader: loading mods...
Server: executing startup callbacks...
Importing database...
SVM 1.5.1 has awoken, EmuTarkovRC wishes you a good day
SVM Preset - Mine 3.1 - successfully loaded
Loading: Fin-AITweaks
Fin's AI Tweaks: Starting gear changes.
The bad mod stops FinsAI and SVM loading but still launches the server.
Previous behavior would jsut ignore the incomatible mods and load the compatible ones.
IS this a intended change or oversight\bug?
I copied the "Default" config for Fins - my server is SPT-AKI 2.2.1 <--- Probably wont work with older versions?
TypeError: Cannot read property '_props' of undefined
at AITweaks.addBackpacks (E:\xG\Tarkov SP v2.2.0\user\mods\TrapModLoader\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:7141:24)
at AITweaks.startGearchanging (E:\xG\Tarkov SP v2.2.0\user\mods\TrapModLoader\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:10251:10)
at AITweaks.main (E:\xG\Tarkov SP v2.2.0\user\mods\TrapModLoader\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:5554:9)
at AITweaks.load (E:\xG\Tarkov SP v2.2.0\user\mods\TrapModLoader\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:53:8) at loadMods (E:\xG\Tarkov SP v2.2.0\user\mods\TrapModLoader\package.js:103:30)
How to granularly control the Rogues?
Im using ZICOMAN-SCAVLANDS preset, are the rogues falling under Sniper in the lighthouse spawns section?
Actually after reading some of the posts around memory issues and crashing this issue is probably covered and not fixable - apart from having more than 16gb or ddr4.
Another one tonight same mods etc
Lighthouse map again
Display More2022-02-28 01:01:49.008 +00:00||Error|Default|Item deserialization error: Cannot put item mag_ak_izhmash_akms_aluminium_762x39_30 (id: 98daf8c1852d5aeea6776fde) to slot mod_magazine in item weapon_izhmash_ak103_762x39 (id: 7f7629a2729b64c0aa5414df) because it contains item mag_ak_izhmash_akms_aluminium_762x39_30 (id: 807eb79d47082d61ace4c86c) 2022-02-28 01:01:49.058 +00:00||Error|Default|Item deserialization error: Cannot put item mag_pp-19-01_pufgun_mag_sg-919_20_9x19_20 (id: b462320729b697a4681f31a3) to slot mod_magazine in item weapon_izhmash_pp-19-01_9x19 (id: 60f3197ba6cefc8c98450744) because it contains item mag_pp-19-01_pufgun_mag_sg-919_20_9x19_20 (id: 66848192fd79edaca764ca3a) 2022-02-28 01:01:49.104 +00:00||Error|Default|Item deserialization error: Cannot put item mag_ak_izhmash_ak_std_55_762x39_30 (id: 192b9b00267beca228faa7c5) to slot mod_magazine in item weapon_izhmash_akmsn_762x39 (id: 3201bdeb168fdef52b280cf5) because it contains item mag_ak_izhmash_rpk_std_bakelite_762x39_40 (id: d84b886e4523fcf08b1d3f4d) 2022-02-28 01:02:02.908 +00:00||Error|Default|Could not allocate memory: System out of memory! Trying to allocate: 5699160B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: TextureStreaming Allocation happened at: Line:78 in Memory overview [ ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD ] used: 33015B | peak: 0B | reserved: 5111808B [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_1_FRAME ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 34603008B [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_2_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_4_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 25165824B [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_ASYNC ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 50331648B [ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 2032958384B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2352115712B [ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 449370983B | peak: 0B | reserved: 459911168B [ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 2704331600B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2933702656B [ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 52765360B | peak: 0B | reserved: 61865984B
Is there a trick to getting this to fix the 12.12 bot difficulty adjustments? Or is there a specific mod people are using with success?
Change these numers in the config.
these below are a little easier (bigger number = easier, bots slower)
I was leaving Lighthouse and got an Crash popup - "OK" box.
Windows Reports EFT as using 5500MB
Discord Crashed also.
I still have the popup on screen, havent OK'd it and now discord wont re-launch (multiple Attempts)
Yesterday i got a crash to desktop, no errors etc. My Internet would not work. I had to restart teh whole PC.
Wierd huh?
This happens every now and again. Fin-AITweaksVer1-21-3a
I couldn't grab the hash for this one as there were 10million lines in the server window:[ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: bosstest had a null or undefined id inside its inventory. This value has been removed.
[ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: bosstest had a null or undefined id inside its inventory. This value has been removed.
[ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: bosstest had a null or undefined id inside its inventory. This value has been removed.
[ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: bosstest had a null or undefined id inside its inventory. This value has been removed.
[ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: bosstest had a null or undefined id inside its inventory. This value has been removed.
[ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: bosstest had a null or undefined id inside its inventory. This value has been removed.
[INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Finished
Did you add exusec to any of the AI categories? -
I did exactly that after i posted the message, testing it now so will see how it goes, Thanks!
I would suggest using a zicoman's AI Configuration for spawns
you can edit them down to spawn them only on one location but it already seems good
Thanks - that works a treat, you even added the config changes to fins ! nice one
Hi Fin
I managed to tone down the AI to get it to where i want, but the Rogue AI is still Cracked on RedNeck beard Wine.
They also spawn all over light house.
Can both of the above be tweaked?
The changes ive made are :
"highLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": 1.75,
"overallDifficultyMultipliers": {
"aiAimSpeedMult": 2,
"aiShotSpreadMult": 2,
"aiVisionSpeedMult": 1.2,
"sniperBotAccuracyMult": 1.2,
"visibleDistanceMult": 1,
"semiAutoFireRateMult": 1.2,
"aiRecoilMult": 1.3,