Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Spawns seem a bit fucked right now. I've had several scav waves spawn very close to me on multiple occasions, up to the point where I couldn't reload my mags fast enough anymore (let alone loot something). I'm talking 10-15 scavs coming after me one after the other on customs. Didn't touch the base spawn values for scavs (or hearing distance, in case this is caused by distant scavs converging on me).

  • Oh and I don't know if you are aware of this either, but I had a few times that some scav bots would spawn without any guns and just stand there, guess BSG never programmed the bots to use melee weapons.

    I am not sure if this is caused by the loadout changes of FAIT, but I honestly don't want to test without FAIT for a while just to see if it happens in vanilla as well, so I can't be quite sure if it's caused by it or not but I'd say it's very likely.

    To address this further, I just had the worst case scenario. None of the bots spawned with weapons now. I am pretty sure it is caused by FAIT. I do like using the progressive gear setting so I don't get too good gear too early, maybe something broke with that one? Either way I get a lot of "Bots spawned without a valid weapon" in the server. Heck even Shturman spawned without a weapon in this Woods raid just now.

    I will test a few raids with progressive gear disabled and see if it still happens.

    Update 1:

    Upon disabling progressive gear, bots seem to spawn with weapons again. Testing enabling it again after this raid to see if they consistently spawn without weapons again.

    Update 2:

    After enablding it again, the error messages appeared again and most bots spawned without guns again, heck I even stumbled upon Killa with just a TT pistol and no helmet, vest and armor on Interchange.

    I then disabled it again and played 3 raids, all bots seem to spawn with gear without problem.

    Conclusion: The Progressive Gear option is currently broken and needs fixing.

  • Fin added a new version:

  • Hey Fin!

    Fast bug check!
    Durability weapon values still seem to be ignored (Unless I'm a complete buffoon and looking at the wrong thing):


    Config: config - Copy.txt

    Cheers and bless your patience!

  • I am afraid to say that you are, in fact, looking at the wrong thing. ...But it's my fault >>;. I left some debug option on, and you were seeing the durability values (And other progressive gear settings) for a level 10 player. I've updated the download link, or you can open up mod.js and find the lines:

    //Performs the functions FAIT normally does only after the game has begun. You should enable this if you're doing any debugging.

    false ? AITweaks.runOnGameStart() : null

    //Runs progressive gear without an attached profile. Pass the simulated level to the function.

    true ? AITweaks.testProgressiveGear(35) : null

    //Simulates bot generation. Options are, in order: Print weapon info, print armor info, print bot info, bots to generate per bot type

    false ? AITweaks.simulateBotGeneration(true, true, true, 10) : null

    //Displays a printout of all bot equipment slots in the server

    true ? AITweaks.printAllBotGear() : null

    And swap those 'true' values on the left to 'false' to turn them off.

    Nice to know the hash works, though! -Your config was deciphered perfectly.

  • Cheers for lighting fast response!

    Yep and completely my bad, I missread the instruction as well and changed the wrong False to true etc.

    From the Bot generation it seems the weapons are nice and 100 again!

    Although I'm seeing some minor warnings about magazines (most likely modded weapons)

    Updated Hash:

    Tomorrow I will check if the weaponless bug persist for some bots, most likely it's SamSWAT weapons.

    Cheers once more!

  • [snip]

    Tomorrow I will check if the weaponless bug persist for some bots, most likely it's SamSWAT weapons.

    Cheers once more!

    I heard from someone recently that the errors are being caused by 'null' tpls. -If you see an error message like that, I'd love to have that confirmed.

  • Hi Fin

    I managed to tone down the AI to get it to where i want, but the Rogue AI is still Cracked on RedNeck beard Wine.

    They also spawn all over light house.

    Can both of the above be tweaked?

    The changes ive made are :

  • Did you add exusec to any of the AI categories? -I've left them off there by default so people can experience Rogues "As intended" before deciding if they want to change them or not, so they'll need to be manually added back in. If you have already done this though, let me know and I'll try and tackle this bug, as well.

  • Did you add exusec to any of the AI categories? -I've left them off there by default so people can experience Rogues "As intended" before deciding if they want to change them or not, so they'll need to be manually added back in. If you have already done this though, let me know and I'll try and tackle this bug, as well.

  • I heard from someone recently that the errors are being caused by 'null' tpls. -If you see an error message like that, I'd love to have that confirmed.

    As promised!

    And I believe... this is quite the bigger issue than I expected so big indeed, that it's endless example:

    Day time factory, not a singular AI spawned. Hash:

    Customs same story:

    And hey if you find it easier you can DM me on Discord, you will also get a faster reply from me there :p
    paies12 | MiceGang#9406

    Edited 2 times, last by paies: Adding the hash, testing customs, + Adding discord tag ().

  • Code

    Getting this stack trace when it is loading into a raid. No AI spawn after this happens. I suspect I might have borked a config or something.

  • As promised!


    Hmmn. -Well, that's good to have confirmed! -I assume this never happened on your first raid after you started EFT, only on the second and further? And I may bother you on Discord, though more often than not my schedule makes dropping off forum posts more convenient x.x

    And thank you for your help so far. If you're interested, the next thing I'm hoping to get are copies of what the bot files look like at the time these errors occur. I've made a slight modification to 1.22.1b here:…weaksVer1-21-2bx.rar?dl=0

    When you run into the "Spawned without a valid weapon" problem, it'll create a file in the donottouch/debug folder called ``[the bot's name]_error_data.json, that should give me a bit more insight into exactly how this error is being caused, and hopefully let me artificially recreate it. You don't need to complete the raid or anything, as soon as the error appears in the server it'll have made a log.

    One other thing.. And this is a bit of an annoying ask, but it's something I've thought of trying to test: If you wanted to compress and upload the AKI parts of your SPT install -That is to say, your user and Aki_Data folders, not any of the EFT files, I'd be interested in seeing if there's some sort of weird file difference there that makes the problem replicable.


    The error in the log there appears to be caused by a preset that's loaded with a magazine that doesn't currently exist in the item database. If I had to guess, I would say it's a preset for a mod-added weapon that isn't currently available to your game. I'm putting in a filter right now for the next release that should let it just skip over any presets like that, in the future, too, so that's at least one bug shot down. If you'd like to add it in yourself before then, however, just open up the spoiler for instructions.

    Out of curiosity, have you had any durability issues with the recent FAIT versions, or instances of no bots at all spawning in your raid?

    Are rogues not supposed to spawn in the water treatment plant with FAIT or is something goofy on mine?

    Thanks for all your hard work Fin.


    Depending on your spawn settings they should, but I haven't done any testing on Lighthouse, myself, so far.

    Edited 2 times, last by Fin ().

  • Sure! I will do my best and see where I can upload it.

    And Not quite, last time I tested the durability I didn't actually get into a raid - Just saw if I get any errors in the console so technically - the first time I started the raids that's the error I got.

    I will edit this when I get all the things you needed.

    So, with the 1.22.1b it seems it absolutely borked my game, it doesn't launch and I believe the server crashes as it becomes unresponsive (not in task manager but just no pings, no updates nothing) Although only second try after.
    On the first try it overloaded the server with errors along the lines of (didn't catch it in time and I thought I could replicate it apologise):ERROR: "mod_muzzle".

    after the second relaunch the game just freezes after starting it, leaving you stuck on the game menu screen with "Tarkov Beta(0)" Bottom left and not progressing since I imagine the server is by all means dead.

    Removing the 1.22.1b seems to fix the issue and everything goes back to normal.

    Re-adding the same (which broke the server) 1.22.1B results in the server freezing once more. (I will upload it)

    Google drive for (hopefully not) Future de-bugging: (I will add it when my google space updates)

    Edited 2 times, last by paies: First edit ().

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