Posts by GhostFenixx

    Are you really sure you're on 3.10.x? Both marked fields are enabled as soon as their sections are, and usually they send default values, but the fact they throw 'undefined' most likely points to either heavily modified SPT files (Or outdated) OR you're using old preset, which you really shouldn't, if the latter, save-load the preset should do the trick.

    GhostFenixx added a new version:

    Hey all, I've used SVM before and never had an issue. I haven't played since last year though. I did a fresh install of everything. I do not use any other mods. My issue is, the only thing that seems to work is changing health on limbs, hydration and energy. Also, the no materials needed for hideout worked. But nothing else seems to work. Case manager doesn't work, traders aren't unlocked and are all at LL1.

    I am showing 0 errors in my server window on anything. I made my profile, saved it and applied. It shows that SVM loads and initializes and shows my profile loaded.

    Any idea what is going on?

    Nope, doesn't ring a bell, be sure you did save your preset, remake it if in doubt.

    Что это может быть?


    Хер знает откуда ты это вообще вытащил

    а что то нужно писать в файле loader.json? если я ставлю только фигурные скобки, то мод деактивируется, если ничего не пишу, то он не работает и выдает ошибку

    Его вообще не нужно трогать, у тебя приложение есть которое его создает.
    Если же ты ставил СВМ через МО2 - тогда да, тут косяк, просто создай пустой файл и уже потом снова же юзай приложуху, она сама всё сделает за тебя.

    So I tried changing the times for my quests to last longer under repeatable quests and it broke my game, It gets to the loading profile screen and then stays there. I tried returning them to default values and it didn't help. Is my profile screwed? I hope I have included the proper info.

    SVM 3.10

    SPT 3.10.4

    I don't see any info to work with.
    If you think it's exactly repeatable quests that breaks profiles - just clean them, find your profile in user/profiles, open it Ctrl-F `RepeatableQuests` and make them empty, like "RepeatableQuests":[],


    Could you guide me to have access to all the items from the vendors without having to do all the quests, especially for the ammunition which is locked until the quest is completed, I did not find this option, maybe it is not present.

    Traders section, 'All trader LV4' and 'Unlock trader offers behind quests'
    Fields are self explanatory tho, i'm surprised you did not found them

    Conflict with 'Skills Extended', check their modpage.

    Guys I'm having an issue with the gym, after a few seconds the severe muscle pain dissapears from my player and I can use the gym lot of times in the same day, you know if there's an issue with this mod related with that? I have Player and SKills option disabled

    SVM doesn't touch that mechanic.

    If i leave the repeteable quests and scav and bosses option OFF, it should work as vanilla no?

    As vanilla SPT, yes, if you disable any section - their options won't take an effect, the exceptions are where fields are colored red, they may require an extra step, granted they were used before.

    Repeteable quests are not working for me since 3.10, anyone knows if there's any issue with this¿?

    Fixed in H2, maybe you haven't updated since? Unless they were bugged (although no reports specifically) - you can remove bugged ones from the profile after you update, bluntly speaking make them `RepeatableQuests:[],`, delete everything inside square brackets, good luck.

    [Error] : Plugin [HideSpecialIcon 1.0.0] targets a wrong version of BepInEx ( and might not work until you update

    It works, just requires an older version of Bepinex, that's actually not on me but SPT, they recommend newer version but used older.
    In the next hotfix it won't ask for specified version so it would work whatever the case, check main thread in comments for other stuff.

    It would appear that the insurance is not working for me. The preset i am running is prapor at 100 percent return chance and 0/0 for return times

    Yeah, getting more than 4 reports now, Insurance is defo faulty somewhere, that's my high priority rn, just got power back on so i am moving back to bug-fixing.

    GhostFenixx added a new version:

    Нормально некропостишь, год уже прошел.
    Делай пост с нуля и указывай всю инфу, на английском, может тебе и помогут, я тут уже саппортом не занимаюсь.

    The issue is related to SE's lockpick system and SVM's Inventory and Stash > Keys section, in the next SVM version Keys would get an own switcher therefore that system can be switched off without harming SE and won't block you to use the rest of the Inventory and Stash section.

    Any chance of adding a Scav Hydration/Energy stat change option? I like running with increased max energy and hydration on my PMC, but also increased hydration/energy drain rate. This means that during scav raids my scavs get hungry very very fast.

    Alternatively, is there a way to edit it in the Individual item changer? I assumed not cause... scavs aren't items, but maybe there's a way?

    Can do, and nope, it's not impossible via IIC because Scav data - similar to pmc - being generated in your profile from a scav templates that stores outside of IIC area, to edit those i need to edit already generated data in your profile.