No Grenade ESP 1.7.0

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Tired of AI Always outrunning grenades you throw? This forces them to be locked into place by chance percentage.

  1. Patched ShallRunAway methods so that there is a percentage chance to not run away based on what the value is set to in the bepinex config menu. Default is 35 percent so they will not run away when they see a grenade .
  2. It may look janky sometimes because they try to run but got stopped :).


-Unzip into your bepinex/plugins folder.

If you guys enjoy my work and feel like buying me caffeine, here's my kofi.

  • Any chance this is gonna come to 3.10? been killed by 3 impact grenades tonight from pmcs i didnt even see

  • Any chance you'll make it compatible with SAIN?
    It's too easy to blow up bots with grenades there, having a slider that determines whether bots react to grenades or not would be very nice.

    • I could, but then solarint would probably be mad. I don't want to be there when hulk gets mad. That's on you if you guys can convince him.

    • You can always do it sneaky-like.
      But aight, I'll go ask him.

    • I think he doesn't mind. He said some complicated stuff I don't really get, but I think the point was that compatibility ain't easy and probably would be unreliable.

    • Heeey.
      Any chance we'll see a compatibility update with SAIN after all?
      The fate of humanity still depends on it...

  • Can't use SAIN with this mod.

    Could not load [SAIN 3.0.5] because it is incompatible with: com.dvize.NoGrenadeESP

  • Hi Props, Many thanks for the update to 3.9.

    Unfortunately, when I install mod and copy in the BepInEx folder, Tarkov wont load profile data and stays on loading screen indefinitely.

    When I take out the dvize.NoGrenadeESP.dll file from BepInEx/plugins folder, SPT runs and loads as normal.

    Any ideas ?

    • Redownload the file . I just pushed an update to same version. I forgot to remove some eft checks.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks Props for the swift reply. Download working as intended. Great job !! :D

  • Hello,

    I just installed the latest SAIN update, which came out today and it seems to have a conflict with your mod. Which makes sense. Just wanted to advise. TY


    • that mod already has this mod included, its literally stated in the description for that mod

  • Anyone got a video of this taking effect to see what it looks like?

  • Did anyone get this to work on 3.8.0?

  • Quote

    It may look janky sometimes because they try to run but got stopped :).

    Loved it when they just about to run and realized that they've rolled nat1 lol

    Happy 1
  • thanks for the great mod. Is this compatible with SAIN 2.0?

    • i don't think it is. sain has its own logic for grenades

    • Damn it bro. I was hoping they would work together. I'm tired of them knowing exactly where the grenade lands 100% of the times. The longer fuse ones have no purpose but to relocate enemies

  • Hello, is this compatible with mods like POOP or Fin's Ai Tweaks?

    • Yes it should be

  • Pretty nice mod, I haven't played with it long enough to form a true opinion on the percentages but this really helps alleviate the need to always use the short fused vogs and impact grenades.

    Thumbs Up 2
  • I don't really have a problem with killing AI with grenades and I like that they run from them since it's pretty much the main purpose of a grenade, But I tried this and it works, it's mostly useful for offensive grenades during room clearing... I found it annoying to waste a grenade just for them to rush out of the room oblivious to the fact I'm there waiting for them... might as well just magdump into the room.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Any comments on the percentage i've set by default? Do they run far too less or too often still?

      Also do you notice that only some of them run or do they all stick around?

    • I used grenades thrice in dorms and 2 out of 3 times they stayed in. I used it 4 times in factory and half ran from it.

      It felt random to me. I am hoping it might fix some of the bots who run into their own grenades.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • i'm going to put this as a disclaimer.. this does nothing for your grenade aim so if you whiff.. that's on you.

    Happy 3 Thumbs Up 1
    • 1/10. Grenade lassoed back to me, died. Couldn't possibly have been my mad skillz. :)

      Happy 1
    • Use the middle of the loop of your hand to aim, top of the thumb is about 5m, bottom is about 15m.

      Crying 1
  • Is this compatible with SPT 3.4.1 and Realism mod?

    • Eh.. I am going to say no because i use GClasses in the mod (which change version to version). So not compatible with spt3.4.1.. should be compatible with any other mods though that i know of.

    • Aww, alright :( Thanks for the quick reply!

  • Actually severely underrated mod. Kinda critical to the SP experience that AI always seem to get away. To be fair, though, they sometimes have a stroke and get stuck in place or "panic" and can't decide which path to take which is usually how I get 'em, but this works too.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • They get away from the first place it bounces at so bounce it off walls and they will be confused.

  • Interesting solution to the most annoying part of PvE. Hopefully this'll make Grenadier easier.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • it doesn't look pretty but it works :)

    • Tbh this is kind of how grenades are in live. You either need to use impacts or run the clock a bit before throwing. Otherwise, grenades are primarily used in live to flush people out of chokepoints, and I feel like this works well in SPT, too.