MOAR Bots - Spawning/Difficulty 1.5.0

All of the bot spawning and difficulty configuration one could want! Smoothly spread waves (or not), bosses on every map (or not), with nearly 100% mod compatibility. Scavs get harder as the raid progresses. PMCs difficulty is dependent on level!

Please leave feedback/feature requests in the comments.
Please leave
reviews so I know what people like!

What this mod does:

This mod changes a number of things about how bots spawn to make the game feel a lot more alive (opinion).

The out-of-the-box configuration of the mod should feel very similar to "live Tarkov".

Feel free to install the mod and play the game without ever looking at the config.

Or change absolutely everything described below! Your choice ;).

My other mods:

Algorithmic Level Progression

Algorithmic Quest Randomizer

Bot changes:

- Expanded spawn locations (with spawn point mod compatibility in mind)

- Configurable bot spawn amount

- If bosses can spawn anywhere

- If all bosses have a chance of invading maps.. anywhere, anytime.

- If Raider or Rogue groups have a chance to spawn on any map.

- If PMC's can talk (you likely have a mod that does this, but if you don't you can switch it on)

- Snipers can now have friends... lonely buggers.

All of this and more can be configured, or left alone via the configuration options.

Wave changes:

This mod adjusts the games wave system, instead of removing it.

Waves are now configurable, but in general have a randomized location anywhere on the map, and are spaced regularly.

What do you mean???

Here's an example:

The BaseGame waves may look something like this:

Game Starts [ --------- wave---- wave------------wavewawawa---- wave----------------------------------------------] Game ends

This mod will do the following by comparison, depending on the "defaultScavWaveStartRatio"/ "defaultPmcWaveStartRatio" setting:

Game Starts [ wave------wave------wave------wave------wave------wave------wave------wave------wave-------] Game ends (with a ratio of 0.5)


Game Starts [ wave---wave---wave---wave---wave---wave---wave---------wave---------wave---------wave---] Game ends (with a ratio of 0.8)

Basically you will have a smooth wave spread, with a leaning to the beginning or end of the raid.

The above wave behaviour is dynamic, thus true for extended raid times (which is configurable under the map settings).

Though you'd likely want to crank up the waves in such a case.


I like playing with a ton of mods.

First and foremost, this mod doesn't bring it's own DB, and isn't overly opinionated about it's values.
If there were 20 mods before this one that load, MOAR should still work fine.

If using SAIN, turn off bot difficulty.

If using SWAG/donuts, turn of spawning changes, or just use Sain and uninstall this.

If you're really digging the mod, consider supporting my caffeine addiction ☕:

Buy Me a Coffee at


1. Drag and drop this folder into the user/mods folder.

2. Update your mods/order.json so that MOAR is last on the list.

3. Optionally change your config.json file (see below for configuration options) I have included a reference exampleConfig.json with more of the mapSpecificSettings to help in that regard.

4. ???????

5. Profit!!!!

Example order.json with recommended mods:


"order": [






Look at the example configurations in: config/exampleConfigs

====Difficulty Configuration Options ====

//Turns on/off difficulty changes

    "enableDifficultyChanges": true,

//This is the difficulty setting > higher is harder
    "overallDifficultyModifier": 1,

//Chance a scav will spawn with a boss-like brain (0 - 0.3 recommended range)

    "randomScavBrainChance": 0.1,

//Chance a PMC will spawn with a boss-like brain (0 - 0.1 recommended range)
    "randomPmcBrainChance": 0,

//Chance a Marksman will spawn with a boss-sniper brain (0 - 0.4 recommended range)
    "randomMarksmanBrainChance": 0.2,

// This will make the console spew stuff.
    "debug": false

====Spawn Configuration Options ====

> BotSpawnControl

// Enable or Disables the mod

"enableMod": true,

// Default 0.5 for scav, 0.9 for PMC, valid numbers 0 to 1

// 0.7 would be 70% of all waves in the first half of the game, 30% in the last half.

// 0.1 would be 10% of all waves in the first half of the game, 90% in the last half.

"defaultScavStartWaveRatio": 0.5,

"defaultPmcStartWaveRatio": 0.9,

//This multiplies the number of waves, I'd suggest playing with this for balance

"defaultScavWaveMultiplier": 0.7,

"defaultPmcWaveMultiplier": 0.5,

// To turn off, change this to false, 25 is recommended. Vanilla ranges per map.

// This is the max spawned bots allowed at one time

defaultMaxBotCap: 25,

// These adjust the max Group size for PMC and Scav waves.

// Set to false to turn off, recommended 5 for most maps.

defaultMaxBotPerZone: 5,

// This gives snipers a chance to spawn with a buddy

sniperBuddies: false,

> Zone Changes

// This makes it so that certain spawn zones can be used by scavs at the beginning of the game, instead of having to wait for them to unlock. Think SniperZones.

noZoneDelay: false,

// Recommended to have this set to true.

// Similar to the above, but allows for a bit more gradual release of certain zones.

reducedZoneDelay: true,

// This just adds a few more zones for scavs to spawn (all of the named ones in fact, including added ones via mods)

allOpenZones: true,

// Prevents PMCS from randomly spawning in place of rogues/raiders.

preventRoguesRaidersTurnPMC: true,

// Just SHUT UP (Feels much more like vanilla)

preventPMCChatter: true,

// Yup, again going for that vanilla feel.

pmcsAlwaysHostile: true,

// Whether AI PMC's are recognizable by their Edge of Darkness edition badging in the death screen.


>Boss settings

// Adds a chance for a raider group to spawn
"randomRaiderGroup": false,

// Controls the above chance
"randomRaiderGroupChance": 10,

// Adds a chance for a rogue group to spawn
"randomRogueGroup": false,

// Controls the above chance
"randomRogueGroupChance": 10,

// Disables all bosses, ALL OF THEM.

disableBosses: false,

// Makes it so that the Main boss of a map can spawn anywhere (not Knight, or Zyrachi)

bossOpenZones: true,

// Gives the main boss, which may be effected by bossOpenZones, an additional chance added to their default spawn amount.
// This works whether bossOpenZones is on or not.

"mainBossChanceBuff": 15,


//All bosses ("bossBully", "bossTagilla", "bossGluhar", "bossKilla", "bossKojaniy", "bossSanitar") can spawn anywhere, on any map.

bossInvasion: false,

// This overrides the above bosses spawn chances if set. (false to disable)

// Otherwise bosses will have their default spawn chances. Recommended setting 5

bossInvasionSpawnOverride: 5,

// This spaces out bossInvasion spawning a bit, so that not all bosses will spawn at the beginning of the raid. Recommended: enabled

gradualBossInvasion: true,

The "mapSettings" are basically just overrides, and allow for map specific settings.

This is for places like factory or labs for example.

To turn them on, one can reference:


"mapSettings": {

"customs": {

// These allow you to cause 1 additional bot-spawn in a particular zone, per scav or pmc.

"scavSpecialZones": [

"pmcSpecialZones": [

// The following are optional per map.

"EscapeTimeLimit": 40, <<<<<<<<<<<< This is the Raid time

"scavWaveMultiplier": 1,

"scavWaveStartRatio": 0.5,

"scavWaveCount": 20,

"pmcWaveStartRatio": 0.9,

"pmcWaveMultiplier": 1,

"pmcCount": 12,

"maxBotCap": 13,

"maxBotPerZone": 4,

"defaultBossSettings": {

// Boss values are only applied to default/existing bosses, look at the default config to know which you can change!
"bossKnight": {
"BossChance": 18

"bossBully": {
"BossChance": 15

"sectantPriest": {
"BossChance": 6


  • Version 1.5.0

    Major Release

    • Added POOP-like bot difficulty!
      PMCS difficulty is now dependent on their level, fear the Chads... laugh at the Timmy's!
      Scavs difficulty progresses as the raid does, just like in live!
    • Rewrote config files, split them into spawning/difficulty settings
    • Added an example folder for ease of copying!

    Let me know what you think!
    And have fun!

    Big thanks to Props!!! for their contributions to the original POOP!

  • Version 1.4.1

    Silly dependency fix

  • Version 1.3.0

    Fixed config

  • Version 1.2.9

    Small Fix:

    • First wave of scavs spawn immediately on raid start
    • PMCs first waves will also spawn a little sooner

    This was done to address the initial lull in action at the beginning of games.

    Have fun! :):thumbup:

  • Version 1.2.8

    Major Fix

    - Fixes PMCs not spawning on maps other than Factory.

  • Version 1.2.7

    Bumped version for AKI 3.6.1

    - A few small fixes


    This version is broken!!!

    Use 1.2.8 above!

  • Version 1.2.6

    Bug fixes:

    • Fixed issue with custom map settings for customs and factory not working
    • Fixed issue with scavs/pmcs spawning where snipers normally would.
  • Version 1.2.5

    Major Experimental Update (Need feedback on pmc/scav balance)

    • Changed how zones are attributed to different bot types (scavs/pmcs).
    • Usec/Bear will now spawn in separate zones, as not to kill each other as often before the player can interact with them.
    • Scavs will not initially spawn in the same zones as PMC's in general
    • Scavs will no longer have a chance of spawning in boss specific spawn zones (IE rogues).
    • Due to changes, groups (small chance) of both PMC's/Scavs spawn more often.
    • Config updated to reflect "Online" amounts of pmcs/scavs, BE CAREFUL WITH OLD VALUES FOR defaultScavWaveMultiplier and defaultPmcWaveMultiplier
    • Lowered variance in quantities of bots due to random math, quantities should feel much more consistent once set.

    Config Change

    • bossOpenZoneBossChanceBuff Renamed: mainBossChanceBuff

      This can now be set whether bossOpenZones is enabled or not.
    • botWaveChanges Renamed: enableMod

      This now enables/disables the entire mod.
    • defaultScavWaveMultiplier and defaultPmcWaveMultiplier have had their values tweaked, try setting them to 1 (or using the new config) to get a feel before changing them.

    Bug fixes:

    • Major bug fix that was preventing spawning pmcs on Streets of tarkov now resolved.
  • Version 1.2.4

    Bug Fix:

    • Small bug fix for lighthouse that was preventing rogues from spawning
  • Version 1.2.3


    • Added the following config options to enable random rogue/raider group spawns:

      "randomRaiderGroup": false,
      "randomRaiderGroupChance": 10,

      "randomRogueGroup": false,  
      "randomRogueGroupChance": 10,

    Boss logic updates

    • New option to give a flat buff to the spawn chance of "bossOpenZone" effected bosses to compensate for them being harder to find:

        "bossOpenZones": true,
        "bossOpenZoneBossChanceBuff": 15,

    EOD now optional for AI PMC

    • You can now set "pmcsHaveEOD":true, to have all AI PMC's recognizable by their Edge of Darkness edition badging in the death screen.

    Bug Fixes:

    • A number of bug fixes around how bosses spawn, they should be a lot more consistent now.
    • Fixed a semi-major bug around maxBots for pmcs limiting pmc spawning as well as map based limits on scav maxBot numbers.
    • Improved debug output to give a better sense what is currently active.
  • Version 1.5.0

    Major Release

    • Added POOP-like bot difficulty!

      PMCS difficulty is now dependent on their level, fear the Chads... laugh at the Timmy's!

      Scavs difficulty progresses as the raid does, just like in live!
    • Rewrote config files, split them into spawning/difficulty settings
    • Added an example config folder for ease of copying!

    Let me know what you think!

    And have fun!


    Big thanks to Props!!! for their contributions to the original POOP!

    Thumbs Up 2 Heart 1
    • well thats scary

    • It is possible to disable PMC bot difficulty based on their level but but left scavs difficulty progress?

    • Unfortunately not at this time, it's all or nothing.

      I'll consider this for the future if others would like this config feature.

    • So with the added difficulty changes, are there any settings between this and SAIN that would cause a conflict?

    • If using Sain turn off my difficulty.

      Having said that... it might work just fine.

      Sain would likely take over, and my mod would just make the bots harder by level or duration if PMC or scav.

  • I don’t want bots to spawn, I did everything as written on the site, but I only get boss cards to spawn randomly. help solve this problem

    • This likely doesn't work for 3.8.x, and is not being supported at the moment.

  • hey, will you be updating this or level progression for 3.8? both are must have mods for me. thanks

    • I likely will, but might be a month or so, traveling at the moment.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi, can you explain what pmcCount does? Is it total # of concurrent PMCs or Total for the whole raid? If I have it set to 12 and 12 PMCs are spawned in... one dies.... will it spawn more or not?

  • is there a chance to just turn of the ai pmcs so they dont spawn?

  • Thanks for the mod, any tips on how to change % scav/pmc ? thanks

    • Change the multipliers, scav/PMC quantity are seperate options via those.

  • I was wondering how DJs Raid Overhaul mod affects spawn waves? or bots will continue to spawn as long as you are in raid?

  • I also can't make reshala spawn on customs, looks like the code for him is missing in the original config. What would the code be to add him to customs?

  • what needs to be done so that snipers appear at the lighthouse location ?????????????

  • have noticed, pmc hardly ever got melee weapon...... does this mod change loadouts?

  • Hey, great MOD by the way, one of the only spawn mods I could actually get to do what I wanted and a must have ever since. I do have a question though.

    I was reading the README file and I noticed in the special zones section you mention that repeat values continue to add more Bots to that specific zone. So how do I do that?

    For example if I want PMCs to hoard around Kaban on streets should I write it out like this?:

    "tarkovstreets": {

    "pmcSpecialZones": ["ZoneCarShowroom"],
    "pmcSpecialZones": ["ZoneCarShowroom"],


    From what I understand this would give me two PMC spawns here right? Then if I want more I just repeat this(within the zone limit)?

  • Hello, I wanted to ask, I play on version 3.7.0, I installed your mod - but I don’t have snipers and bosses. I didn’t change the settings of your mod - how can I configure it to have a sniper and bosses? I usually play at Customs.

  • Really enjoying the mod so far. The only feature I'd love to see is a setting that disables the AI to get on turrets. Cause it kind of happens too often that when I am just in eye-sight of the skeleton fort on customs the scavs turn into the Lighthouse Rogues, sniping me at crackhouse with the first MG shot, one-tapping me with the grenade launcher when I'm at the construction site, stuff like that. Otherwise the difficulty seems perfectly fine, but that is getting frustrating.

  • Hey man!

    I just keep finding myself come back to your spawn mod. It just, well, works!

    Quick question, if I do the following for, say, Customs ;

    "pmcCount": 10,

    "pmcWaveStartRatio": 1.0,

    "pmcWaveMultiplier": 0,

    Does this mean the map will spawn all 10 PMC's initially and then no more, as I have essentially disabled the wave multiplier? Essentially, I want the PMC's to come in as the initial wave and then more.


    • a lol. no
      the pmc wave multiplier will multiply the pmcCount.

      So you will end up with 0.

      the start ratio of 1 will make it so that all the pmcs will spawn in the for 50% of the raid though.

    • Ahh, okay!

      So how would I achieve having the PMC's spawn in initially at the start of the raid in a limited number (same as live)? Is it possible to set a the quantity of waves for PMC's?


    • The PMC count is the wave setting but if you put that lower it will just result in less waves still spread over the first 50% of the raid.

      spawning is a performance hit.

      So I built this to spread waves smoothly.

      No real way to get the pmcs to spawn all at the start currentl unfortunately.

      I may patch this to add starting pmcs though.

  • i can confirm that if you dont have the raid times extended, it takes about 4-5 mins for pmc to spawn in (gunfire begins) if you increase raid times like i do with svm, this time for pmc to spawn is then up to 10 mins.... have looked through alot of the config files in MOAR and see alot of "EscapeTimeLimit * 60" and "EscapeTimeLimit + 1" in the spawning.js file in the src folder.....

    Would adding ""EscapeTimeLimit": NUMBER" to each map in spawnconfig.json solve this issue

    ie "EscapeTimeLimit": 60"

    now tested by putting the escape time limit text above into the config for all the maps, initial result is now 2 mins before pmcs spawn

    • If you use anything to extend the time, do it before this mod.
      Or use the EscapeTimeLimit per map as described. (this will overwrite values if svm is before this mod)

    • custom raid times till you released this, then extended with svm.... have now added the custom line in MOAR to extend times a little and removed that time from SVM.... using the added line is lots better as pmc spawn in about 2 mins

    • I had the same issue as you.

      I think this mod is good in many ways, but having scavs and PMC's spawn to the very end is really not realistic and basically ends up spawning them on top of you all the time through the end, which becomes a chore.

      Normally on live the raid has a certain dynamic, where you have more action at start and then slower action towards the end. Both have their place.

      Having this mod without modifications makes the entire map a constant slugfest with having stuff spawn on top of you all the time. Especially having PMC's spawn very late into the raid, so you randomly get a dude with t5/t6 thrown in your face with fully fresh everything when the raid has been going on for a while. The PMC to Scav balance is off too.

      To solve this I did the following:

      1. Set defaultPmcStartWaveRatio to 1.0

      2. Set defaultPmcWaveMultiplier to 0.8

      3. Change PMC's per map to actual live values

      4. Increase defaultScavWaveMultiplier to 1.4

      5. Modify Spawning.ts as follows:

      if (locationList[index].base.BotStop < (locationList[index].base.EscapeTimeLimit * 60)) {
      locationList[index].base.BotStop = locationList[index].base.EscapeTimeLimit * 60


      if (locationList[index].base.BotStop < (locationList[index].base.EscapeTimeLimit * 45)) {
      locationList[index].base.BotStop = locationList[index].base.EscapeTimeLimit * 45

      const timeLimit = locationList[index].base.EscapeTimeLimit * 60


      const timeLimit = locationList[index].base.EscapeTimeLimit * 45

      Time: Math.round(Math.random() * (raidTime * 5)),


      Time: Math.round(Math.random() * (raidTime * 4)),

      in botgen.ts:

      const raidEndTime = globalValues.RaidStartTime + (selectedMap.EscapeTimeLimit * 60000)


      const raidEndTime = globalValues.RaidStartTime + (selectedMap.EscapeTimeLimit * 45000)

      I have tested it now for a while and it makes it a lot more similar to live for me.

      The very starting minute or so is quiet, then it ramps up quickly, large fights last to the middle of the raid and towards the end it dies down, but you can still encounter the occasional PMC and scavs.

      I also use SAIN/LootingBots/QuestingBots, so that the map is moving all the time. With the constant spawns it made it nearly impossible to complete any quests because of late spawning gigachads that keep flocking to the area, not to mention that the spaced out PMC spawns caused PMC's almost never to fight each other and I ended up with 6+ PMC kills every single raid on larger maps.


      Maybe consider introducing a third ratio for the wave, which governs the % time of the raid where either scav or pmc waves get generated. Right now you have a ratio between the start and end, but I think there should also be a ratio in regards to raid time.

      e.g. defaultPmcRaidTimeRatio

      Where 1.0 would mean that they can spawn during the entire raid, and 0.2 would mean that all the waves happen during the first 20% of the raid time, and have the defaultPmcStartWaveRatio control the distribution as before.

      I am not sure how well this would work with the "BotStop" parameter - meaning what will happen with that if the RaidTimeRatio is different for PMC and Scav.

    • @projix

      Change PMC's per map to actual live values

      can u share your spawnConfig please ?

  • If also using SVM should I disable the Bots tab?

  • Hello,

    how can I uninstall this mod?

    I removed the package from the server (mods folder) but the profile still shows the mod in the launcher and warns me its missing on the server side...

    • Delete the folder under mods.

      That is all.

  • trying to get it balanced right is the hard part, with scavs and pmc.... wanna get it like live ratio of about 6-10 pmc and more scavs..... coming out of raids with like 15 pmc kill and 1 scav.... should be the other way round..... have edited the settings again and will try it tonight

    • Just decrease PMC multiplier, scav a bit higher

    • thats what im doing m8, getting there. just a pain loading up, playing...not quite there....exit, adjust, reload......... just end up playing lol

  • Are the pmc and scav values shown in console upon server start fixed? So does the numbers apply with every server start so every raid is the same within one server start? And why are they so random every server start? Ive tried to put pmcWaveMultiplier on 0.5 since 1 was just doubling the maxPmcs per map.

    My goal is to set the PMC numbers for every map to the fixed live-like max player count, but want to strecht spawns to 0.8 so 80% spawns at start, to not overload the map with pmcs and to make it feel like live

    • Your missing a critical piece of the spawn mechanic, not every wave spawns, and the max number of bots in a wave almost never spawn.

      So the resulting number of bots in your raid, is likely less than advertised.

      1.0 for both multipliers should be near vanilla values.

    • i have tinkered for lots of hours, found this to be close to what a live server feels like, last raid killed 15 scavs and 6 pmc

      "defaultScavStartWaveRatio": 0.5,

      "defaultScavWaveMultiplier": 1.7,

      "defaultPmcStartWaveRatio": 0.7,

      "defaultPmcWaveMultiplier": 0.9,

      "defaultMaxBotCap": 32,

      "defaultMaxBotPerZone": 8,

      "defaultGroupMaxPMC": 4,

      "defaultGroupMaxScav": 4,

      in spawn config obviously

      Thumbs Up 2
    • Thank you m8 :) Ill try that one

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Ever since I installed this mod, I have a 100% boss spawn rate. Do you have an idea why?

    I left the spawn config file on default. I'm not using any other bot difficulty/spawn mods. I use SVM but have the bot/spawn tab on there disabled.

    • How do you know you have a 100% spawn rate?

      And no this mod if left on default would not cause that.

    • I started a fresh profile with radar (and this mod) and for 25 raids straight I've had Shturman at sawmill or Reshala at dorms.

      Hmm. I'll see if I can figure it out.

    • I'll take a peek at the data but that seems strange.

    • I'm observing *kind of* the same behavior. To verify I installed a fresh 3.7.1 server and loaded only MOAR, Big Brains, and BotDebug. It seems like it loads bosses 100%, and also takes a long time to actually populate the map. Seems like roughly 10 minutes. Which is why I thought something was completely broken at first, I would load into a map, see *only* bosses spawn (actual bosses, sniper scavs, and bloodhounds) but nothing else and assume something was broken. Turns out it takes 5 to 10 minutes for regular PMCs and scavs to appear. I tried messing with the spawn config settings, but it didn't change the behavior, so mow I'm kinda lost on what the problem could be.

    • Have you changed raid times?

      I can take a peek at the spawning of bosses but wasn't seeing anything strange.

  • love this mod! It makes my game feel alive! The talking bots are super scary to hear. The game feels balanced and the extra options for boss/ rouge/ raider spawns per map is just. MWAH chef's kiss.

    Heart 1
  • i know 1.4.0 can go with 3.7.0, can i still do it for 1.5.0 now?

  • Just downloaded the mod along with a few other basic ones as im getting back into spt after they updated it to most recent patch but when i try to launch my server is tells me this and wont let me play might be simple fix but im not super inclined in this field can anyone help

    The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced: SyntaxError: D:\spt\user\mods\DewardianDev-MOAR\config\spawnConfig.json: Unexpected token T in JSON at position 522


    SyntaxError: D:\spt\user\mods\DewardianDev-MOAR\config\spawnConfig.json: Unexpected token T in JSON at position 522

    at parse (<anonymous>)

    at Object.Module._extensions..json (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1322:39)

    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1117:32)

    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:958:12)

    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1141:19)

    at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1851:31)

    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:110:18)

    at Object.<anonymous> (D:\spt\user\mods\DewardianDev-MOAR\src\mod.js:3:28)

    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1254:14)

    at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1890:32)

    • You changed something that broke the JSON in the config.

      Copy the defaultspawnconfig back into the spawning config and try again.

    • Or if that is too difficult, reinstall the mod.

    • i am a complete moron i put a single capital T instead of lowercase when changfing a setting got it figured out now but first raid havent seen any bosses wondering if i didnt set it up right or if i didnt turn up spawn chance enough

      Happy 1
    • Likely spawn chance. They also spawn throughout the raid if you turned gradual spawn on.


    i dont get it and nearly want to punch my 32 inch screen...i put everything on zero or 0.1 and still get absolutely LASERED by every bot across the fucking map. Its worse than playing online!!! what should i do? The laucher recognizes the mod correclty and i didnt change anything ingame before i go into the raid.

    im not overreacting i just die as soon as i see a svav. they just turn around and oneshot me. Every. time.

    this is my only mod and i just started the char

    • Install Algorithmic Level Progression,

      That will help with high level pmcs showing up everywhere.

      What is "everything on zero"?

    • Also if you are changing the:

      overallDifficultyModifier, I'd try setting that to -1.

    • By changing everything to zero i meant the overall difficulty and the chance for a boss pmc whatever thing :D

      Playing at -1 is a little bit better but i still got onetaps from enemys that just saw me for a moment, turn around and hit me in the face.

      I'd like to have a singleplayer experience like fallout for example. But i think i have to play with the numbers

    • What mod should be last in the list? This or the algorhytmic lvl progression? They both have to be last according to your installation guide

    • This last.

      Algo can be relatively higher up. But shouldn't really matter

  • nice update m8.... can i add the raid timer line back into config or will it screw the mod..... the escapetimelimit as dont see it in any config, was in example last time

  • Could i get an explanation please? pmcsAlwaysHostile makes pmc always hostile only to player or among each other too? I feel like with this mod never meet pmc squads.

    • I didn't meet anyone during the 30 minutes of the raid at all

    • pmcsAlwaysHostile is against the player.

      The squads do happen, but it's less common. Increase defaultGroupMaxPMC":4

      To have more squads

      Thumbs Up 1
    • have met 2 squads so far 2 trio

      Thumbs Up 1
  • And what happens if I don't follow step 2 when installing the mod

    • the mod may be overwritten by another mod. If you have nothing that would overwrite the same files, then it would work fine.

    • And what mods can rewrite this file

    • SVM/SWAG

    • {

      "order": [




      Like this or in another way

    • Or without 1.4.1

  • Version 1.4.1 < Silly dependency fix

  • SPT-AKI console always show me this message: "Skipping loading of Mod: MOAR by: DewardianDev"
    Dev, guys, any guess why it is skipped?
    Thanks in advance!

    • Old version of AKI?

    • Yeah, sorry, reading below I see the issue, I'll push a fix.

  • i too has the same for dependency... edited the package file to just this


    "name": "MOAR",

    "version": "1.4.0",

    "main": "src/mod.js",

    "license": "MIT",

    "author": "DewardianDev",

    "akiVersion": "^3.7.x",

    "scripts": {

    "setup": "npm i",

    "build": "node ./packageBuild.ts"



    validated the json, and all work now

    Heart 1 Thinking 1
    • This helped me get the mod loading properly, thanks!

    • no worries m8, glad it helped

    • For some reason when I tried this it causes my server to launch with errors and doesn't load anything, did you encounter this at all?