Deadly Blades 2.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Increases all melee weapon damage by 10x, so you can actually sneak around and stab motherfuckers.

Be the Sam Fisher you want to see in the world.

  • Don't know if it's only me but seems like melee does no damage, could you test it?

    • I've done a few raids and melee'd folks and it seems to work just fine for me- what's your modlist? Do you see any errors in the console (either server or in-game)?

    • I think I was caused my Realism mod, updated it to the new version and now blades do damage. Thanks for the mod!

  • Guys, be careful, this awesome mod also makes tagilla one of the SCARIEST bosses ever as his hammer is now a ONE hit kill hahahaha Dont ask how i've discovered...

    Happy 1
    • and the cultists a nightmare..

    • Didn't encounter any cultist yet... good to know hahahaha

  • Stab stab stabby stab !!!!

  • finally,thank you

  • can we get a update for this mod ? it was one of the best

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Would love for this to be updated for 3.8.3!

    Also, does it also apply to Tagilla's hammer (specifically while he's holding it)?

    • No promises this won't break anything, but i'm using it on 3.8.3 and so far no issues.

      All the mod seems to do is multiply the stab/slash damage values by 10, so i'm not sure it really needs an update?

    • cool. So does it also mean Tagilla's hammer is for sure a one-hit-kill?

  • I unsure if it was this mod that caused it but after installing my melee wasn't doing any damage. even after uninstalling. any solutions?

  • Is it compatible with Spt Realism? Because I can see bots not dying by one shot to torax/head.

  • Any functionality on 3.5.5?

  • Any idea if this would work on 3.5.2? Seems like a badass thing to make a Red Rebel hurt like hell lol

    • Probably would work with other versions? Worth a shot, limited support from me of course since that’s a pretty old version.

      Heart 1
    • Finally got to test it, works like a charm! Thanks

  • how do i install this?

    • It's a standard "server" mod. It gets extracted to \user\mods

    • Since there is not a config file, for anyone wanting to change the damage multiplier (i.e. 10x down to 5x or 2x), just edit \src\mod.ts

      for(const item of Object.values(serverDB.templates.items)) {

      if(item._props.knifeHitSlashDam) {

      item._props.knifeHitSlashDam *= 10;

      item._props.knifeHitStabDam *= 10;

      Thumbs Up 5