Color Converter API 1.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.0
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Client-side mod to allow using hexcode colors for your items! Custom background colors for your items, or any color tracer you want!



  • Soo this might be the dumbest question ever but how does the mod work? I hit F12 and couldn't find it in the list to recolor items. :/

    • this mod is for modders. allows for custom background colors or racers or others colors. basic eft allows 7-9 different colors.

    • damn I wish i knew how to use it. I would love my own backgrounds for items and weapons and gear and stuff... I had one from DJLand in last version before 3.8.0 hit but i havent seen it since.

    • its simple. just edit database. Instead using `blue`, `default`, `yellow`, `red`, `black`, `tracerRed` etc, you can use hex values (i.e. 16 bits xd)


      This is was part of my old of manually written logarithmic penetration coefficient for ammunition (for RM). Look on #030000, #4d0000 etc. You can paste it here and see what color it is (this is blackRed to whiteRed).

      I currently use two colors divided into calibers to determine if penetration is good or best for current caliber.


      yes i am too fasst

    • lol I did NOT understand any of what you do said.. All i see are letters and numbers. To bad there wasn't a hud to make your own background colors using a hud program for dumb people like me lol

    • I have posted a help threads about it

  • This might be foolish of me but, would there be a way to use this to add more colours to the "Tag" feature for containers? Is that even possible?

    • It would take a separate client mod, but an RGB slider or something definitely wouldn't be impossible.

      IIRC, that kind of information gets saved to the profile so I'd be concerned that if you removed the mod, your profile would be broken unless you untagged/deleted the items.

      Still, it's definitely doable.

    • Thanks for the response King. As I feared it will be more than what my little coding skills can do. I might try but most likely will hit a wall. Thanks none the less for the pointers! :) :)

  • I am using Item Info

    I assume this mod would be incompatible as they both use colors.

  • Next step - RGBA :]
    jk ~w~

  • Not sure what file is downloaded using the download here "".

    But it does not have any BebInEx folder or any .dll file in it, it has three .cs and one .sln, one .csproj files in it.

    If i go too your github and download then i get the folder and dll file!

    Did you upload/link the source code file instead?

    Thinking 1
    • That's really weird, the zip that the link goes to is definitely the compiled release zip.

      Regardless, I changed the link yet again, so hope this one works for everyone.

      Either way, glad you managed to get the compiled plugin.

    • Yep that gave me the correct file!

  • The link is a 404 page for me... ;(

    EDIT : Fixed; thank you 8o