Featured WTT - Pack 'n' Strap 1.0.6

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Gear up with Pack 'n' Strap - the perfect combo of Small Cases and an ALL NEW battle belt module, for all your early-game adventures.



  • Version 1.0.6



    • converted ALL ID's over to MongoID and included methods to convert profile items over to the new ids (thanks again Drakia!)
    • updated model for small ammo pouch to NOT look like it was from Playstation 1 :kekw:
  • Version 1.0.52

    HOTFIX 2:

    • updated the customriglayouts to actually INCLUDE the new rig layouts /bonk
  • Version 1.0.51


    • removed the cases from being added to the bots container, causing them to run out of ammo. Thank you reysonk for the issue bringing it up!


  • Version 1.0.5

    CHANGELOG 5/2/24:

    - added TEN new belts, a true WTT Team effort of Tron and Evocatus 💪

    - adjusted pricing for all belts to be relative to their size

    - added ExcludedFilters to the slots so you can't infinitely nest belts inside eachother 🤣

    - fixed the server error that happened with SVM, instead of crapping out the server it now just _SPAMS_ you to disable the option in packNstrap or SVM 🤣

    - updated the modpage to detail each belt, it's size and trader/loyalty level

    It's WTT Thursday 😎

  • Version 1.0.4


    • added a new config option to add the cases to secure container filters, on by default (let's hope SVM doesnt fuck this)
    • added onto the config option to lose/keep armband on death, should now keep all items if loseArmbandOnDeath = false


    • fixed annoying bug causing magazine presets to fail to work (thank you DrakiaXYZ for the code contributions towards the fix!)
    • changed pointman loyal level to 2
    • moved layout bundles to be loaded from the client directory, fixes issues for people who run their server remotely
  • Version 1.0.3

    HOTFIX #3

    - ACTUALLY fixed the filters for the Docket. REEEEEEEE /bonkbonkbonk

  • Version 1.0.2

    HOTFIX #2:

    • added back the proper filters for the docscase and the toolpouch /bonk #2
  • Version 1.0.1


    - Fixed a major incompatibility with Use Items Anywhere that caused instant CTD when trying to use items in raid. Turns out it was a load order issue /bonk

  • Version 1.0.0


    Until a fix can be addressed, either turn off "addCasesToSecureContainer" in Pack N Strap config, or manually change your load order so SVM loads AFTER Pack N Strap

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Change just change the load order, you can do it manually via the .json file or just download a mod organizer with a cool GUI

  • beyond cool. Amazing work!

  • Quick question maybe someone can answer this as I haven't found something in the search.

    Is it intended to not drop items on death? if so awesome, however there is also a small but that it actually drops keys and key chains/tools

  • Can we have the losing armbands on death only be the belts, sucks having our normal armbands being deleted on death as well.

  • Downloaded mod from the mod manager, mod order set so PnS loads before SVM, server host can load into game but I cannot get past the first loading screen and it gets stuck. Removing PnS allows me to load into the main menu. addCasesToSecureContainer was also set to false.

  • Has anyone made filters for the belt's so they can only have their own respective items in them? Med belt for meds only, grenadier belt for grenades only etc? If not i'll put one together

  • is there a possibility to add or edit the character loadout in such a way we can made belts have their OWN equipable slot?, i only ask this as there are mods that provide capabilities to change the sizes of pockets

  • Can I make it so anything can go into the scav container?

  • Why do my belts on bots are empty most of the time? No mags no meds, is it a bug on my end?

  • By chance is there a way to make it so I can disable the ability to equip belts to armband slot and rig slot would how ever enjoy a option to equip in place of secure container for the belts and anything in belts does dont get lost on death thanks great mod

  • Thanks for the mod! Quick question, any particular reason why the settings below are set to "false"? Should I turn these to "true" to spawn items in containers and on bots? Thanks!

    "loyallevelitems": 1,

    "addtoBots": false,

    "addtoStaticLootContainers": false,

    "StaticLootContainer": "LOOTCONTAINER_WEAPON_BOX_4X4",

    "Probability": 250

    • No, some of those will not work properly. addToBots is not fully up to date. addtoStaticLootContainers would probably work though, but you'd need to add more types you want it to spawn in if you want.

      I'll look into getting some of this working properly in a future update, shouldn't be too difficult.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • any chance u guys planning on updating the item ids so that magazine presets works had to uninstall due to this error

  • how do i find the item id of the belts? im trying to blacklist them from pmcs from using them as they cant place mags in them as they sometimes use it as a tactical rig when using ALP.

    • Hey, seems like you can find all of the gear items in user/mods/WTT-PackStrap/db/Items/Gear_Belts.json, and all the IDs seem to be each of the top-level keys of the json file.

      For reference, these seem to be all of them as of writing this?:

  • I don't have svm or secure container filters, but I still can't use this mod for some reason. I can't open the belt when i open it. The UI only has a close "x", but I can put stuff into it

  • For some reason I equiped it on rig and it bug out and it makes stash and other gear slot disappear. Also when open all belt the window is so small that only have a close " X " and the first letter in the name

    • Sounds like you don't have the plugin.

    • If you mean the plugin files I do have them in BeplnEx> plugin. If there is another mod I need. Please tell me the name. Thanks

  • Bug report:

    When using realism + Algorithmic Level Progression - ALG cannot place magazines in the belts - as the belts are worn by PMC bots as rigs- and many either cannot fit magazines or cannot interface with your mod to place the magazines in the belts

    I am not sure which

    Regrettably I lost my logs / reset profile by accident and have removed the mod in an attempt to revert to a stable build

    But figured I would report the issue

  • I've noticed that for some reason, containers placed in the belts are lost upon death. Only seems to happen for the containers added by this mod, like I just lost a small ammo pouch I had in my battle belt (equipped in armband slot) upon dying. but anything else I put in there remains if I die. I also lost an injector case this way in the past, I think.

    Is there something I'm doing wrong/need to edit in the configs?

  • I seem to have this issue where I can't sell any of the belts to traders. they literally says can't be sold to traders. Is there a reason why this might be happening? It's not just this mod, I have the same issue with the drummer boy mod and other mods with weapon's mods that have issues like this as well.

  • Do you know how to fix this problem?

    Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for c473791d93ca36cb24e17ff9, defaulting to 1, if this is a modded item contact the mod author

    Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for c473791d93ca36cb24e17ff9, defaulting to 1, if this is a modded item contact the mod author

    Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for 63ac5146862634e578bcb0c9, defaulting to 1, if this is a modded item contact the mod author

    And it keeps going on

    Thumbs Up 1
  • loadCombinedConfig() does not ignore non-json files. I got a script to mass update the price for balancing, and the mod tries to parse that script and results in hard error on server launch.

    • Don't put your script there? lol

      Easy enough though, I can add a filter to have it read just .json. I'll try and remember it for the next update

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I have this error when booting just the server for SPT:

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at PackNStrap.postDBLoad (C:\Users\colby\OneDrive\Desktop\EFT\user\mods\zcarryhandlescope\src\mod.ts:70:64)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:77:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:30:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:57:26)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at PackNStrap.postDBLoad (C:\Users\colby\OneDrive\Desktop\EFT\user\mods\zcarryhandlescope\src\mod.ts:70:64)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:77:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:30:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:57:26)

  • Need some help! new to SPT & mods, i downloaded it the way you shown, but none of the items are showing up in the traders or anywhere? help pls :D

  • Guys. your mod isn't working on MPT. It work on server side but on client it's even not booting. Soo hey why wouldnt you fix that, I hope that I have some problems, but everything is possible (I don't hope for any support, but I hope you can somehow tell me what the problem might be.)

    • That tone isn't entitled at all lmao.

      Pack N Strap *is* compatible with MPT, sounds like a skill issue 8)

      Also, zero context/logs/info, just "it don't work, sooo hey why don't you fix that" really makes me want to help you figure out out as well dude :thumbup:

      Heart 1
    • I'm sorry if i seems rude, but a don't see someting in logs or ima gust stupid, game stops on loading screen and that's all, i don't wanna do it in conflict gust saing that i have some problems if you know someting about that. that's okey

      P.S: i respect what you do, and i thanx you for your work

      Thinking 1
  • Hello, I have installed this mod and it always gives me the same error, I have tried both without the other mods, as well as a clean installation and the error persists, I don't know what's wrong, I have tried both the latest version of this mod and the previous one, I don't know if there's some other mod missing to make it work or what! Please, if you can, give me a solution.

    This is the error


  • a lot of the items are missing exclude filters which is causing problems with mods like lots of loot, a simple fix would be to have an empty exclude filter, but it still has to be present

    • I'll push that in the next update, thanks for the report!

  • can you make it possible to add several barter goods to barter?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I've actually made that exact system once, and fucking accidentally deleted it lmao :D
      I'll recreate it at some point here lol.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Pleeeease, I'm trying to do a self found/barter only run and the space management is killing me ;(

  • Really neat mod to use, don't get to use it much since I run with armbands that have other special features. Been wondering if there's a way to make some of these fit in the "Special" slots we get. Either way, really cool concept

    • The problem is the special slots show their inventory like backpacks/rigs, so it would clip into the inventory screen lol

      Thinking 1
    • i remember there's supposed to be some plugin that should fix that? I think the server value editor mentions it. I saw it pop up for a second when breaking it in, but putting it on the far right one just had it hidden as well. Maybe something to look into. either way, love playing with this

    • HideSpecialIcon.dll from SVM hides the container inventory when in special slot (Injector case, Keytool, etc) - so it should work for WTT too ! :)

  • I just cant seem to get this working, set the config to false and have it running before SVM, but the belt rigs on NPCs are bugged, cant loot inside them or take them off the bodies, just not sure whats wrong

    • They're on NPCs? That's crazy lmao. They're probably in the armband slot, and the armband slot is not lootable.

  • Is there a way to allow the docket to store dogtags in the config?

  • Would love to see some of those packs and belts as Secure Containers in Pouch slot <3
    I always hated those huge cases that we supposedly drag along in our underwear :D