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Version 1.0.6
- GrooveypenguinX
Updated to 310
Version 1.0.5
- GrooveypenguinX
- Updated customitemservice staticloot method to the new 3.9 system
- fixed addtobots
- added addtohalloffame
- added addtospecialslots
Version 1.0.4
- Tron
Updated to 3.9
Version 1.0.3
- GrooveypenguinX
- Fixed broken magazine presets by converting all ID's over to MongoID. Also included the profile fix methods to replace any existing items in the profile (Thanks again Drakia!)
- Groovey is ACTUALLY the GOAT - from Tron
Version 1.0.2
- Tron
Small hotfix to change price of MP7 box magazine and Scar 7.62 Casket magazine.
Thank you GerMan!
- Tron
Forgot to include mods folder in the last hotfix for those who are new to adding mods. Now it's just a drag and drop into your SPT install. Sorry about that lol.
- added mods folder inside user folder directory
Actual mod itself has not changed.
Version 1.0.1
- Tron
- Added SIG 6.8 rounds to the Jungle Fighter AR10 cartridge filter.
Version 1.0.0
- Tron
hey can you make a bigger mag for the ash12,a 40 round mag would be great
Great mod but most drums are easy to get with just money. I'd recommend walling them off behind expensive barters
Tron Author
For this standalone release, we aren't really concerned with balancing. These packs just allow people to play with some of WTT's items early.
Balancing will come into play in the main WTT project, where all of these standalone mods will be carefully integrated into the economy, loot, and bots.
I see. Thanks for the clarification. I think I should have read the fine print closer, lol.
author,why there were not the drum mag for the as-val and the ak-101/ak-102
Spirus Dragovich
Could we get a larger mag to go with the G28 and your HK417? A 30 rounder or something?
Hey tron, mod is great as usual. I was wondering if you plan on adding an extended magazine for the UZI and UZI Pro?
Spirus Dragovich
I feel like the Uzi doesn't need one seeing as it already has a 40 and 50 round mag. The PRO however could use like a 40-45 rounder maybe.
It only has a 40 round magazine, the reason I ask is because there are 100 round drums made for the UZI.
Sup, i have a Fika project install on 3.8.3 and wanted to dowload version 1.0.3 but github but page seems to be gone, will it be avaible again sometimes or do we have to update our install ?
Tron Author
Update your install. We are no longer supporting old versions.
alright, we'll do, thx for responding
both the drum mag for the val and the ak 101 seem to be removed and to be honest for me there the only reason i use either of those weapon so if there is a way to get them back i the next update or whatever that would be so cool
Hello! I remember there being a 50 or 60 round D-Mag that you could use for the Sig Sauer rifle, was that not included in this latest patch or was it a part of a different mod? I could have sworn it was a Little Drummer Boy add-on. Cant stand that I can only use the 20 or 25 round mags for it as it's one of my favorite rifles to use.
Jeka 346
Greetings. Is it possible to add extended stores for Saiga 12. ???
This modification had a 70-charge magazine for Val/VSS. I can't find it. Please return it, I downloaded the modification just for him.
I'm trying to download the 3.8.3 version but it's been removed, would there be any chance for it to come back?
Val mag soon lol?
config to be able to unlock them progressively rather than just at lvl 1? mebe please
I love the mod just want to able to use it on my zero to hero playthrough. feels great just kinda broken
Any chance to find the files for SPT 3.8.3? The link for version 1.0.3 is broken.
Any chance there'll be a extend mag for pp-19-01 ? Like, I've never seen any mod that adds extend mag for that gun, I know people don't really use it but still.
Error mechanic didnt have de mags and i cant find them
I need 1.0.3 version for 3.8.3 link dead can any one reuplod it pls
just found it in github :
Releases · WelcomeToTarkov/LittleDrummerBoy · GitHub
thx bro
Building my 3.9.0 mod list right now and you know I've got to add this in. There's a little drummer boy in all of us.
I am not sure if this is bug, but built a MDR preset with the 30rd mag. When I unloaded (via context menu) the new empty mag it deleted it self 3 times. I then added one bullet (bought a 2nd mag) and was back to normal I then unloaded the round and still fine.
Is there a way to enable only certain magazines? In case I want to add only a few.
Hey Base Tarkov allows magazines 5.56x45 to also have .300 is not that also realistic mechanic that has been missed ?
Thanks for the mod! Quick question, any particular reason why the settings below are set to "false"? Should I turn these to "true" to spawn items in containers and on bots? Thanks!
"loyallevelitems": 1,
"addtoBots": false,
"addtoStaticLootContainers": false,
"StaticLootContainer": "LOOTCONTAINER_WEAPON_BOX_4X4",
"Probability": 250
Tron Author
Refer to my comment on the other mod where you posted the same question.
Just wondering is there any way to change the loyalty level you can get the mags at?
any plans for 9x39mm? (AS VAL/VSS) - is the 9x19mm mags going to be compatible with the Vityaz? love these!, actually made an account just to share the love. Cheers
glock with balls B)
Bigger mags for guns is always nice.
Ever thought about making bigger mags for say: KS-23 or TOZ-106?
All would be makeshift of course. but maybe possible?
maybe try biggerbang? it has 10 rounders for toz and 23 rounders for 23
Awesome!!! Good job! Makes me wonder tho...
Why didn't you use the X-14 drummag for the Scar17?
Also, would it be difficult to make the .308 Lancer mags compatible with the Scar?
Hey, just wanted to let you know: having one of the magazines from your mod in inventory breaks magazine presets. MongoID issues or smth maybe?
Tron Author
Mongo ID issue. I will fix this weekend. Update coming soon.
Thanks bro, I need my 100 round 556 mags
for some reason i can't sell these mags anymore and attempting to sell a weapon with one of the mags equipped crashes the game
any fix planned?
love this mod! hope you continue to support it!