WTT - The Long Lost Heads of Yojenkz 1.0.4

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This mod adds 10 new options for the player head. Wait... Head? Aye lmao?



  • Version 1.0.4

    Updated to 310

    - changed config structure for heads, voices in server

    - changed config structure for voices in client

  • Version 1.0.3

    - Updated for 390

  • Version 1.0.2





    - moved reading the voices over to the client folder, and converted over to the new WTT-VoicePatcher system! It is included in this release, but can be found standalone here: WTT - Voice Patcher

  • Version 1.0.1

    Added voice options for the following heads:

    • Homelander
    • Duke Nukem
    • Norman Reedus
    • Geralt

    (all credit goes to RockaHorse for creating the voices, and the idea to use AI generation for them 🧠 )

    WTT Thursday 8)

  • Version 1.0.0

  • I see Dante, but will there ever come a day where we get Motivation Daddy himself: Vergil?

  • graves from mw2 when

  • Damn! If it possible, please make Android head from Alien Isolation "You are becoming hysterical" and/or Synth gen 2 from Fallout.
    Thank you.

  • This is like - my number one absolute must-have mod for SPT funnily enough; It really doesn't feel right running around as anyone but Norman Reedus (Also; that Big Boss head is <3)

    I wasn't sure if we were able to suggest / request anything; but funnily enough; I was thinking Raiden from the Metal Gear Series could be some fun as well?

    I'd love to know how to do this myself so I can help / do some myself / give a wee bit back to this community I'm loving so much!
    Keep up your fantastic work anyway; I love every mod I've ever used by you so! (I can't wait to see more outta W.A.A.C as well!) :D


    • raiden would be neat, old snake too honestly, he would fit a bit more considering hes more modern and stuff and uses guns unlike raiden and hes just cool i hope mgs4 is on masters collection vol 2 love that game

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I guess I was thinking more.... prettyboi MGS2-era Raiden myself (rather than the "more plastic than flesh Ninja Raiden")
      But actually you are right; Old Snake would also be siiiiiiiiiiick.

      I wish I knew HOW to do it; I'd love to throw my hand in and try help / give a little back to the mod community.

  • As hilarious as it is to just have Duke Nukem sounding EXACTLY like prime pixel era Duke Nukem, I'm still surprised by the fact that there was no audio editing to try and make these extra voices fit in with the others. And I'm not talking anything too drastic either, just simple levelling to find the right balance of relative loudness; Duke's too loud and Homerlander is all over the place with regard to the voice quality and sound levels.

    Also, god, some of the lines from Homerlandin's normal "mumble", are VERY aggressive and would make way more sense in the aggressive combat shouts category. Also, they seem to lack combat taunts, which feels quite odd considering quite a few things of Duke is well, taunts, and Homielanie is well, The Boyz, lol.

    Still though, had no idea how much I needed Duke in Tarkov, letalone Homelander, or that Norman guy, weirdly enough.

  • On 3.9, I get no voices working with this mod.

    • I'm on 3.9.0 and 3.9.2, Homelander and Duke works fine; other voices previews activate fine too.

    • Yeah it got fixed

  • Arthur Morgan and John Martson next please

  • Howdy, it seems both me and another friend who both play spt are getting a weird black rectangle that slowly overtakes the screen with this mod. Any ideas?

    • Hahahahaa WHAT

      I can't imagine this mod could be causing it ;(

    • it definitely wasn't it was a live issue that coincide with us using this mod. my bad mate! great mod! is there a safe way to uninstall?

    • Just change to a default head and make sure the profile saves before removing the mod, I presume.
      Glad that was a Live issue though, that freaked me the hell out regarding a few other mods when all of a sudden it happened and only happened once, lol

  • Hey thanks for the cool mod, Geralt's nose tip is clipping through the face mask such as cold fear(CF) and Momex. his beard is clipping as well but less distracting than his nose tip.

    And also, i notice that pmc bots are using these customs heads as well, does that have some performance impact? Since the game freezes for few seconds when showing the dropping in timer each time i enter a raid, could cause by something else though.

  • Lovely mod, thank you. Would love even more of these.

    Heart 1
  • Would be dope if they didnt clip through gear, but quality mod nonetheless

    • What, the hair? Clipping is basically unavoidable. It would require having the hair be a separate mesh that gets ticked on or off depending on gear, which sounds like a nightmare to code lol. There's a reason all the basegame guys are bald lol.

      If you're saying some of the models themselves clip through helmets/clothes (not the hair), let me know which ones and I can try and do some adjustments.

      And honestly, go put on some basegame gear and armor and tell me there's no clipping ;( I try and tell the guys when they're working on stuff that clipping is bound to happen. Try and avoid it as much as possible, yeah, but don't go to extreme lengths to avoid it. I had to get all the belts sized down so they would clip for pack n strap because wearing nothing but a belt they looked comically large ;(

  • So, head?

    • You'll need other mods to allow changing the head, or creating new archives

  • Man, I'd be more than happy if there were voices for Snake (Hayter, not Kiefersnake), and Ocelot.

    • Ocelot's voice and Kaz's voice (from Peacewalker, not MGSV), definite entries on my list of total wants.

  • Hm, if we imagine, maybe, in other universe, we will see Bo Sinn head? :/ 8o

    • Mmm, teabagging goons with blasting "Rampampam" from my earpiece... Can't wait.

  • The "addHeadToPlayer" option in the config isn't working for me. Mod conflict?

    How can I change the head on an existing profile?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Request for Ryan Gosling (He's literally me)

    Happy 1
  • What about John Wick? but in fact, it's a very good mod to keep it that way))))

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Finally, I can LARP as Kazuhira Miller and bemoan about being played like a fiddle, as I get ROFLStomped by Rogues/Bosses. pepemad

  • Fantastic!

  • hell yeah

  • Now i only need their Voices :D

  • I've also asked to MoxoPixel but could you do ?
    - Dima from Battlefield 3 (as a Bear)
    - Vladimir from Battlefield 3 (as a Bear)

    - BlackBurn from Battlefield 3 (as a USEC)
    - Clayton Pac from Battlefield 4 (as USEC)

  • The quality of the majority of theses heads are nearly perfect and blend well with Tarkov. Great work!

    P.s. Some of the hair textures need work on removing the shin and being more matt.

    • Hair + tarkov is nearly impossible to get to look right, so unfortunately It is what it is until I find the perfect shader/texture setup. These heads might get a touchup in the future

      Happy 1
    • That makes sense. Regardless, these are the best heads I have seen so far. Keep up the great work :)

      Heart 1
    • All made by Yojenkz! He worked really hard learning unity shaders for this lolol

      Heart 1
    • Give him my thanks and kudos then :)

    • You’re welcome and thanks! I’ve left these heads in Groovey’s, and by extension WTT’s far more capable hands and even look forward to their future myself.

      Heart 3
  • But it's Friday here in India 😥

    Happy 1
  • When will it come with real head 😢😢😢😢😢😢

    Happy 1
  • yo, Big Boss head is the GOAT, is there any way to make alternative version with headband?

    Heart 1
  • finally something other than a low quality music pack. nice work on the MGS heads

    Heart 3 Happy 1 Crying 1
  • I heard a rumor that the WTT team are hung like the lucha libre. Confirmed on a thursday night? WHEW

    Happy 2
  • WTT Thursday baby 8)

    Heart 2
  • can I request a postal dude head?

    Heart 1