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This is my first client mod! Please report any bugs you encounter in the comments.
Expanded Door Interactions
What is it?
This mod adds more options to choose from when interacting with (almost) any door in the game, like peeking.
What features does it come with?
Right now, peeking and stealth opening. Peeking allows you to open a door about 3x less than normal, letting you get a look into the other room without immediately exposing yourself. You can use the gap or the door to throw/bounce grenades into the room while keeping yourself safe.
Stealth opening allows you to open the door slower and at a lower angle, similar to peeking, but you will make little to no noise and the door can be walked through. The animation of your PMC opening the door is also much quicker and much less "in your face" when using this option. This option is good for rats who like to either hide behind doors or people who want to make their enemies have less view into the other room.
Planned Features
- Peek and throw, which will force your character to use a grenade when peeking a door
- Peek and open (AKA "Open Further"), which will let you open peeked doors.
- Quick opening, which will open a door faster, causing it to open at a wider angle with a louder sound.
Known Issues
- The "Open Further" option appears in the config menu, but not in game. (Unintended but semi-intentional behavior. The option shouldn't appear, but the config shouldn't either.)
- Loot containers can be "peeked" (but it most likely won't do anything)
- "Peek" is above "Open", yet it is supposed to be under "Breach" or "Open"
This mod uses modified code from Open Sesame, as I did not know how to write the code myself due to me having no prior experience with client modding.
Version 1.0.2
- MissinginAction
Adds the "Stealth Open" feature. "Open Further" is now work in progress.
To install, put the .dll file in BepInEx/plugins/
Version 1.0.1
- MissinginAction
Fixes the issue with loot containers having the "Peek" option.
To install, put the .dll file in BepInEx/plugins/
Version 1.0.0 FIX
- MissinginAction
Fixed the incompatibility issues between this mod and Open Sesame.
To install, put the .dll file in BepInEx/plugins/
Version 1.0.0
- MissinginAction
Only includes peeking, could be buggy.
To install, put the .dll file in BepInEx/plugins/
Hey, is this Mod abandoned?
I really like this feature, I'm not sure if there is another mod available that is similar?
MissinginAction Author
basically, but if i get the time ill fix it up
MissinginAction by chance is their a way to adding keybind for opening door options
Awesome mod! Would love to see "open" as first choice as well. Having to scroll in a
situation is very challenging, and sometimes you just need in that damn door now! Thanks again for the effort, much appreciated.
Any plans to make this work serverside too?
I think it'd be cool or be able to lock doors back again. Nice way to barricade while looting or planting
Great, it would be even more perfect if we could continue pushing on top of PEEK
MissinginAction Author
working on it, check the update
"Open Further is work in progress"
Is it possible to make the peek option below the open? I'd like the default open be the first button for quick opening features should usually be blow the old ones right?
Whoops didn't realize someone else said the same issue and you are currently working on it. Good luck!
MissinginAction Author
while I figure it out, I'll make "quick opening" the default action.
Suggestion: Increase the angle of the door seam. Currently, the gap is too small to enter directly. It needs to be closed again and fully opened before entering
Alternatively, it is best to have a semi open state with the option to turn it on instead of off
MissinginAction Author
technically, you aren't supposed to go through it. ive thought about randomizing the angle since currently it opens at the regular angle divided by 3.
Can you add a Peek half open option for further Peek half open or fully open options? Currently, if you want to enter directly from the half open option, it needs to be closed while fully open, which is cumbersome and unreasonable
I've been hoping for a mod like this since I started playing. Looking forward to the updates where it's improved. Great work! And thank you!
is there anyway you can move the "peek" underneath "search" more for convenience if possible
Along with what other testers have said, there is another bug I have encountered. With this mod installed, healing becomes really fast, basically instant.
MissinginAction Author
what other mods do you have? this shouldn't even touch anything involving healing
Nothing that touches healing, medicine, items, or animations in general
With the mod disabled it's normal
MissinginAction Author
i personally dont have this issue, and nobody else has reported it. might be an incompatibility with another mod
Can you, and idk if you can, can you make the peek option under "Search" and any door options (as in reorder the menu)? Also, can you can I "peek" a door, if I run into it can it open the rest of the way and when I "peek" a door, I have to close it to then "open" the door. Just QoL stuff.
What he said. Please put peak after open that way if I am running I can just open it. And allow it to open all the way once opened a bit so we don't have to close it again. TY
MissinginAction Author
The loot container peeking is a bug, simply modder error. I'll fix it today.
I've been trying to figure out how to change the order, I just decided to release the mod in a working state rather than spend more time that I didn't have to learn how to change the order.
An option to peek and then push the door open is being added, but it won't be a physics object due to the EFT code not having working physics collisions (aka, the door will fall through the ground or have no collisions at all)
No worries, still love adding the option to the game.
MissinginAction Author
I fixed the loot peeking bug. Figuring out how to make the option below open.
Why there is a peek option when search container or search icon has showed up?
Is not needed for peeking for anything other than doors. but it shows for "non-door" icons
MissinginAction Author
I'll fix that soon, I already know how to but just didn't have the time + I had to restart the code due to an error.
That's a very cool idea, thanks for that, but what do you think about:
1) If we "Peek" a door, should be nice if we possible to open it fully afterwards (and if look in the BepInEx menu, there is "Open Further" settings, but it doesn't seem to work, or I have something conflicting
2) Is it possible to swap the numbering of interactions? Think better if "Peek" to come after "Open" (i.e. second)
3) There is a problem with "safes", when pointing at them the "Peek" interaction appears, which is quite strange
MissinginAction Author
1) I couldn't get the "Open Further" option to appear, but I'll add it sometime soon once I figure out the code.
2) You can't do it without modifying the code, so I'll have to find a way to make the option lower.
3) That's because the code doesn't check if the object is a lootable container, therefore showing the option to "Peek" on things like crate lids.
This looks sick as fuck, nice job.
1) Does this only affect you or do the AI also do this?
2) When you peek can you just walk into the room still and the door just opens fully or do you need to press a "open door fully" button before you can walk in or "breach"?
3) Is Stealth opening the only planned feature or can you list more you may or may not bring?
4) If possible this comment by Kyodan (3. [suggestion] option to have "Peek" the option after "Open" (so "Open" can still be the default option) would be great.
MissinginAction Author
1) The AI treat the door as "open", meaning they try to walk through it. Sadly, I don't think there's a good way to fix this.
2) Planned feature, but you won't walk into the door to open it. You'd use another button.
3) I've listed more in the description of the mod just now.
4) Planned
1) So they just phase through it then lol? Man that sucks.

2) Fair enough.
3) Nice!
4) Great!
Looking forward to the future of this mod, thank you for answering my questions!
MissinginAction Author
Actually, they don't phase through, they just try to go through it (unsuccessfully if the door doesn't open wide enough)
They can still shoot you through peeked doors though.
So many wish list mods lately, this is great!
Can't wait to try this.
Great idea for a mod! A few reports and suggestions:
1. [bug] Can't see the "Open Further" option appear (it's enabled in the F12 menu) - also, can probably just leave the text as "Open"
2. [bug] Seeing the "Peek" option on loot containers and car trunk doors
3. [suggestion] option to have "Peek" the option after "Open" (so "Open" can still be the default option
4. [suggestion] have the "breach" option only appear from the side of the door where you can kick it open
MissinginAction Author
1. The option was manually removed by me since it didn't show up (even if it was enabled) but will be added back once I get it to work.
2. Will be fixed soon, probably today. The code doesn't do a check for lootable containers, therefore showing the peek option.
3. Planned, still trying to figure out how I'd change the order.
4. I'll try and modify the code with the plugin. Might be easy, might be hard. For now, I'll keep that as a planned feature and see if I can work on it today.
mind = blown
pls add peek&clear with grenade hhaaaaahha seen the video u re Rawrrrrrrrrrrr
we all need this mod for check our horse stables with intruders Raaaaaaaawr
MissinginAction Author
Peek/Flash is planned, I think I can make it work somehow.
peak MissinginAction mod as always
ARE YOU serious! this is awesome.
On the download link - set access to public - it wants me to request access currently.
also make sure the is either a user or bepindex folder in the root to we can install it easily
MissinginAction Author
Thank you!