Props Pause 1.1.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

When you ate taco bell, but can't hold it down or when life just happens... this mod's got you covered. mostly.

I have taken epidemicz, yahkub , nyrus work and then added a few things.

  • Tried to pause audio sources (some still play like player movement)
  • Converted to component using newgamestart patch to save on memory/process time..
  • Added clearing decision queue prior to pausing bots so you don't wake up with bots shooting a million bullets.
  • Also added recalculating goals to bots after awakening so they don't stand around like idiots.
  • Actually fixed pausing so the raid doesn't end while paused.



unzip into your spt /Bepinex/Plugins folder.

  • Version 1.1.1

    SPT 3.9.0 - 3.9.1

    1. Fix for the FOV not being set appropriately after unpausing.
  • Version 1.1.0

    Updated SPT 3.9.0

  • Version 1.0.0

    I've made some stealth updates if the 35 of you who downloaded this have issues.

  • Just wanna say, my dog has been going through a health issue, so being able to pause is such a good QOL addition thank you so much

    Heart 1
  • It's very possibly just me being dense, but is anyone else having trouble getting this working with 3.9.2?

    Dropped it into "plugins" as I have with previous versions but hitting "P" simply isn't doing anything.

    Has there been a change in EfT between 3.9.1 and 3.9.2?

  • Yup, when I pause the game, I can turn my character but not move. My weapon is floating and it's not in my hand. Lol

    • yeah thats just how it is. doesn't break anything though when you unpause

      Thumbs Up 1
    • All good! Still a mod I needed. Thank you.

  • The fov has been messed up since the first verison 1.0 on 3.8.3 . I'm not sure if its because of the pause button or something in the code. I also just assumed it was part of the benefit of being able to stop to deal with my kids and not lose time or die while in raid. But it appears others are having similar issues. I'll check if changing the hotkey fixes this and report back.

    Thank you for this and your other QoL mods Props!

    • The new version should have this fixed. 1.1.1. Please let me know if there are still issues.

    • Yup 1.1.1 fixes that issue! Thank you!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • The same thing happens to me as in the comment below.

    When I press the button I assigned (Pause) it changes the zoom level of the optics.

    Thinking 1
  • Hy. Every time, i hit the pause button, my aim fov is messed up.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • haven't tested it too much but every time i pause it breaks the zoom on scopes

  • Well, as long as you fixed the fact the last pause mod made everything invincible after unpausing, I'll be happy. :D

    Happy 1