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Version 1.1.7
- GrooveypenguinX
Updated to 310
Version 1.1.6
- GrooveypenguinX
- Updated customitemservice staticloot method to the new 3.9 system
- fixed addtobots
- added addtohalloffame
- added addtospecialslots
Version 1.1.5
- Tron
Updated to 3.9
Version 1.1.4
- Tron
- fixed extra brackets on quest compatibility code.
ty groovey
Version 1.1.3
- Tron
OSS Suppressor can now be used for Punisher Part 2
Version 1.1.2
- Tron
- Fixed left hand animations not playing - Thank you Choccy
Version 1.1.1
- Tron
Fixed muzzle flashes and muzzle jet - Thanks MassiveSoft!
Version 1.1.0
- Tron
1.0.1 Patch Notes:
-Added Black Sturmgriff Foregrip - MECHANIC LEVEL 1
-Added compatibility with offset mount for HK417 Standard Handguard
Minor Fixes:
-Changed some of the locales
-potential fix for Color Converter API
Version 1.0.0
- Tron
This is very good weapon mod, but we really need an extended 45-60 rounder on this...
Trying to download the last version compatible with 3.9 right under the 3.10 one, but opening the link and it says Page not found?
I really love the model, but the recoil makes it unusable. SA-58 is much more convinient
Absolutely love the mod! Is there any chance of you adding a black version of the extended handguard and adjustable stock?
excuse me, where is the gun attribute file (such as recoil)?
have a look in database, json is in there & can scroll down & edit base gun recoil as well as the parts
Hi. I have this installed. The gun is locked behind Mechanic Lvl 3. And, I cannot buy it on the flea. Is there a way to make it available on the flea before unlocking it with the trader? Thanks!
@Tron Do the WTT - Armory weapons work/are they balanced for realism at all? I noticed on one of the other mods you replied to something asking something similar that y'all are working with fontaine on a pack or something like that. Is this still the case?
Tron Author
Some of the weapons come with realism compatibility patches. Newer ones do not. Our balancer is on vacation and will be back in a week or so.
If the weapon has a compat patch, it will say so in the description.
Fontaine is part of the WTT team. We consult him for some of our balancing, primarily with weapon containers.
Sweet and precise answer, thanks so much.
Is there a way to load the version for 3.8.3? all the links are dead
Downloaded a few weeks back and is a really high quality mod, everything works flawlessly, gun looks and sounds great. Definitely recommend this to anyone. One question is there any way to alter the mag size or add a 40 or 50 rounder. Thanks for the uploads though
Thank you for the 3.9.0 version!
I am finally getting to use this gun since I found it. It is awesome in FA, feels just right (I am playing with realism)
btw A company named "handl defense" makes magwell adapters to fit standard KAC mags into the 417 and g28. Could be something to add to this mod.
would be sick yeah
Hello Tron,
I was wondering if I could the raw SPP files as there's a few compression artifaction going on and its a bit of an eyesore to look at.
Thanks in advance!
The HK levels G28 Mastery, intended?
It makes sense either way to be fair just thought I'd check.
Tron Author
Cool thanks
Might just be a me issue but for anyone else who has the same problem:
Issue: This mod somehow made my game load infinitely.
Fix: Just redownload the mod. -_- lmao
Tron Author
Yeah I had to push a small hotfix. Should be working now though.
Wonderful! Thanks so much! You're a beast!
Thanks for the mod! Quick question, any particular reason why the settings below are set to "false"? Should I turn these to "true" to spawn items in containers and on bots? Thanks!
"loyallevelitems": 1,
"addtoBots": false,
"addtoStaticLootContainers": false,
"StaticLootContainer": "LOOTCONTAINER_WEAPON_BOX_4X4",
"Probability": 250
Tron Author
Refer to my comment on the other mod where you posted the same question.
this is so perfect now all i need is a drum mag to fit this baby (real or fictional) and i think ill just start crying from joy
is it possible to get bigger mags for the gun?
Do you plan on adding some western mg's down the line? Like m249, m60, aws...
That would be amazing
Tron Author
BSG beat us to the M60. We have a m249 animated, thanks to a collab with choccy. We have to put it through Unity still.
More to come.
Make the OSS muzzle device compatible with other .308 rifles (and with an AKM with an adapter for .308)
can work with SPT-Realism?
sounds of gunfire from Contract Wars? Well, that's a like.
P.s. Add an Osprey Silencer to fully comply with the meta matches of that time)
I noticed that you can't attach a few of the reflex sights from the "Tactical Gear Component" mod. I guess that needs a compatibility patch?
Tron Author
Correct. Custom items need to be added into the filters.
All you would do is take the ID of the custom item and add it into the list of acceptable items of the HK417 upper receiver.
Good to know! I think I'm going to drop TGC/Painter anyway in favor of smaller additions but if I go back to it I'll have a crack.
Its a great weapon with a great firing sound too! Only gripe is that I cant sell the black G28 mags to any of the traders.
Tron Author
Hmm. Very strange. I can sell them just fine.
Might be a conflict with another mod you're running.
I have painter and raid overhaul - I don't think any of the weapon mods should affect sales prices
Tron Author
It might be Raid overhaul.
Raid overhaul has made it so flea prices of custom items are 1 rouble. I've seen that issue on another one of our mods.
Is there anything within Raid Overhaul that I should disable?
Tron Author
Unfortunately, I am unsure what that mod does to the pricing. I have not used it before. I just know that it touches a lot of stuff and that custom items seem to be having issues with it unless they are implemented to it properly.
Heads up! A couple of the links on the "other WTT mods" (like the ACR) link to a picture instead of their mod page.
Tron Author
Thanks Jehree!
Wonderful work with insanely high quality, but it seems that you forget to set muzzle jet material for the weapon container. The weapon has no muzzle jet. Same thing also happened to the EDC X9. It will be nice if you can fix that.
Tron Author
Hi Massivesoft.
Thanks! I'll take a look. I probably overlooked something
Tron Author
So, you were correct about the Wilson! I had muzzlejet scripts added in Unity but I had forgotten to configure it.
For the 417 however, I don't see that I am missing any values. We should connect offline !
weird question but whats the item id for this gun and where can i find it in the jsons? im looking for the g3 as well as im trying to put these weapons in a loot pool for another mod
did a few run with you HK417, killed some boss and cultists. works fine to me.
i suggest make DDC (Desert Dirt Color) version of HK417 and barrel variants (12 inch and 20 inch)
Well all WTT guns I downloaded cost 1 rubel on the flea market and the error messages i get is "Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for czsuppressorshort, defaulting to 1, if this is a modded item contact the mod author"
Tron Author
What other mods are you running? Are you only running WTT weapons, or are there other mods enabled as well?
I've seen this error come from other mods adding items. I'm beginning to think it's either load order conflict or a conflict with another mod.
Would love to track it down and find out exactly what causes this.
Tron Author
hmm, the only mods in my mind that could have anything to do with this I have are SPT realism mod, RAID OVERHAUL, or Fika but. SPT realism should be fine since I have the patch for the SPT realism mod installed as well for them all. so it should not be that. but could be that. i can give a comlpate mod list i am using but i really don't there is reson to do so
Tron Author
The SPT Realism patch only patches in the weapon/attachment stats to work well with Realism. It doesn't do anything regarding flea pricing. If you have Realism's economy settings turned on, there's a chance it's affecting pricing. I'm not entirely sure on that front. I'm not sure if RAID Overhaul touches economy/flea, I'd assume not. Fika shouldn't be a problem. Many of our weapons are tested in Fika environment.
im also having the same problems, using both realism and raid overhaul. so the culprit must be one of those
Amazing work. Thanks a lot.

Any chance you would do this lime / green handguard as an option?
Yeah it will be a pity having HK417 but missing M110A1 setup
Yeah, you're right, plus M110A1 has nice green/ lime receiver too