Featured WTT - W.A.A.C. (Women's Advanced Assault Corps) 1.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.0
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Did you know? There are HOT, SINGLE women in your AO that are ready for INTENSE tactical ops?



  • ya know what would've been really cool since part of it already exists? a zoey model and head since we already have the voice from l4d2 and i just think if there was a singular female model i would play for all time it would be her

  • Thanks for the mod, I love it! Was just wondering if you're aware of the fleshy part of the arm on Roze's standard top being invisible or if there's a way to fix it? Every other clothing works great so it's not a super huge deal but figured I'd ask.

  • Very nice look and voice.
    Thank you! ^^ ^^ 2024-07-07-13-26-1.png


  • Thank you now I'm really dying like a wench

  • hip hip hooray

  • I never commented on here, but I so much appreciate all the efforts it obviously took that I couldn't just stay silent.

    SPT in general is such an amazing and awesome project/community and I love what you guys are doing!!

    I can't thank you guys enough for this!!! <3

    (Btw the voice acting 👌😋, I particularly appreciate the efforts of doing the grunts/pain/scream SFX XD!!)

    Heart 1
  • just a heads up the loyalty level requirement is "1" for each piece of clothing. maybe set it to something like 0 until more are added?

    Thumbs Up 2
    • ^This. Anyone got a good solution for this?

    • There is a config file for the outfits in the mods- wtt-WAAC- db- clothing where you can set it all manually. the one you want to change is "standing" not loyalty level or you'll brick ragman's shop

  • theyre cute :3

  • gonna go raid with one hand now

    Happy 2
  • What is this WTT and why is it spamming mods? Why not release a pack?

    Happy 1
    • I almost took as much time to answer your question as you did to looking it to it yourself or applying logic.

      Happy 1
    • "Spamming mods" :D

      WTT is a team of 20 people working on a very large project to overhaul the entire game.

      Our community saw the teasers and small content previews that we'd drop in our server and pleaded with us to drop small standalone packs to the community as we create content. - Otherwise they'd be waiting a very long time for the project to release as an early Alpha. The project has been worked on for over a year now...

      "WTT Thursdays" are the days we drop content. Content is dropped as we create it.

      Each mod is mostly standalone and modular, allowing the end user to play with exactly what they'd like.

      Not sure what else to tell you. Sorry for making you free content? :D

      Heart 1
    • How about you get nothing and we pull all our mods and stop releasing.

      Happy 1 Crying 2
    • The duality of man presented as two replies of a a mod author in regards to an aloof comment.

    • Tron is Doting Mother, while i am "Belt-dad".

      Happy 1
  • Just want to comment here and say: this is really, really cool. Like, extremely cool.

    The head models are really fitting, everything feels appropriate and realistic. Nothing feels disproportionate, shoulders etc look well-rigged.

    You guys should definitely get some VAs to record some lines as well. I think that would put this even further over the top.

    I'm marking this as featured.

    Heart 2 Happy 1
  • Is it possible to apply these to bots somehow? Like the Goons or something?

  • OMG - you all are amazing...

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Do the voices work? I tried changing my current profile's voice and it still used my old voice; I made a new profile to test and during the character creation screen, when you select the voices to play a sample, nothing happened either. Thanks!

    • do you have the WTT Head and Voice selector mod?

    • Yes, that's how I changed the voice and selected the new head on my old profile.

    • that should work here too.

  • how to fix the helmets: buzzcuts :)

    Thumbs Up 1
    • seconded, this mod is friggin great and i love it but i'd like some shorter hair options bc helmets are cool

  • Since the WTT crew started uploading, Thursdays started feeling like Christmas.

    Heart 2
  • So do I have to wipe to make a female PMC? Or is there a way to change an existing PMC?

    • WTT Head and Voice selector mod.

  • Amazing work!!! Is it possible to make Female PMC bots appear one day? Thanks.

    • Download Rogue Justice - Then edit Frank's head, voice, and outfit to the ids for whichever female you feel like having stomp on your dick.

      Have fun!

  • bruh.....like...bruh. i didn't make it past the first sentence. too funny

  • Awesome! Thursday as usuall is the best to check mods tab
    Author can you add language difference between BEAR females (ru/ua) and USEC females(us)?

  • Thursday is the best day of the week.. <3

    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 1
  • if i add this mod will i have girls-bots fight against me or its only 4 player?


    • :shirochan: :kannatiredofthis: :hehecute: :02smug: kana_o lets hope test it if this pmc will be used by bots? ill wait

    • i tested it for Groovey prior to release, no PMCs spawned with female bodies.

    • :cute_rage: RAWR! but its intended to spawn?

      Happy 1
    • Please do not rawr at me.

      It only goes onto the player. it does not go onto bots.

      Happy 1
    • RAAAAWRRR! bugcatohwhy bugcatworking kannacrying

      Happy 1
  • Amazing!

    I want to ask, can I choose the face? For example, put the face of Fallout 4 in Nexus into Tarkov. :P :P :love: :love:

  • do pmcs spawn with different outfits?

  • Можешь добавить ID головы, чтобы можно было менять голову через файлы, потому что сейчас у меня голова killa

  • WTT Thursday and Independence Day?? Can't be a coincidence..

    Heart 4