Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.2.0
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.x
3.10 Update
- Minor code change
Version 1.1.0
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
Completely re-wrote the mod
Added config to adjust "chance" of Lega Medals
Now applies to all bosses (including Knight)
Version 1.0.0
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
Initial release
Great job on the update! Love the easier config
i take it the higher this number the more chance the bosses will have medals
acidphantasm Author
Please download the latest release. You can adjust the chance in the config now.
oh have done m8, great job, thank you
I lowered all weight to 500 each hoping the chance was extremely low but could technically happen considering how expensive these are.
For some reason SPT doesn't add the barter for the keys from lvl 2, 3 and 4. It would be cool if this mod brings back those barters at least until they add them
acidphantasm Author
This mod would never handle that as it only does boss loot. I will consider adding it to my other mod for Ref though as I need to update that soon anyway.
Can lega medals spawn with Alp ?
acidphantasm Author
Maybe - that's a good question on the ALP mod page. I'm not sure how that mod interacts with boss pocket loot. If you aren't seeing them, try putting this mod after ALP in your load order.
Thx it works !
Question - is there a way to add Lega medals to all the bosses and not just the Scav ones?
I've ran into the Goons squad a few times, and never did manage to find a medal - so I tried looking into the actual .js file of the mod. I didn't find the Goons in the list, so I'm wondering if that's because they're technically Rogue bosses. Is there a technical reason why other bosses like the Goons and Zryachiy don't have Lega medals, or is it just because they're not Scav bosses?
acidphantasm Author
I only specified regular scav bosses to ensure you don't end up with a million lega medals.
I can definitely include them if that's something of interest.
Maybe you could make it as an addon. Goons are three so lets say 8% chance per goon.
That's fair I suppose - though maybe you could just have the chances be even lower compared to the Scav bosses? Like around 5% or so?
which one could it be?
For some reason the mod doesn't work for me. What could be the problem?
acidphantasm Author
This mod wouldn't work if you have another mod installed that is completely replacing the boss loot tables, and is loading after this mod.
how can this be fixed? Above I posted a screenshot of my mods
acidphantasm Author
You would have to remove mods or change your load order to put this mod last. I do not use 90% of the mods you have and thus do not know what exactly their code does.
do you know how to change the loading order of mods?
acidphantasm Author
Use a load order editor tool.
This is what I use: LOE (Load Order Editor)
A suggestion: It would probably make sense for this mod to add the Lega coins to the list of items that can be inserted into the docs case and the SICC Pouch.
acidphantasm Author
I can add that, thanks for the suggestions!
How would i go about lowering the chance of the the items to spawn
acidphantasm Author
Lower the weights in the mod.ts
You're on your own for support if you do. I'll probably include a config at some point.
Does this replace there chances of keycards on them or does this not effect it at all?
acidphantasm Author
This does not replace or remove any existing loot pools. It does alter the chances because their pools are weighted, so adding anything lowers the chances of existing items.