Remove The Dead 390.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
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Remove the unnecessary scum from the map!




  • Version 390.0.2

    Type: Client Mod

    Supported SPT Version: 3.9.0+


    • Update version support to SPT 3.9.0 / EFT 30626

    Installation: Extract to root of SPT folder.

  • Nice mod, have a few ideas/requests here:

    I would like the context menu that gives me the option to loot a corpse to also give me the option to remove it. So that I can specifically remove individual corpses.

    Also, this mod is not fully compatible with Dynamic Maps. If I display the corpses and this mod removes the corpse, the marker remains. Would it be possible to make it compatible?

    • Topic 1: I will look into the context menu idea. No guarantees on implementation though.

      Topic 2: Not sure if I would call that an incompatibility. Also not sure I can change what Dynamic Maps uses to display dead body locations, via this mod. I will look into it, but I'm going to definitely stress a "no guarantee" for this one.

  • If I understood the mod correctly, what if we killed the enemy too far away or in a hard to reach place? The renegade base is a perfect example where we can kill a bot, only to loot it 10 minutes later. In general, I want to say that it would be very cool if the deletion affected only the corpses that we had already cleaned.

  • Hola, se puede desabilitar para algunas redadas?

    • Sorry, but unfortunately no. That level of granularity is not included in this mod.

  • I was wondering if the deads were cleaned, would they left something at the place they died?

    like backpack, weapons or something else? or they just .....completely gone?

    • They leave weapon, but you can't pick it up

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Oh, i see now. the same as BDSM

    • I removed the feature to leave a backpack as this is just more clutter for the game to process. My intention was to create a more simplified version of BDSM, but include a button to manually force the removal if/when you wanted to.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • noice! - more picturesque name of the mod would be: Ants of Tarkov ;)

    Heart 1 Happy 1