Olympus 390.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

The clouds above Mt. Olympus crack with a thunderous roar... your time has come... the gods beckon you to their battle.

Zeus grants you access to enhanced mags, meds, and gear for your quests.
Hestia's selflessness provides you the courage and power to smite your enemies.
Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionysus rally you on as you storm into battle.

  • Version 390.0.2

    Type: Item Mod

    Supported SPT Version: 3.9.0+

    NOTE: Untested and Unapproved for use on older versions of SPT.

    Change Log:

    390.0.2 (patch .2) 😆

    • Fix armorClass entry on some items.
    • Updated logging information.
    • Fixed PMC loot blacklisting code.
    • Fixed global loot blacklisting code.

    Installation: Extract to root of SPT folder.

  • Version 390.0.1

    Type: Item Mod

    Supported SPT Version: 3.9.0+

    NOTE: Untested and Unapproved for use on older versions of SPT.

    Change Log:

    390.0.1 (The "It's not called AKI anymore. It's just SPT now!" update) 😆

    • Add support for MCX Spear, 9A-91, VSK-94, and even the Blicky toy gun. (That's 116 total supported firearms!)
    • Fix some coding issues. (Me smooth brain.)
    • Update code to new SPT naming convention.

    Installation: Extract to root of SPT folder.

  • There is currently an issue with Blacklisting in v390.0.1. I'm looking into resolving this as fast as I can.

    EDIT: There are currently issueS (plural) with v390.0.1. I'll be looking into resolving as many of them as I can.

    EDIT2: Issues should be resolved in v390.0.2

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 3
  • @ jbs4bmx love the mod, those CMS stims are amazing. is it possible to add an option to the config to rem the accuracy and recoil bonus to the magazines? i like running these mags for some guns that have annoyingly long reloads, like the P90, but for me i would prefer to keep the accuracy/recoil the same.


  • Thanks so much for the speedy update!

  • Hi jbs4bmx! I love your mod. I don't know if this only happens to me but when I try to change the number of bullets per mag it is inaccurate. Example: if I want the mags to have a capacity of 60, then it is 50 when I start the game. If I go up to 90 then it is 100 and so on. Likewise, thank you very much!

    • It rounds to the nearest 50, so...

    • Ok, Thanks!

  • Setting any of the blacklist options in the config to true throws the following error, only other mod is Gilded Key Storage. I did change some stuff in the db file to change the gear for fashion and function preferences, still loads fine without blacklist enabled.

    Crying 1
    • same thing for me can confirm. hope this is an easy fix for you!

    • I am also having this issue, if anyone manages to solve it could they let me know please!

    • I'm looking into fixing this. Please stand by...

  • god i hope you update this one next!

    • it updated.. 12hours after your comment in here.. grab and use it.. :)

  • Getting this error when trying to run the mod in a docker container

    • Unsupported for now. May be supported in a future version but no promises are being made.

  • I'm enjoying this mod.

    Are there any plans to add magazines for SIG MCX SPEAR?

    If not, is there a way to add it myself?

    • Open the AssAssIn-Olympus\database\dbItems.json with notepad

      Copy and paste below text in right place.(see the image)





      Open the AssAssIn-Olympus\src\Olympus.js with notepad

      Copy and paste below text in right place.(see the image)


      case "65290f395ae2ae97b80fdf2d":

      for (i = 0; i < data._props.Slots.length; i++) {

      if (data._props.Slots[i]._name == sectionName) {





      Save and exit.

      if i make jbs4bmx feel bad, i am really sorry ;(

  • planning to add mags for the sig spear?

  • I tried changing the price in dbitems but it doesn't work. Stims are still very cheap.

    • Prices are set in therapistAssort.json under the "barter_scheme" heading.

  • Hermes Helmet would be better if it looks like Ronin Helmet

  • Thank you for your hard work. I have enjoyed your mod in the previous SPT Version, I was just running reserve with the full Olympus kit, encountered Gluhar, almost got destroyed, had to operate on my arm twice and fix my head and chest twice from red. Has something changed or is it just not working as intended ?

    • Armor coverage:

      Armor Of Athena --> Chest, back, sides, upper arms, and stomach.

      Hercules' Rig v2 --> Chest, back, and sides.

      Helmet Of Hermes --> Head (top/back/ears/eyes/jaws)

    • I know all that brother. It is just in previous "wipes" I would not get black limbs and halved thorax while wearing the Armor of Athena and Helmet of Hermes, so I was wondering if things changed

    • Ok got'ya, it used to cover legs and all arms I guess.

    • BSG changed how armor coverage functions. Now, instead of just the entries "left arm" and "right arm", you now have "left upper arm", "left forearm", "right upper arm", and "right forearm".

      Since the armor that Armor of Athena is cloned from only covers the shoulders, I attempted some balance by protecting both of the "upper arms". This exposes the "fore arms".

      The legs are exposed in this armor as well, so no coverage there.

      The "plate" armor system is a mess and requires a lot of additional code and database entries so I may or may not even attempt that.

      Maybe a future update will add additional configurable armor protections (?), but I can't make any promises given my busy work and married life schedule. My attempt for this release was to just get it to work on SPT 3.8.0 so people can play with it.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Whenever you apply more than one version in the config, it gives an error. Say I want the rigs and stims, I enable both and launch the server, then the server freaks out trying to load.

    • looking into it. thanks for pointing it out.

  • Could you add a mag for 6.8(SIG SPEAR)?

  • To add custom ammo to the mags, edit dbitems.json, find the catridge, and edit the filter to include the desired IDs?

  • Hi having a Null Reference Error when trying to load into raid "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

    • Probably best to open a support ticket for this.

      That's a pretty generic error and it could be an error coming from SPT or any number of mods.

    • Oh I'm sorry I didn't know my bad brother!

  • nice mod. i just want to ask how can i modify the amount of bullets in every mag, i tried to modify the max count in dbitems but when i go in game the amount remains 250.

    • change it in the config file

    • Updated my description... it still referenced the old location for the file.
      The config file is now in the root directory of the mod.


      Thumbs Up 1
    • i found the file you mentioned but if i modify the value for example 50 it does for all the magazines, i would like to modify it individually, is that possible?

      thanks for your reply btw ;)

    • So you want "60" options instead of the current "1"?

    • no necesserely, i used this mod before and in the past i went on the config file and manually modify the amount of bullets in every mag but now i did the same thing but in game the mags are always with a capacity of 250 bullets, i dont know if i explained the problem correctly :D

  • Great, I was waiting for this mod! Thank you!

    Heart 1
  • Is there a way to make this compatible with algorithmic level progression? because I saw that it's incompatible in the source/notes tab, I'll try moving the blacklisted IDs from this mod to algorithmic level progression to see if it works.

  • will there be an update for 3.8.0?

    the 3.7.6 make errors with the server version 3.8.0

    • i'm waiting for it too .. pleaseeeee!!!!!

    • It is being worked on. No ETA yet.

      Heart 3
    • Quick Update..

      I'd say I'm about 80-85% done with updating the mod. I still have some of the more tedious stuff to do, so that's why it's taking so long, but I'm moving along.

      Heart 3
  • "Slot stackslot cartridges in item a250_m1a expects an item at position 0"

    • any fix for this? lost a few profiles now because of it

    • I will look into it.

    • You can do this if you know how to edit your profile file:

      Make a backup of your profile file.

      Make note of the id: number of the affected item.

      Then delete that whole item from the profile file.

      Example of the section you will have to remove:

      If you aren't comfortable with this then don't try it, because errors can and will happen if you don't do this correctly.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Armor of Athena should have stomach, and groin protection.(bug report)(May be realism mod related?)

    Armor of the other gods, and goddesses would be cool!

    Love the mod so far!!!

  • Is there a way to make a mag thats already made compatible with a modded gun, am a little new lol

    • Not really.

      If you create a new item, you have to define all of its properties and associations.

      Even if you use the cloning option to create a new item, you still have to setup the associations for that newly created item.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Alright ya filthy animals, no guarantee this works™, but i'm running it and it works for me so far.

    In theory you should be able to add the item IDs from this mod to the blacklist for your loadout progression mod of choice to make them play nice. Also make sure the blacklists are enabled in this mod for obvious reasons.

    I use Algorithmic Level Progression, so my configuration file blacklist for that mod looks like this.


    "customBlacklist": ["a250_1911","a250_axmc","a250_ak545","a250_556","a250_556fde","a250_590a1","a250_ak762","a250_ak556","a250_aps","a250_ar10","a250_ash12","a250_aug","a250_avt","a250_dvl","a250_fn57","a250_g28","a250_glock45","a250_glock9","a250_kedr","a250_ks23","a250_m1a","a250_m3sup90","a250_m700","a250_m870","a250_m9a3","a250_scarh","a250_scarhfde","a250_mk18","a250_mosinbox","a250_mosinaa","a250_mp133","a250_mp443","a250_mp5","a250_mp7","a250_mp9","a250_mpx","a250_p226","a250_p90","a250_pkp","a250_pl15","a250_pm","a250_pp1901","a250_ppsh","a250_sa58","a250_saiga12","a250_sksbox","a250_skspmag","a250_sr1mp","a250_sr2m","a250_sv98","a250_svd","a250_svt","a250_t5000","a250_toz","a250_tt105","a250_ump","a250_usp","a250_vpo101","a250_vpo215","a250_vss","apollosStim","apollosPropital","apollosPain","apollosCMS","armorOfAthena","atlasSatchel","hercRig","hercRig2","helmetOfHermes"


    I've done the absolute bare minimum of testing by spawning in a few Factory raids with all chad bots. Not only did ALP not shit a brick, I didn't find any of the Olympus gear on them. Could be working, could be luck of the draw. I'll report in when I get to that point in my wipe and see if I catch any more pesky 250 rounders out there.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • How do you remove things from the backpack? It doesnt let me scroll in the character tab.

    • Blame BSG for the confined spaces and not making all directions of backpacks scrollable.
      Open the backpack to see the full inventory.

  • The mod is amazing! I am grateful! thank you! but! the question arose: how to remove spawn and the use of these items from bots? I was surprised when I saw cheat bots with 250-round magazines with excellent characteristics... There's only one cheater in this game, and that's me. please tell me how to make sure that bots don't use this miracle?

    • Set the value in the config file and then don't use other mods that are incompatible with this one.

    • Thanks for the prompt response, I really appreciate it! I looked at the configuration file "config":

      "VERSION_SELECTION": "true/false: Choose only one option. Determines the version of the mod to load.",

      "FullVersion": true,

      "MagsOnly": false,

      "RigsOnly": false,

      "StimsOnly": false,

      "BLACKLIST_SELECTION": "true/false: Setting this value to true will stop bots from generating with Olympus items in their inventory.",

      "blacklistMeds": false,

      "blacklistGear": false,

      "blacklistMags": false

      Is everything right with me?

    • Although I kind of got it... at the bottom, everything needs to be changed to true, right?

    • Yes. Change those to true on the bottom if you want to blacklist them from bot generation.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • mega very big thanks, comrade!

  • Is it possible to use two of the three versions at the same time?

    I haven't tried it, as I don't want to accidentally brick something. But, I'd like the use the magazines and the stims at the time same. I don't have a particular desire for the armor as I wouldn't use it, and I use the algorithmic level progression mod.

    • Technically, you can... ;) . You just have to go against my recommendation in the config file.

      "FullVersion": false,

      "MagsOnly": true,

      "RigsOnly": false,

      "StimsOnly": true,

    • Haha thanks for the reply. That reccomendation was exactly why I hesitated lmao. I'll let you know if anything weird happens from using them both!

  • i dont know where to put this but if you can tell me whats wrong that would be super helpfull

    SyntaxError: E:\spt tarkov\user\mods\AssAssIn-Olympus\src\config.json: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 436

    SyntaxError: E:\spt tarkov\user\mods\AssAssIn-Olympus\src\config.json: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 436

    at parse (<anonymous>)

    at Object.Module._extensions..json (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1322:39)

    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1117:32)

    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:958:12)

    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1141:19)

    at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1851:31)

    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:110:18)

    at Olympus.postDBLoad (E:\spt tarkov\user\mods\AssAssIn-Olympus\src\Olympus.ts:32:64)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:72:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    SyntaxError: E:\spt tarkov\user\mods\AssAssIn-Olympus\src\config.json: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 436

    SyntaxError: E:\spt tarkov\user\mods\AssAssIn-Olympus\src\config.json: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 436

    at parse (<anonymous>)

    at Object.Module._extensions..json (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1322:39)

    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1117:32)

    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:958:12)

    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1141:19)

    at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1851:31)

    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:110:18)

    at Olympus.postDBLoad (E:\spt tarkov\user\mods\AssAssIn-Olympus\src\Olympus.ts:32:64)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:72:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

  • Hey uhm i have a problem with the Backpack, it for some reason doesn't show the Entire Side which results in some Items being unaccessible. Like it goes downfully but i only have a Half of the Side and the rest is hidden.

  • I have the spawning of the armor and mags turned off for AI, but they keep spawning with the Athena armor and backpack, and the 250rd mags.

    • And so do I! bots run around with cheat clothes. have you found how to disable it? Please help me