Special Slots 390.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

They're my pockets and I want to use them!




  • Version 390.0.2

    Type: Inventory and Client Mod

    Supported SPT Version: 3.9.0+

    Supported EFT Version: 30626

    Change Log:

    • Update SVM compatibility
    • Add Client mod to hide slot view of containers placed into Special Slots. (exception: slot view of rigs still shows)

    Installation: Extract to root of SPT folder.

  • Can someone send me a link to a version that works with SPT 3.8.3 pls

  • Any way to get it to work with special slots greater than 3?

  • Do you know of a way I could implement a blacklist feature to this so I can remove certain containers I do not want to be placed there but keep other containers I do want to fit in the special slot?

    • Contribute to the project and help me implement it would be the best way.

    • I'd love to help but have zero knowledge on this XD, I'd be more than happy to test things for you though!

    • Maybe something like this?

          "LimitedItems": {
              "Meds": true,
              "Firearms": false,
              "FoodAndDrink": false,
              "Throwables": true,
              "BarterItems": false,
              "Maps": true,
              "SecureContainers": false,
              "Containers": {
                  "EnableContainers": true,
                  "ExcludedContainers": {
                      "Onyx Container": false,
                      "0c22fc270f59b28c064e1232": true,
                      "9543bbe8083934dc3b1b1330": true,
                      "c29f11b2e63a089916739c96": true,
                      "12403f74773f49be6a2d84b7": true,
                      "ae9e418fd5d4c4eec4a0e6ea": true,
                      "440de5d056825485a0cf3a19": true,
                      "6925918065a41e6b1e02a7d7": true,
                      "2eabd4da4ab194eb168e72d3": true
              "Rigs": false,
              "Armors": false,
              "RepairKits": false

      Then maybe if this works all that would need to be done is to add the containers from base game and custom traders to this list. But I really have no idea if this would work. Going to bed too so I will be able to try if you haven't after I wake up.

    • First of all, never doubt your own ability to learn something new. You're capable of more than you know. ;)

      Second, you may not realize it, but your suggestion there actually gave me an idea on how to possibly implement such a feature... so see, you're already contributing!! :D

      Heart 1
    • Well I am really glad I could help give you an idea then XD

      I was just winging it with the little knowledge I have from using other mods.

  • can add a option to block all the bagpacks ?

    • In config file:

      Set "AllItems" to False

      Under LimitedItems category, enable everything you want except for 'containers'

    • but all the containers or only bavkpacks ?

    • It's based on categories so yes, ALL containers.

    • you cant add an option only for bagpacks ? bc i use ammo bags in raid and i put them

      in the special slots ..

  • Could this or is there any way this could be made compatible with WTT - Pack N Strap ? Even if only for the containers and not the belts?

    • Can't see why not. I may be able to add compatibility for other container mods as well. ;)
      [Quickly navigates to mod page to download 'WTT - Pack N Strap' and other similar mods...]

      Happy 1
    • Lmfao. Hey! Thanks for hearing me out XD

    • Maybe load order has something to do with it?

      I think that if you loaded all custom item mods prior to Special Slots, then it should work by default. More testing is needed to know for sure.

    • Already did so T-T lol

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Any way to make it to where you can carry a stack of ammo in the slot, without having to use a pouch? I have just been able to put 1 singular round.

    • I have been looking into it but I have no guarantee whether it is possible or not. If it is possible, I do not have any sort of an ETA yet.

      Heart 1
    • Sounds good. I figured I would ask. This is a fantastic mod, though! Thanks!

      Heart 1
    • Looked into it.
      This is what I have found so far...

      1. Pockets are literally fixed containers so they can hold more than one stackable object.
      2. Special Slots are not pockets but instead are actual inventory slots much like each of the other "slots" on your PMC to hold a weapon, rig, armor, or container such as your backpack... and thus, do not have the ability to hold more than one game object per the baked in rules of the game.

      Still have plenty more research to do.

      Heart 1
  • suggestion: be able to define custom item ids to allow in the special slots rather than category

  • Thank you! Really makes sense to have to go with WTT belts to attached the smaller leather case or ammunition pouch

  • Hi ! I installed the mod today, absolutely useful but i had a bug, i picked up a figurine ( the bear, usec, cultist things) and it disappeared. It reappeared after i extract. Any idea ?

    Have a great day

    • Not sure. I'll try to recreate it later and see what I can find out.

    • it only happened once so maybe just a little loading or transfering thing bug. not that much of a big deal

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi there ! I am using SVM to add 1 additional special slot, however the regular filters apply to that one slot and I cant seem to change that. I did uninstall this mod, added the special slot and then reinstalled it, but no use :(. I did find some mention of SVM special slots in the code of the mod, however since all arrays only reference 3 possible slots (index 0 - 2) I suspect that more than 3 is not intended ? I tried to just add lines for index 3, but gave me an error (makes sense, since again, I assume the mod is meant for only 3 specials). Any Idea on how I can restructure this so I can use it with 4 (or even more) special slots or is that not an option at all ? Thanks in advance for any tips

  • is there a way for me to just allow specific items in special slots?

  • the mod works great and i love it but im having an issue where the inventory of a backpack placed in the special slots is always visible and interactable. is there a way to fix that?

    • SVM has an option to disable that feature so containers don't expand when placed into the Special Slots. You'll have to wait until GhostFenixx is able to update his mod.

    • I'm also working on making my version of that utility as well. No ETA at the moment.

    • alright, kinda suck since it wasnt that way before but it is what it is i suppose.

    • Added my fix for this: v390.0.2
      But SVM also updated, so you just install the "HideSpecialIcon.dll" file from there as well.

    • Ran into this a bit last night, and I'm assuming it's almost exclusive to modded backpacks. Stumbled upon this with the "big brother" pack in the Sasha Himik mod as it has a BG decal that blocks grabbing it back out of the slot with no fix other than a wipe so far as I've found.

      Thinking 1
  • thanks for the update will be testing it out now :D

  • how do i get this working for the fourth special slot ?

    • I'll be adding it in a future update.

      EDIT: I find no references in all of the EFT and SPT code/databases that references a 4th Special Slot. Unless I'm missing something, I would suspect this to be something added by a mod and not part of the default EFT behavior.

      Heart 1
  • Is it possible for the special slots to be moved so that instead of side by side they could be, like the pockets, above and below as well? That way when you have 4 of them the last one isn't hidden by the stash screen on the character screen. Just wondering.

    • Not with this mod. This is a server-side mod, not a client mod.

  • Anyway to make this only apply to meds?

    • Will look into, no promises though.

    • Thank you there was an original mod for 3.7~ that only affected meds which is what I want to use instead of having 1000 things be available for special slots.

  • Could I put your holtzman shield in a special slot and it still apply armor?

    • Never tested that theory, so I don't know.

    • Is there a way ingame to check to see if it applies without getting my brains blown out and comparing ttk?

    • That is the only way. Just have to go in either without any additional gear, or with only gear that you don't mind losing should that be the case.

    • It didnt work btw lol

    • Now we know for sure. Thanks for testing! 8o

  • I've seen a mod that fixes pop-up cells, for example when you put a container in a slot. But I forgot the name. Could someone remind me of him?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • SVM has the ability to install an additional dll file that does this. I have updated my description to include this as a recommended option.

      Heart 1
  • hi. Is it possible to alter this so i can only put an ammo pouch in only one of the spec slots?

    • I'm guessing that you are referring to a pouch from another mod. If so, which one? I can look into it and see if I work something out.

    • Yeah it's an ammo pouch from the Small Cases mod. I altered it to work like I want it to. I deleted a few lines from your mod, so that only the first spec slot is open. I placed the pouch there and it works. The issue is that I can't reload ammo from there like for a bolt-action. Any ideas? Thanks.

    • Special Slots behave similar to rig or backpack slots in that they can hold an item or container, but that's where the similarity stops.

      I believe there is some client-side trickery happening that prevents them from operating like normal slots, but I haven't had time to dive in and verify that.

      For now, I don't think I'll be able to help you. At least until I can find time to deep dive into BSG's spaghetti code and figure some things out.

    • I actually was looking something similar to this myself, and was trying to find a way where only the containers/bags from this mod here and the normal special items:


      Basically, just looking for something in a config that allows us to insert id's to blacklist items from the special slot by simply placing the ID similar to this below, I think you get it.



    • @


      The SmallCases mod I'm using has configs for all the container items it adds.

      I'm only using the Ammo Pouch and here are the parameters that I set:


      "id": "groovey_ammopouch",

      "item_name": "Small Ammo Pouch",

      "item_short_name": "Sml Ammopouch",

      "item_description": "A small container that can hold ammo",

      "trader": "prapor",

      "trader_loyalty_level": 1,

      "currency": "roubles",

      "price": 50000,

      "unlimited_stock": true,

      "stock_amount": 999999,

      "allow_in_slots": [



      "ExternalSize": {

      "width": 1,

      "height": 1


      "InternalSize": {

      "horizontal_cells": [2],

      "vertical_cells": [1]


      "included_filter": [




      "excluded_filter": [""],

      "cell_to_apply_filters_to": 0,

      "unique_included_filter": [""],

      "unique_excluded_filter": [""],

      "allow_in_secure_containers": false,

      "allow_in_backpacks": false,

      "case_allowed_in": [""],

      "case_disallowed_in": [""],

      "insurancedisabled": false,

      "availableforinsurance": true,

      "examinedbydefault": false,

      "isunremovable": false,

      "discardingblock": false,

      "isundiscardable": false,

      "isungivable": false,

      "discardlimit": 9999

      This case can go into the armband by default and also via the Special Slots mod, it can go into the first slot only. It only has include filters for ammo. It's also disallowed from going into secure conts and backpacks. It allows/disallows you to pace it in various cases by IDs.

      I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve, but you can always NOT place something into the spec slots once opened up. Then modify a container item, set include exclude rules, and put this container into the special slot and just always keep it there. make it "isunremovable"=true, if you want.

  • beautiful Mode!!

    thank you Autor!

    Heart 1
  • I have a question, I tried on my own quickly and managed to make a 4th special slot that is functional and runs in game. The problem is , its half hidden by the stash, and in game when looting the same thing. its not really a deal breaker because you can see enough of the slot to drop something in there and hot key it. I allowed cms and surv on mine for example.

    My question is, have you tried this and can you get the special slot 4-6 to appear under the original 3, is it is hard coded or something that anymore will continue to the right and thus be unseen.

  • Can we configure this to make the spec slots 0 weight like the weapons in your primary when elite strength?

    • will look into... no promises though

      Heart 1
  • Somewhat off-topic, but what mod extended your pockets like that?

  • Eeeeeh, does it use containers like hot slots? for example, can i put magazine container as a dump pouch and drop mags there and not on the ground?

    • I'm not actually sure. Never tested that scenario.

    • Welp, no, its not working. What a shame. PMC still drop mags on the floor and for some reason we have no battlebelts with dump pouches

  • I found another issue that I can't seem to fix. Looks like when you place containers in spec slots the container itself opens up on it's own and is accessable. I've tested with all client and server mods removed and the issue persists. Here's a screenshot:


    • This is a known issue and is a result of how BSG configured the slots. They are setup as expandable slots like the Backpack, Secure Container, and Rig slots.

  • I must be missing something here but I'm not able to put anything into the special slots. I have fairly minimal mods running, but there may be some conflict? I'm getting the normal "item not compatable with this slot" error whenever I try to place something in it.

    • That is not supposed to happen. I tested and verified it to work on: 3.5.0/3.5.1/3.5.2/3.5.3
      What other mods are you using?

    • Looks like the special slots are being completely replaced in SVM based on a novice glance at SVM's code. Since some people mentioned other issues related to newer versions of SVM I would imagine something in there has changed that has broken compatability. If you look in the "CSM SECTION" of SVM's code you can see special slots are being modified/recreated there. I don't really know what I'm doing as I'm a novice coder, but to get the functionality working again I added these lines to SVM:


      CustomPocketItem._props.Slots[0]._id = "SVMSPEC1"
      CustomPocketItem._props.Slots[1]._id = "SVMSPEC2"
      CustomPocketItem._props.Slots[2]._id = "SVMSPEC3"
      CustomPocketItem._props.Slots[0]._parent = "CustomPocket"
      CustomPocketItem._props.Slots[1]._parent = "CustomPocket"
      CustomPocketItem._props.Slots[2]._parent = "CustomPocket"
      CustomPocketItem._props.Slots[0]._props.filters[0].Filter.push("54009119af1c881c07000029"); // Added
      CustomPocketItem._props.Slots[1]._props.filters[0].Filter.push("54009119af1c881c07000029"); // Added
      CustomPocketItem._props.Slots[2]._props.filters[0].Filter.push("54009119af1c881c07000029"); // Added

      Seems to work as you intend for it to in your mod.

      Obviously this isn't a fix that is relevant to you, but I thought it might be useful to fully detail. Perhaps you might indicate that SVM's custom pockets are completely incompatable with Special Slots, or maybe this gives you enough information to provide a workaround. Either way, thank's for your work.

    • Removing lines 775-780 from SVM also works.

  • Does not work for me on 3.5.2 Changed pockets (5x2 and 2 special slots) using SVM.

    On version 3.5.1, everything worked with the changed pockets.

    Great mod, it's already inconvenient to play without it.

    • Created a new "Issues/FAQ" tab in the Overview screen to explain this.
      The mod is still functioning correctly on a technical level. The slots are still there, they are just hidden because you have more than 4 columns.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Got it, thanks.

    • I changed to make sure my pockets were 4 1x3 vertical slots (onlyt extended downwards and a multiple of 4 as instructed) and it still doesnt work.

    • New update. Now compatible with changes to pockets made by SVM.

  • Love the mod. I have an issue with it no longer working on 3.5.2. It'll work prior to the first raid on a fresh account. but then in first raid and afterwards I cannot add anytyhing to special slots. I have tried placing last in mod order which did not help.

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Discovered a slight conflict with the SPT-aki profile editor, it doesn't prevent the mod from functioning when installed, however if any other pocket size other than the template or the secondary 4 pocket option (10 and 15 options are are also available), the special slots no longer show up.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • @jbs4bmx, thanks for the update. I see you chose to remove the older 3.4.1 version? I can see choosing to no longer "support" older versions, but not being able to use them? Just curious, cause I for one am sticking with 3.4.1 for performance reasons on an older laptop. Thanks

    • Just saying that I didn't support the older versions wasn't enough for some gamers. They saw it as an opportunity to say how shitty I was to release a product and not support it, so here we are.

      But I have good news for you if you're willing to listen. (I know that you're technically reading and not listening, but just image that I'm speaking with the voice of Deckard Caine from Diablo saying, "Stay a while and listen."). 8o

      For this mod, there is no difference between the 3.5.0 version and the 3.4.1 version.
      To make it work for you, just change the akiVersion line in package.json from 3.5.0 to 3.4.1 and it will work. It doesn't work for all mods, but for this one it will. Hope that helps. ^^