WTT - Armory - Remington MSR 1.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Ayo? Double Thursday?

  • would it be possible to add an 8.6 blackout rifle? For example: The Fix by Q or the B&T APR, or even a DMR style MK12 AR10. Any would be dope af

  • great gun, the price being 10k on the flea is a little broken though :)

  • There's an issue when opening the weapon description of the MSR (Built) and it says blablabla as a tag or something. I tried finding if there is a console error but there's none though it freezes the UI where I can't close it.

    • Interesting, let me ask the other 1000 people and see if they've had the same issue.

    • If you have realism mod installed, that might be the problem , you need a realism patch to make the mod work

    • Hmhmm and where is that mithycal realism patch?

    • @Hexyteron Literally click on "New" in the mods category and it's like the 3rd most recently published thing.

  • Man, releasing this one second made me miss it for a couple of days. I could've been out here with another Rexana piece, but because I got the ACR download within minutes of it hitting the site, I totally missed the release on this one.

    Nice job and I love it as always.

    Heart 1
  • I think the thread protector is a bit bugged

    • I think Realism is a bit bugged.

    • You need to remove the "muzzle_supp_adapter" modtype on the thread protector in the realism patch ( if you have it , if not, u need to download one )

  • every time i buy it from the flea, it says its tagged as "blablabla" and all the stats are 5/90 and causes the client to freeze

    • that is most unfortunate. idk what would cause that.

    • neither would i, i've already reinstalled it and it still does it, is it ment to be sold by a trader?

    • try buying it from skier. he sells the reciever.

    • that seems to have worked, might want to ban it from the flea if it isnt already

    • Make sure u’re not using the mod with realism , if you are , you need a patch for it

  • Hi. I really like the weapon.
    I have run into a problem though. Whenever I kill pmcs, those kills won´t count towards any quest requiring pmc kills (e.g. "A Shooter Born in Heaven").

    When I switch back to an M700 for example, all kills are counted.

    Maybe you could investigate this problem. Thanks in advance :)

    • common and well-known problem with modded guns. requires a special script that i don't know how to do.

    • Unfortunate, but thanks for the quick response

    • For all those with the same problem:

      This mod fixes it (Add Missing Quest Weapon Requirements)

    • for SBIH and the like, it's super easy to do.

      you want to add the weapon's base ID to the quest conditions.


      where "5c0bde0986f77479cf22c2f8" is the quest ID for SBIH. can fetch them from the locales and cross-reference them in the quests.json.

      if you set up your item's parents properly, you can really easily do this programmatically, as your parent could be the node for "pistol", and you can push all pistol IDs to Stirrup quest conditions, etc.

    • i'm not touching that shit, lol

  • Great weapon :D. is it possible to make supressor work with short barrel ?

    • it is if you do funny stuff with the mod_muzzle filters in the .json

    • ohhh yeah thanks, my bad haha

  • Awesome gun, I wonder if WTT has a new bullet chain machine gun

  • Thank you Rexana, your work is appreciated.

  • sooo soo many new guns....will WTT surpass tarkov in weapon count? lol

    • this is just what has been released

    • It really wouldnt shock me, and I'm %100 here for it. WTT discord and Tron's page have all kinds of nifty previews, some get released when finished, others are being held until WTT as a project is finished iirc

      Heart 2
    • correct

  • Double Remington Thursday? Sweet

  • Why is it only 1 ruble?

    • OOPS

    • Placeholder price I assume? lol

    • yeah, fixed. along with it functioning without the chassis. good lord.

      Happy 1
  • Feels good to be back to tarkov.

  • Really well done, I'm still waiting for the MRAD in .338 (it's my favorite bolt action from BF4)

  • "I'll take bad ass sniper rifle for doming Cheeki Breeki MF'ers for 100, Alex"

  • Where's our Realism patch huh? Huhhhhhhhhhh hummm

    All jokes aside, thank you for your continued service to the SPT community!

  • Double? AGAIN?! Ur spoiling us kanalove



    I came again - Winston Churchill

    Happy 1
  • was waiting for this to come out ||

  • I retract my prior statement, I'll take a new sniper rifle over some fatass 1911 any day

  • This is ART <3

  • WTT Thursday <3 8)

    Heart 1

      Happy 1