WTT - Armory - M76 1.0.1

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The 8mm Mauser Yugo M76 DMR has arrived in Tarkov.

  • Is there more ammo planned? because its got just FMJ rounds

    • There will be more 8mm Mauser cartridges in the actual WTT project. For this standalone, you just get FMJ.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • can we get a 7.62/.308 ver

    • The M76 never came in 7.62/ .308 as far as I know.

      That'd be the M78 model - which is already implemented into the actual WTT project. It is not currently a standalone mod.

  • I run into a problem where if I inspect the firearm I run into issues where the description and stats are not showing right and i cant close the tab

    • Sounds like a conflict with another mod. Realism ?

  • could you make a Zastava Serb AK?

  • Was wondering is Scavs spawn with this? If not, is there an easy way to go about making them spawn with it?

    • Yes, load APBS after this (and any weapon mods). Make sure to toggle the config as 'true' in APBS.

  • 谢谢

  • 8mm Mauser, my favorite cartridge! And a Kar 98k planned? Oh hell yeah

  • Dont get me wrong, its a good mod, But why?

    • More weapons to use 8mm Mauser. Kar98K and MG42 are planned.

      This adds more weapons to that pool for that particular cartridge.

      Heart 2
    • FUCK YEA

  • hey sir, can you make glock roni kit, Groza ?

    • I think my life in Tarkov would be complete if someone actually added a OTs-14 Groza with both the 9x39 and 7.62x39 caliber options. In 3.8 I was using the ASH-12 mod pack that added some accessories and made it accept the 40 round AK mag and add 7.62x39 as a usable bullet.

  • Exellent work, a really funny gun. Could we have compatibility with the handguard, pistolgrip end stock with those of the AK series?

  • Zastava M70-AB when? 🥵🥵

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Yessssssss

  • wait, this is my favorite rifle that you just casually dropped

    much love, thanks for the 'stava

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • I've been wanting this rifle in SPT since HardThasher's Elbonia stream.

    Happy 1
  • pog

  • Zastava my beloved

  • lets go


  • WTT Thursday <3

    Heart 1