Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
So after playing SPTarkov for a long time I always wanted to make my bot experience as close to live Tarkov as possible and no current bot spawning solutions met that for me. This is pretty much the result of me trying to achieve that.
This started off as just trying to optimize donuts/swag as best I could for the SPT-VR mod I've been testing. It ended up spiraling into just making an experience as close to live tarkov as I could while also being somewhat performant.
IMPORTANT WARNING: These config files WILL reset all your Questing bots and Donuts f9 settings and totally change/remove all presets for new ones! BACKUP QUESTING BOTS CONFIG AND DONUTS FOLDER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOUR SETTINGS.
Also if you use any other mods that affect spawns or bosses in any way, you're likely to run into issues. I've even confirmed with someone that Acid's progressive bot system can cause issues with bosses if you use the boss part of that mod, ALP seems to be fine though.
NOTE: I strongly suggest not changing options in the config files or in the F9 menu except for preset selection. It's setup in a specific way to work nicely with the presets I have setup. If you think you know what you're doing though then have at it, don't report issues here though if you change anything.
VR USERS: If you want to use VROptimized preset you need to go into the F9 menu and select it under main settings -> general -> PMC Raid Preset Selection. With the latest update you should be able to play on other presets also but if you really need the extra performance use VROptimized.
- Install Donuts + SWAG - SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points
- Install Questing bots - Questing Bots (required, this preset is made with the AILimit feature heavily in mind)
- Install Looting bots - Looting Bots (not required but strongly recommended)
- Download my zip file
- Extract BepInEx and user folder into SPT folder
- Overwrite all
- (optional but recommended) Copy Bepinex folder from the "Optional Configs" folder into your SPT folder. This will set my settings for looting bots and my own SAIN preset, if my SAIN preset is too easy you can increase the PMC difficulty if you'd like. I'd leave scavs as they are though if you want live Tarkov-like scavs
Note: If you want to skip optional and use your own looting bots and SAIN settings just keep in mind, it won't be the intended way to play with my Truelive preset and you won't get the experience I'm aiming for.
Recommended Mods:
- SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement
- That's Lit - Logical AI Vision
This is a Starting PMC's only focused configuration for Donuts+Swag, all other presets have been removed. This is meant to be as similar to live tarkov as possible, that means the only PMC's that'll spawn are the ones that spawn in the beginning of the raid. Low amount of Scavs at start of raid and they will spawn in waves throughout the raid. In the latest update, scavs are now persistent throughout the map instead of despawning.
By default, I have donuts preset set to "TrueLive". This preset is meant to be the main one and is meant to play like live Tarkov. It can be very random, sometimes low amount of PMC's, sometimes max amount. The scavs are very random, some raids will be very quiet, some will have a lot of scavs.
TrueLive -
Maximum amount of PMC's based on live Tarkov. Aside from Streets to avoid killing your PC. Example: Customs can spawn up to 8-11 PMC's at start of raid
TrueLive-morescavs -
Same as TrueLive but more scavs have roughly a 10% higher chance of spawning
TrueLive-quietraids -
Minimum to maximum amount of PMC's lowered a bit. Example: Customs can spawn a maximum of 8 PMC's at start of raid (Use this if you would like better performance)
TrueLive-scavraids -
Preset made specifically for scav raids, there won't be many PMC's that spawn in on the map. Example: Random chance of between 2-5 PMC's on customs and they will spawn in random spots on the map rather than in start spawn locations
TrueLive-VROptimized -
Preset that started it all, this is aimed towards VR players but can obviously be used without VR as an optimized raid option. This preset lowers the amount of starting PMC's on most maps to a random amount of between 7-10. I've also adjusted the max group size to 3 to avoid one PMC group spawning in with 5 and using up all the PMC slots. This makes the PMC's a bit more spaced out, also fighting 5 PMC's in VR is hell...
Also, for VROptimized, I can say the two hardest maps to run by far is lighthouse and streets. Unfortunately it's just the nature of those maps. Streets is hard because it's just a very unoptimized map in general, lighthouse is hard because of the insane amount of bots due to the rogue base.
Questions I'm sure will be asked:
Q - Do bosses and sniper scavs work?
Yes. I believe these configs should fix the issue many people have with donuts where bosses and sniper scavs do not spawn. I've done extensive testing to make sure of that. If you have other mods that effect bot spawns though I can't make any promises.
Also, another thing about bosses, the way I had to set them up to get them working, there is a bit of a delay before they spawn. It doesn't happen every time but there's a big chance if you rush a boss spawn they will spawn on top of you about 5-10 minutes into the raid. Their followers usually will spawn in a bit after the boss spawns in also. Sorry, I tried fixing this but just don't think it's possible to make it perfect with current Donuts build, the Alpha v2 build isn't in a good enough state to use yet either.
Q - How often do bosses spawn?
They are set to the same as live tarkov according to the wiki -
Q - Can I change Boss spawn chance?
Yes, go into user/mods/SWAG/config and open bossConfig.json. You should be able to edit them there. Tbh just to make sure, change them in user/mods/SWAG/config/bosses too. (can't guarantee the consistency of boss spawns, they're weird)
Q - Can I run streets in VR with this?
With the VROptimized preset it makes it more manageable... but obviously your system is also a big part in this. If Kaban and his guards spawn in though... Yeah GG to your PC. Streets in general is not very optimized even on flatscreen live tarkov. (this may change once I update Streets, my 1.2 update doesn't include streets in the overhaul as it'll be a whole project on its own)
Q - Will this run good on my system?
Try it and see how it is. The TrueLive and morescavs presets might be a bit heavy for some systems. If you have a slower PC definitely try using quietraids or VROptimized preset.
Q - Can I get spawn killed by other PMC's?
Yep, just like real Tarkov. Doesn't happen too often though.
Q - Is this compatible with Unicorn?
No, Unicorn adds zone spawn points. The new spawn zones would only work if they're added to my pattern files. Unicorn also will overwrite my configuration for SWAG bosses which will probably break boss spawns. This also goes against my goal of a live type of experience, I may even setup my own zones in the future if I feel it's needed.
Examples of customs:
TrueLive Start to Mid raid -
TrueLive-morescavs Start to Mid Raid -
TrueLive-quietraids Start to Mid Raid -
- matsix
Small update to fix scav spawns on Ground Zero. Accidentally set the map name on both the high level and low level versions to "sandbox" instead of naming the high level one "sandbox_high". It effectively caused double the amount of scavs.
Check comments tab for a notice regarding the 3.10 update.
- matsix
Quick fix for scav raids on customs. No PMC's were spawning, this should fix that.
Version 1.2
- matsix
-Updated DL link to fix SAIN preset naming, redownload if you downloaded it soon after release
Please go through the install steps again to make sure you get everything you need
- ALL PMC spawns have been completely overhauled to make PMC's spawns exactly as they are in Tarkov, except for streets, factory, and labs. Streets is something that will take a lot of time to get right so I'm going to do another update in the future for that. Streets is a whole project on its own... Factory and labs I just don't play often so they're just using default donuts still, I will get to them though.
- Scav spawn waves and spawn points have also been completely overhauled to be as close to live Tarkov as possible. You will only see scavs in places you see them in Tarkov. Sometimes there will be a lot, sometimes there won't be.
- TrueLive is now set as default preset instead of random (random is still an option). I did this because the Truelive preset has been made to be VERY random. So it doesn't really need the randomness of cycling through other presets
- VROptimized is pretty much the same as the Truelive preset except I lowered the amount of PMC's on all maps
- Questing bots with AILimit is now REQUIRED and my config is part of the install package (use your own settings or change my settings if you want but just keep in mind, it's configured in a very specific way to work well with my preset)
- Boss spawns are more consistent (I think? boss spawn issue is due to the amount of bots that spawn on start of raid, use quiet raids preset for very consistent bosses)
- SAIN preset now included in install package, it's under optional configs (strongly recommend, I've set it up so that PMC's won't die as often to scavs)
- Endless scav spawns spawning on top of you are now unlikely but possible
- Oh and another nice thing, raids should load a bit faster
There's probably more that I'm forgetting right now but yeah... And if you like the old version more over this one, old version will stay available.
Just as a quick rundown on the way these new scav spawn waves work, it's VERY different from pretty much every bot spawn solution out there. When I say this is an overhaul, I mean it. The bots don't spawn anywhere close to the same way they spawn on default donuts.
Every single area bots can spawn are separated into their own spawn zones. The way default donuts works, bot spawn zones take up a large part of the map and they're named by color. Waves are typically set on pretty short timers and waves zones are usually set as "all" with a few waves that have specific zones set.
The way mine works, instead of zones that cover large areas, my zones cover specific areas scavs can spawn. For example, on customs, skeleton, fortress, and construction are all on their own separate zones and named accordingly. They all have a set chance to spawn and timers for when those spawns will happen.
Some areas that are hotspots like dorms or fortress will be on a shorter timer with a higher chance to spawn. I also have cooldowns setup so that you should never really run into an issue where bots just endlessly spawn and you have no time inbetween. Dorms for example, has a chance to spawn a lot of bots in a short time but once you kill them all, it's unlikely that more will spawn until like 5-10 minutes later.
Version 1.0.1
- matsix
Small update:
-Fixed Lighthouse boss spawns, rogues should spawn now. Just like the rest of the boss bots though, they can sometimes take some time to spawn in. I've found that occasionally either zryachiy or the rogues won't spawn in or only a few rogues will spawn in, MOST of the time they will though. Think this is due to the sheer amount of boss bots that spawn
-Adjusted scav spawns a bit for VROptimized preset
-Reduced rogue spawns for VROptimized preset, the default amount of rogues that have a chance of spawning on lighthouse was way too high for VR
Upcoming update:
I am working on a complete overhaul of the spawn zones for both PMC's and Scav's. I'm setting up PMC's to have the exact same spawns as live tarkov and scavs will only spawn in zones they typically will in Tarkov.
I Understand that this may not be everyone's cup of tea but this is something I've wanted from SPTarkov for a long time. Bots that spawn almost identical to spawns in Tarkov. These configs are not meant to be adjusted in any way, if you want something different it'd be best to work on your own presets.
...update on the update:
The new update I'm working on will REQUIRE questing bots with AI limit enabled. With my new spawn setups for scavs it works out nicely because AI on scavs will be disabled while they are in expected scav locations. You can adjust the distance however you want to improve/hurt performance. Despawning will be turned off and instead bot hard cap will be set. This will be a significant performance improvement also.
matsix Author
3.10 Notice
Unfortunately, until SWAG+donuts is updated to 3.10, this preset is unusable.
As soon as Donuts is updated for 3.10, I will test my presets and make sure they still work properly and adjust them if needed.
Regarding Nooky stepping down, I have heard that someone has taken over and is working on rewriting/cleaning up a lot of the code. So it may take quite some time for Donuts to be updated to 3.10, continue using 3.9 if you'd like to use these presets.
Is normal for PCMs to be this passive? Most of them prefer to camp inside a building, they barely change locations. I have all the required mods.
At every raid I see bots eventually running forward and backwards following the same path when analyzing it with the Raid Revew mod.
matsix Author
Has nothing to do with this mod, all my mod does is change spawns. Bot behavior is entirely handled by SAIN, I have an optional preset available for SAIN which makes some minor changes to PMC's. You can adjust PMC difficulty/behavior any way you want.
A little caveat on your raiders.json config, you have time : 75 for raider spawns on labs such as garage door that should have time : -1. So raiders are spawning behind closed garage doors when the button has not been pressed.
matsix Author
I must've accidentally set that, but either way it's odd that it would work that way. The timer should only trigger if the button is pressed, that's what the "triggername" and "triggerId" values are for. They are supposed to be the trigger that starts the timer. All -1 means is that there is no timer so they would spawn instantly when you interact with the button. So I'd assume 75 would make it so they don't spawn until 75 seconds after the button is pressed.
I'll adjust them back to -1 and see if that helps.
In default donuts you can even see other raider spawns set with a triggerId and name while having a time set for them also. So yeah, odd.
Hmm interesting. From my observations though, I ran probably like 10 labs raids after I changed the timer to -1 and raiders were not spawning behind closed garage doors.
matsix Author
That's probably just to do with the spawn issue that happens with bosses when you set their timer to -1 (raiders are considered bosses). I have a feeling trigger objects aren't working as intended because I've heard similar issues happening with raiders spawning on reserve by the train in the beginning of the raid rather than after pulling the power lever.
SWAG spawns are really odd in the latest versions of Donuts. Someone took over on development for it and I'm hoping they're able to fix a lot of these issues.
just having a bizarre time not getting Shturman to spawn
changed his chance to 99% in bossconfig and in config>bosses>shturman
running all the recommended mods
matsix Author
Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to fully fix this. It's just an issue with donuts, this preset isn't a 100% fix bosses solution. It's either I make the raid completely dead in the beginning of woods by making no scavs spawn at the start and only have a few PMC's spawn or I make the raid a bit more lively in the beginning which in turn causes the boss to either be heavily delayed or not spawn.
Also, how long did you wait for him to spawn? I've done testing and I've definitely had him spawn multiple times, he can just be pretty delayed sometimes. Usually he won't spawn until like 5-10 minutes into the raid.
Also you should be settings it in both that spot you mentioned and in swag/config/bossConfig.json. It should only use the bossConfig.json percent but I just set it in both anyway.
in terms of time, about whatever amount a full sprint towards the woodcamp would take, i would think i was below 5 minutes usually. I didnt think of that
matsix Author
Make sure you're changing the percent in the bossConfig.json file too. That's where it should be pulling chance of spawn from.
Reporting the same experience with Kolotnay and Kaban, 3 raids, 100% chance no spawn. even after waiting.
also the only sniper scav i've seen on streets has been on cinema, just curious on your Streets experiences?
matsix Author
Just wait for 3.10 version of Donuts. This 3.9 version was a massive pain, all boss and sniper scav issues are fixed so far in the testing version of the new builds. I'll update this preset here once Donuts for 3.10 is released.
why when I create a new character, start to do prapor's quest at the ground zero, there is constant shooting and when I go to find the Utyos m.g, the bots endlessly climb the stairs(and mostly they are scavs) and this continues throughout the whole game
i only use your configs for SAIN, QB, LB, Swag & Donuts and a some mods that don't affect bots (Update15, Fika, APBS, RefFriendlyquest)
what do I have to do about it to fix the problem?
matsix Author
I've heard from someone that acid did actually cause some issues with bots, afaik just with bosses though. I've done tons of ground zero tests and never experienced them climbing the stairs like that. Although, I can say, I've read that ground zero has an issue with SAIN which causes the bots to be stuck in endless combat mode. I noticed that while testing too, bots are oddly aggressive compared to every other map.
I also did like 5 test raids just now and didn't see this happen in any of them. I can say though, Ground Zero was one of the first maps I did and I haven't tested it in a while. Testing it now I can see the scavs oddly are A LOT more excessive. Not sure why it's spawning so many now compared to before. I'm going to make an adjustment to it and upload an update.
Edit: I think I actually just found out why the bots were so excessive... lol accidentally set the map in both the groundzero high and normal groundzero json wave files to "sandbox" instead of one of them being named "sandbox_high" so both wave files were spawning bots in effectively doubling each spawn.
Edit2: Just uploaded an update that should fix the amount of scavs. If you still experience the same issue then there must be something wrong on your end. I've done plenty of tests today and honestly didn't even have any scavs go on those stairs at all.
I downloaded your update and installed it, after i have few tests: the problem is half solved. The endless scavs are over, but at 20-25 minutes of raid they start pushing me when I'm on the floor with the Utyos (maybe it’s happened because i set scavs difficult on “AsOnline” in Swag&Donuts, because i don’t know does this difficult affect on player scavs too or not) (I noticed that all PMC’s on map already died at this moment)
Today I’ll try testing without APBS and edit this comment, maybe it’s really can fix my problem
but anyway, thanks for you work!!
matsix Author
Yeah, ground zero seems to have issues with bots being overly aggressive. Also I mentioned in the install steps that scav difficulty shouldn't be changed. "AsOnline" isn't really like live Tarkov, at least imo it's not. Scavs from my experience playing Tarkov are just annoying cannon fodder. If you change difficulty then they'll be more likely to kill PMC's. PMC difficulty can be adjusted however though. I wouldn't really set scavs to anything other than easy or normal. I don't think that setting controls player scavs either, I'm pretty sure player scavs are counted as PMC's. Not 100% sure on that but they definitely behave differently than normal scavs.
I can say too, even if scavs are set easier, there's still a chance all PMC's can die pretty quickly. That can happen in live Tarkov too though especially on ground zero.
And no problem, I'll see if there's any other adjustments I can make to ground zero. Scav behavior I can't really change though, I think I have them set to vanilla scavs in SAIN so SAIN shouldn't even be controlling them. They should be acting like live tarkov scavs. If I set them to use SAIN then they become too smart even on easy SAIN difficulties and it makes it harder for bot PMC's to kill them.
I set all bots behaviour to vanilla in your preset in SAIN, besides PMC
maybe i can edit something in your settings, to get more live like experience
Do goons even spawn for anyone else? Ive done like 50 raids now. And not 1 time did they pop up. All other bosses have.
matsix Author
Which maps? Goons only spawn on customs, woods, shoreline, and lighthouse. They're not a very common spawn, I know they work for me.
Not as many raid as you do, maybe around 20ish raids. Have not seen yet. Though I've seen reshala and his guards 2 or 3 times.
matsix Author
Goons have a 10% chance to spawn on customs so yeah, they should be really rare. I don't really have any way to mimic the way live tarkov has goons on a rotation between maps in donuts. So I just opt to set them to a lower chance because otherwise they're far too common.
On lighthouse, shoreline, and woods, they're set to 20%. You can adjust them in swag/config/bossConfig.json if you want.
nice mod . in case of uninstalling the mod, whyever. Is SAIN and SWAG+ Donuts Mods set as before ? (factory settings)
i ask because during installing TrueLive you have to overwrite data in the bepin and plugins folder as it says in the install isntruction.
I simply backup the following, before install this mod:
BepInEx\plugins\dvize.Donuts (whole folder)
BepInEx\plugins\SAIN (whole folder)
user\mods\SWAG (whole folder)
and as always recommended, backup your profile
oh my. i didnt thought about that after installing. might have to download all bot spawn and Ai behaviour mods fresh when i run on problems with this.
but thank you for the suggest.
Oh my god, what a great mod. This preset is really what spt gamers looking for, maybe even perfect. I just had the best pmc encounters in resort for weeks.
And Bosses/Goons /..... are spawning now too. Dont know how you make it, many of us where struggeling getting bosses to spawn. Thank you very much for your work its an amazing mod.
But sometimes it seems to me as if the pmc are all-knowing and are focusing on me, even when I'm hiding. You can exploit this by luring them into a bottleneck, but somehow the behavior seems strange to me. For example, ive done maybe 15 raids on shoreline. I've probably had this scenario 5 or 6 times in a row. I go to the east wing, loot a few hotspots in the locked rooms. After a few minutes I hear PMC nearby, I shoot around in the hallway or throw a grenade (even if I throw it from the balcony into nowhere). Now I take up position in a room and watch the entrance door and then the PMC will come, one after the other, with time in between maybe even several teams, like lemmings. Sometimes I didn't even have to intend it, I just couldn't get out of the room because the bots (including scavs) all ran purposefully into my hallway/room. I tested it several times with and without a silencer. Can I influence this with donut settings, e.g. if I set pmc bots to hard instead of as online? I don't want to change anything now without knowing if it will be fucked up afterwards. This is not a negative criticism, this mod has doubled the fun of spt for me and I am very grateful for it. And I can only recommend everyone to use these presets/mod.
matsix Author
I assume this would be mainly SAIN that is handling that. I tried making it better with my SAIN preset but idk what exactly causes it. I'll look into it a bit more because I've noticed this too and it can get pretty annoying. You can try messing around with SAIN settings too, you can adjust PMC difficulty any way you want, it won't have an effect on the spawns at all.
Ah okay, now I understand. stupid that I didn't think of SAIN mod
This is SAIN 3.0 behavior.
SAIN 3.0: New Features
Bots will move outside their bot-zones to investigate gunfire or chase enemies.
Bots will only use real sensory information to track where they last saw or heard you, and will remember that location for longer. Bots will share this info if they are in a group, and either using headsets, or close by to friendlies.When making lots of noise from 1 place, bots will get increasingly accurate information on where a sound came from, and be able to see their target from further away, and see them faster if they heard them from the same place that they currently are. Repositioning is key!
I will experiment a bit with the settings, for example the hearing range, maybe I will find something in the configs regarding the chasing behavior.
Bloody brilliant. thank you
@matsix. New link is downloading a file named [], same as the previous version. Just making sure it is really the update? Thanks
matsix Author
Yeah, that's all good, I just kept the name of the file as 1.2
When I try to scav on Custom using the live-like scavraid preset, no pmc are spawning and I tried changing the pattern config with no success. Is there anything I should try? Using QB, looting bot, realism, dynamic map
matsix Author
That's actually my bad, it looks like I never updated the customs_start file for scavraids after I changed the zone names. Just go into the scavraids pattern folder and open customs_start.json, change the pmc zones to only have "all"
So it'll look like this:
"Zones": [
I'll update the file on here too soon if you just want to wait for that.
Oh I see, I got it thx.
I always wanted to make Real Live Like SPT, and tried many settings.
I'm happy someone finally decided to share his settings.
Great addition to Swag! Thank you for this
I mainly got this mod because I love running factory for quick gun fights, however the spawns still don't seem right. I've seen PMCs spawn in the middle of blue container area which is not a pmc spawn. It also makes them fight scav right at the start because scavs spawn there too.
matsix Author
In the update description for latest update I mention that I haven't done factory, streets, or labs yet
ah ok my bad, looking forward to factory!
It's the best preset ever, I wated mod like this.
I combine Realism (bot loadout only) and truelive, it's much reasonable then before, and it's also solve lag problem before i use this mod it's usually under 60 fps even i use highend system. it's much stable after i using this mod
matsix Author
That's great to hear! Glad you like it. Yeah I really focused on performance with this too, AILimit is mostly to thank for it but it's also the way spawns were placed and how the waves were setup.
just wondering, is there a reason why the scav difficulty is set to easy on donuts?
matsix Author
Because scavs are easy in live tarkov lol you can change it if you want but just know, if you change scavs to be more difficult then they'll be more likely to kill PMC's. This preset is meant to have scavs around as an annoyance rather than a challenge, PMC's are supposed to be the challenge.
MOAR can not use it?
matsix Author
MOAR is its own bot spawner, this uses donuts, so no.
is this spawn boss?swag is buggy and not spawn boss
matsix Author
Read the overview, specifically the Q&A's at the bottom
@matsix. Thanks for the great update. Just to confirm, the previous v1.0.1 (Oct 31) did NOT require [Questing Bots] and [Looting Bots], and now the new v1.2 (Nov 14, 2024) does?
matsix Author
Questing bots yes definitely, looting bots not so much but strongly recommended.
technically questing bots isn't REQUIRED either but these presets were made with questing bots AILimit feature heavily in mind.
yo for the SAIN preset, you forgot to give a proper name to it, it's still "default with harder PMCs", but i think you wanted to name it TrueLiveSAIN
matsix Author
Oh damn didn't realize there was another place to update the name. Sec going to reupload.
EDIT: DL link has been updated with fixed SAIN preset. Sorry about that!
Wow PMCBotLimit for QuietRaids in Factory is 22? That's just excessive.
matsix Author
No it's not because the PMC bot limit doesn't matter in this preset since only starting PMC's spawn. If you want to see how many PMC's can spawn on factory check bepinex/plugins/dvize.donuts/patterns/whicheverpresetyouselected/factory_start.json
Since Realism Mod uses its own version of an "algorithmic progression" for the bots that includes the spawning of bosses, does your ALP patch that gets added alongside the regular install also work for Realism, or specifically just the ALP mod? If not, are there are any plans for that, or should I skip the final (optional) step if using Realism?
I think that makes sense how I asked it, but my brain is a jumbled mess. If it doesn't make sense just ask me lol.
matsix Author
I think you can skip that part of the steps, going to do further testing but at this point I'm pretty sure ALP doesn't need to be changed. I'm going to remove that part from the steps soon.
Thanks for replying. If I discover it as an issue before you do, I'll update this thread.
What do you think, is it mod compatible?…ced-bot-culling/#comments
Just saw some comments there that AI magically freezes due to mod collision.
matsix Author
I use it and haven't noticed any issues so far. That mod doesn't work with Fika though btw if you're trying to use it with Fika.
Really cool mod! Previously, after spawning, I could immediately run in any direction and not be afraid of anything, but now after spawning, I have to sit and control the nearest spawns of other PMCs
matsix Author
Thanks! The next update will be even better, the version available on here currently is just using default donuts spawns but spawn amount has been adjusted so it's more likely to run into a PMC at another spawn nearby. Default donuts spawns has some spawns that are a bit off though, next update will have all updated spawn zones and new wave patterns to try and come as close to live Tarkov as possible. Over a week of working on just customs every day pretty much all day...
Good thing is I think I finally got it to a point where I am satisfied with today and I was able to easily transfer the wave patterns from customs over to interchange and it seems to be working perfectly already with some slight adjustments to fit the map. Hoping every other map goes as smoothly.
Can I use this with Acid instead of ALP?
matsix Author
Yeah, I don't see why not, although I haven't tested it so can't say for sure. I've found out that progression mods actually don't seem to have any effect on boss spawns like I initially thought they did, it seems to be related to the amount of bots that spawn at the same time. Going to remove the ALP step on next update.
Thanks for the quick reply and thanks for making this mod for all to use.
matsix Author
Just wanted to update you on this, not sure if you found out already but I've heard from someone that was using the bosses part of Acid that their bosses weren't spawning. Had them remove just the boss part of the mod and they started working, that was only one person though so not sure if it's the same for everyone.
I am not getting a single PMC spawn, not sure why. lots of scavs but no PMCs
matsix Author
Something else must be conflicting with spawning, PMC's should definitely spawn.
yEP - it was an issue in my SWAG+Donuts, reinstalled and works fine now... thx!
matsix Author
No problem! Hope you enjoy, just keep in mind this isn't meant to be configured, if you start changing stuff it could cause other issues with spawns, specifically bosses.
I'm learning bot spawns in tarkov are very... Finicky. Seems to be an issue with every bot spawning mod solution out there which is why a lot don't let you configure them at the level donuts does. Spawns need to be setup in a specific way otherwise other spawns might not work as expected.
Same issue for me, how did you solve that please ?
TY for this. The first time in 150 raids that a boss finally spawned!!!!
Is this mean i will finally be in danger everywhere as live ?
matsix Author
Something like that depends more on other bot mods like looting bots, questing bots, and SAIN. This is just a preset for donuts which sets a certain amount of bots. My next update might help with that though, I'm changing all the PMC and scav spawn zones. PMC's will spawn where they actually spawn in live tarkov and scavs will be more spread out and in the areas you'd typically see them in live tarkov.
K, i have all the mods you mentionned installed, thx for the project anyway man
matsix Author
If you want to try the latest update, I'm thinking it should give you more action everywhere. Scavs are a lot more likely to be in places you'd see them in live tarkov and PMC's now have actual live tarkov spawns which might also help with seeing PMC's in random places.
It's very strange, now bosses don't spam me on any map, neither the rouges, nor on other maps, I don't know what happened now...
matsix Author
Bosses have a spawn rate of like 20%, they don't spawn often, you've also changed settings which I've mentioned in description I won't be able to help if it causes issues. This config setup is not meant to be configured. All presets are meant to be played as is.
swag has boss spawning issues anyways. Hey wasnt able to fix it before he stopped updating the mod.
And what do you recommend, not using SWAG and using another MOD? How do I be able to fight BOSSES????
matsix Author
By using my config and not changing a bunch of settings lol or yeah use a different mod other than donuts. It sounds like you're looking for something more like "moar bots". My next update all scav spawns will be changed. They'll be very similar to live I'm hoping. My presets are meant to try and get as close to live as possible, you really don't run into scavs all that much on live, you usually only run into 1 or 2 in areas, sometimes you get big groups of a bunch together. That's what I'm going for. If you're looking for action packed raids, this isn't the preset for you.
Also, yeah SWAG has issues spawning bosses but that's something I've specifically worked on to make sure they do spawn. I do extensive amounts of testing spawns and I know for a fact bosses do spawn when you install these presets and don't change anything. The only thing I'd recommend changing if you want more action is the scav max bot count in scenarioconfig.json
I just uninstalled Swag+Donuts, reinstalled it and then added your TRUE LIVIG config, to start from scratch.
The only modification I'm going to make is to slightly increase the amount of BOTS on the map, compared to the settings in the ScenarioConfig file.
From this configuration: { "Name": "TrueLive", "PMCBotLimitPresets": { "FactoryBotLimit": 22, "InterchangeBotLimit": 26, "LaboratoryBotLimit": 9, "LighthouseBotLimit": 26, "ReserveBotLimit": 26, "ShorelineBotLimit": 26, "WoodsBotLimit": 26 , "CustomsBotLimit": 26, "TarkovStreetsBotLimit": 26, "GroundZeroBotLimit": 26, "GroundZeroHighBotLimit": 26 }, "SCAVBotLimitPresets": { "FactoryBotLimit": 6, "InterchangeBotLimit": 10, "LaboratoryBotLimit": 6, "LighthouseBotLimit": 10, "ReserveBotLimit": 10, "ShorelineBotLimit": 10, "WoodsBotLimit": 10, "CustomsBotLimit": 10, "TarkovStreetsBotLimit": 10, "GroundZeroBotLimit": 8, "GroundZeroHighBotLimit": 8 }
Oh this one:
{ "Name": "TrueLive",
"FactoryBotLimit": 22,
"InterchangeBotLimit": 26
"LaboratoryBotLimit": 9
"LighthouseBotLimit": 26
"ReserveBotLimit": 26
"ShorelineBotLimit": 26
"WoodsBotLimit": 26
"CustomsBotLimit": 26
"TarkovStreetsBotLimit": 26
"GroundZeroBotLimit": 26
GroundZeroHighBotLimit": 26
"FactoryBotLimit": 12,
"InterchangeBotLimit": 24,
"LaboratoryBotLimit": 10,
houseBotLimit": 24,
"ReserveBotLimit": 24,
"ShorelineBotLimit": 28,
"WoodsBotLimit": 28,
"CustomsBotLimit": 22,
"TarkovStreetsBotLimit": 28,
"GroundZeroBotLimit": 12,
"GroundZeroHighBotLimit": 12
But I don't touch the rest of the stuff absolutely Nothing, not even the SPAWN RATE of the BOSS
Now all that remains is to fix the rouges issue in ligthouse
forget it, I didn't see the other answer.
matsix Author
It is fixed in this update, check the notes in version tab
Yeah! im trying right now, thanks !