Medical Attention 395.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

"He's dead, Jim!" is no longer part of your vocabulary.




  • Version 395.0.2

    Supported SPT Version: 3.9.0+

    New feature added... "Heal-over-time" function for med kits.

    Now you can specify which med kits you want to provide you with a heal-over-time function.

    Med kits selected to have the heal-over-time function enabled on them will no longer be able to fast heal body parts. They will only provide a heal-over-time function. (For that reason, I recommend only enabling it on smaller med kits that you are less likely to use.)

    • You can use the heal-over-time function of one med kit in conjunction with the fast healing of another med kit.
    • In other words, apply heal-over-time with your first med kit, and then fast heal the critical body part.
    • That way you can get back into the game and let 'heal-over-time' continue to heal the less damaged parts as you go.
  • Version 390.0.1

    Type: Item Mod

    Supported SPT Version: 3.9.0+

    Change Log:

    • Enable all medical changes by default. (Now just plug and play!)

    Installation: Extract to root of SPT folder.

  • Getting this error on a clean install of the mod.

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'duration')

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'duration')

    at healer.postDBLoad (C:\Users\++++\Documents\SPT\user\mods\MedicalAttention\src\MedAttention.ts:682:49)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:13)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:51:13)

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'duration')

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'duration')

    at healer.postDBLoad (C:\Users\++++\Documents\SPT\user\mods\MedicalAttention\src\MedAttention.ts:682:49)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:13)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:51:13)

  • If you are running the 395.0.2 on a linux server you get the following error:

    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'user/mods/./database/'

    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'user/mods/./database/'

    at Object.readdirSync (node:fs:1515:26)

    at Object.readdirSync (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1306:35)

    at VFS.getFiles (/snapshot/src/utils/VFS.ts:182:19)

    at ImporterUtil.loadRecursive (/snapshot/src/utils/ImporterUtil.ts:72:32)

    at healer.postDBLoad (/opt/server/user/mods/MedicalAttention/src/MedAttention.ts:35:32)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (/snapshot/src/loaders/PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (/snapshot/src/loaders/PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    at App.load (/snapshot/src/utils/App.ts:51:26)

    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'user/mods/./database/'

    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'user/mods/./database/'

    at Object.readdirSync (node:fs:1515:26)

    at Object.readdirSync (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1306:35)

    at VFS.getFiles (/snapshot/src/utils/VFS.ts:182:19)

    at ImporterUtil.loadRecursive (/snapshot/src/utils/ImporterUtil.ts:72:32)

    at healer.postDBLoad (/opt/server/user/mods/MedicalAttention/src/MedAttention.ts:35:32)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (/snapshot/src/loaders/PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (/snapshot/src/loaders/PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    at App.load (/snapshot/src/utils/App.ts:51:26)

    It is not using user/mods/database, but instead "user/mods/./database" @jbs4bmx

    • Linux support is not there yet, but thank you for this... Your comment is helpful. Thanks for the additional information and letting me know the actual path error and location.

    • Well i guess you don´t need the /./ on windows either. So it isn´t a linux specific way to resolve this :) I am running the version 390.0.x but this doesn´t have the extra folder for the new addition :)

    • Yeah. What's weird is that I haven't changed the path code for the last 5 or so versions.

      If you would like to contribute to the project, fork the code on Github, make changes, test, submit a PR on Github, and I'll roll them in. I'm always looking for help. ^^

    • 390.0.1 does not have the additional /database folder. So i think it has been overlooked as a subfolder has added to the 395.0.2 :)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Great mod! I've been enjoying the buffed meds. Question: Is there any way to tweak the HP resource cost of removing bleeds? Seems like all med kits are set to 10 for LB, 20 for HB and 30 for Fracture. Other thing I noticed and maybe this is intentional: If I enable "heal over time" on something, it can no longer heal a single body part fast (like in the base game) at all, it only regens everything slowly. It also doesn't seem to consume any HP resource when using it.

    • HP resource cost for LB, HB, and fractures can definitely be changed to be configurable. It requires some additional coding and maybe a little restructuring so no guarantee of that being implemented anytime soon, if at all.

      The "heal-over-time" bug is known and I have noted it in the description page. It's neither intentional, nor a base game bug... it's just the behavior given to items that have the "heal-over-time" buff. Priority is given to the buffs over the healing effects. You can thank BSG for that one.

      Edit: My bad... the notation I was referring to is actually in the download description. I still need to add it to the main page.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi quick question i am not sure if it is because of this mod but anytime i click use all on any meds to heal after a raid my game crashes,

    to note it was working a couple days ago but it is not now, i have not downloaded any new mods or made any changes..... it just stopped working


    • I'm not sure.

      If you can repeat the process and get some log information, that may be useful in tracking down what is causing the issue.

      If I had to guess, I would say that it is not this mod, but who knows... I could be wrong.

    • i have reinstalled the mod and left all configs on default works wonders,

      i have tried to test it in other ways for you but weirdly nothing has happened.

      still a great mod and will deffo continue to use it as long as it works :)

  • hello, and how can I increase the time of using the cms, I want survival 12 to be more useful

    • disable CMS in this mod's config. that will set it back to default. Then Surv12 will be OP compared to that kit.

    • thank you very much

  • While not necessary, it'd be very useful if an explanation of some settings in the config were explained. I've been able to piece together what they do by looking through the comments, but it wasn't intuitive.

    Otherwise, I love the mod, very customizable. The first time I tried out the heal over time feature was a breath of fresh air.

    • Like the stuff mentioned in the "Description" tab, under the subheading "Configurations"?

    • I'm specifically looking at terms like "hpresourcerate" and "duration". I was able to figure out what the former does, but I'm not sure what "duration" means. The section you're talking about doesn't really say anything about "duration".

    • Ah, I see.

      I think it's still in that section I referenced. It's a single value used for multiple different properties so that's why it's a little vague.

      • All items with lasting positive effects have configurable durations.
  • This mod is really cool! Could there be a way to make a medkit usable just once to heal what is needed, instead of having to use it dozens of times, especially when you have to heal 4-5 hp for each body part? Combined with the "heal over time" feature it could make healing in Tarkov more enjoyable and less annoying.

  • any way to allow CMS/Surv12 to heal blacked thorax/head?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Added to things to look into implementing.

      Heart 1
  • Hello, so I don't know who else to ask for this as you are the only modder that keeps their medical mod updated. Is there a way to add a healing stim effect to medkits? essentially turning them/some of them into heal over time effects. Similar to how VAI: Non-Realistic Tarkov Project does it if you ever happen to use it. Please feel no pressure obviously and thank you for your work here as I have been using this mod since forever

    • Will look into it.
      No promises on implementation though.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Still testing it, but I may have something similar to what your ask was.
      It doesn't quite work the way you want because of how Med Kit usage is processed by the game engine, but it's pretty darn close.

    • Anything you can do is awesome. I really hate healing every single limb when a stray round bounces off my armor. Thank you very much

    • Added this "feature", but you may want to read the description before you use it.

    • Legend Thank you very much

  • Even though i changed Salewa to fix fractures and destroyed parts it doesnt work....

  • So im having a issue where i canged the values of the meds i wanted to change and it keeps bugging out in my stash and saying 2750/2750 for the glizzy and on the flea it shows the value i changed it to just trying to figure whats happening with my heals and when i buy off the flea and goes into mine stash it doesnt show the value i have set

    • interesting... i think.

      is it just the one product that has the issue or can you recreate the issue with other meds?

    • Just the glizzy is what im having issues with

    • Hey hey so im just replying to my original post but just wanna to see if maybe u had time to look into this and see what was going on with this issue, and or if it got fixed? still having issues with it thats why im asking about it, sorry if this was a bother

  • Hey, I just found this mod. I’m wondering will this work with realism if I’m not using realism’s medical changes? 🤔

    • I haven't used Realism personally so I cannot guarantee it, but most likely, yes. It's worth trying at least.

  • Do you have a 3.8.* version of this mod by any chance? I'm not planning on transitioning over until a later date

    • No support is given to previous versions.

    • That's fair enough, thank you for the reply.

  • Heya jbs. tidy little mod! Nice work.

    Question: is it possible to add the ability to apply heal-over-time effects (a la Propitol injector) to medkits/surgical kits? Ideally I'd also like some of the injectable debuffs too. I'm playing with extra long raids, and it would be good to have the choice to hole up and regain health over a period of time.

    Cheers for the advice.

    • It is possible. However, that's not within the scope of this project. This mod was primarily meant for quick heals to get back into the raid much quicker (i.e., buffs > debuffs).

    • Awesome, thanks jbs. I'll have a squiz at your code if that's OK - I'm conversant with C# mainly but it'll be fun to have a dig. No BepInEx/Unity modding experience unfortunately so I thought I would ask if you thought it was even possible, to avoid frustration :) I don't know the limitations of SPT and haven't looked into the .dlls yet.

  • idk wtf the difference between a json and a jsonc but using my json editor it makes the mod unusable. converts the file to json not jsonc and it crashes my server, sucks cause i like this mod

    • What Json Editor are you using? I use just straight Visual Studio Code and have never had the program convert a file without my acknowledging it.

    • The free online Json editor that pops up with a Google search. To be honest I don't know what the different file types or how to run file editing programs, basic Json editing for this game has been my entry. Is that program free?

    • I'd personally recommend looking up Notepad++ instead if you're not too familiar with these things. It can still check for errors with things like trailing commas and what not and won't automatically convert the filetype on you. Even our esteemed Chompinius Maximus uses this program. It's very lightweight and easy to use.

    • Perfect, I will look into that right now, none of the other med mods stack up to this one I was really pissed when I couldn't get it to work and it was demanding a JSONC file ♥️

    • As PhantomInTime has already stated, Notepad++ ( sometimes shortened to just N++) is a good, lightweight code/text editor. And it's free.

      Other good free code editors are:

      Visual Studio Code (sometimes shortened to VSCode. Microsoft's code editor.)

      VSCodium (Basically VSCode without Microsoft's telemetry. I use this program myself.)

  • Is a load order required?

    • It shouldn't be... at least not that I'm aware of.

  • Hello author, thank you for making this mod, but I have a question for you. I downloaded and extracted it to the root of the SPT folder, but it doesn't work in the game. Please forgive my stupid question but I really need help because I don't want to miss out on this really cool mod.

    The problem is this: Soviet AI-2 Medkit is "enabled" in the file config.jsonc: false,

    "HP Resources": 250,

    "hpResourceRate": 20

    The in-game default is still 100/100. It's not 250/250. The other values have not changed and are still the default values of the game.

    Even if I modify the above data saving, it still doesn't work after entering the game. So this module is not enabled by default? If it is turned on normally, the game display will still be the default. I don't know how to open this module correctly.

    Enable/disable adjustments in the MedicalAttention\src folder I don't know how to enable it. I'm a fool. Please forgive me. I'm looking forward for your reply. Thanks.

    [My English is not good, so I can only rely on Google Translate. sorry]

    • Change the "false" to "true" on the items that you want the buffs to be enabled on. Everything is turned off by default so you can decide which items you want to buff.

      • Edit config.jsonc file in mod's root folder to alter medical supply properties to your liking.
    • Oh, thank you very much to the author. Thank u.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your mod.

    I don't understand how I can just reduce the application time of "AFAK" and "GRIZZLY".

    I can see your JSONC file, with "180 time", but I don't think it's that, unless it's milliseconds?

    Thank you for the info!!

    • Use Time is hardcoded.
      IFAK and AFAK are set to 1 second.
      Grizzly is set to 5 seconds.
      These are reductions to the defaults.

      The Duration property for medkits in the config file refers to the length of time that Heavy/Light bleeding remains stopped and/or Contusion/RadExposure protection remains active.

    • That's what I thought I understood. So I "enable", just for both by rewriting the default values so as not to be too op. On max difficulty on "saint" it's good to reduce the time!!! XD

      Thank you for the info.

    • I suppose that I could add the use time in as a configurable option in a future release. The thought to do that never occurred to me until now. ^^

  • Is there a way to edit the health regen stats of stims. I am trying to increase the health regen of the etg-c from 6.5 to 26

    • This mod doesn't edit the stim buffs. It's only editing the base properties.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • for some reason, all pills are stuck with 3 hp resource although I changed it to 12

    • seeing just now vaseline is also stuck at 3 i think it may have smth to do with injectors

    • update: found the problem, it's the new setting at the bottom of the config if that is set to true pills and Vaseline will have the hp resource of whatever the value was, in my case it was 3.

    • Are you referring to the setting that doesn't even work yet? The one for stims from other mods?

    • Yeah that's the one not even sure why I enabled it in the first place since no mod I have installed adds custom stims lol

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is the new config the config.jsonc file in root dir? Or the old config.json in src?

    • Oof! Did I leave the old config file in there?

      It's the new one in the root directory. (config.jsonc)

    • No, its the description here points to the old one. Archive has the new one.

    • Ah, yes. I'll fix that. Thanks! ^^

      Thumbs Up 1
  • This works fine for 3.80, just manually update the version in the package.json.

    I've tested all meds and found no issues whatsoever.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • New version released. Added lots of new customization options in the config file.

      Yes, you technically can still use the older version, so if you don't like the new changes, you can always revert back to that version. You just have to do as you stated to get rid of the pesky compatibility warning... update the version info in the package.json file.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Any plan on updating these to 3.8.0 ? Great mods and really enjoy using them. Just wondering if they are gonna be available at some point on the new build :D. Keep up the great work!

  • How do i make pmcs only use meds that are in their pockets/vests instead of the grizzly that they have in their pouch? Because i keep watching them spam the grizzly and still bleed to death as if they are canceling it for no reason.

    • That's part of the bot logic. Not something this mod will be able to address.

  • Hey your variables for energy and hydration under TOPICALS isn't actually used in the .js file. I had to use VS to change those values. They're just set to 0 which confused the heck out of me because I was like "but I changed the config?"

    Edit: Sorry the .js not .ts file

    • If I recall correctly, I had to set them to zero to get them to work properly on a previous version of SPT and I forgot to reset them. Thanks for pointing it out. ^^

      Happy 1
  • Is it possible to set that if I heal blacked out limb with AFAK that it will take for example 250 resource points from the AFAK right now it takes nothing

    • will look into it.

    • Thank you its kinda cheese stuff now that with one kit i can heal limbs instantly without any degrading of the kit

  • Where is the 3.6.1 version...

  • Is there any way I can edit specific syringes?

    • Yes... In the database\template\items file.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • thanks

    • where is that at? I literally only see the src folder with the config in it.

  • Thanks Bro!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • does this mod affect the speed at which bots heal themselves as well?