Croupier (random loadouts + flea quicksell) 1.2.7

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Gear up for your next raid in just 20 seconds!

This trader does 2 things:

1) 🔫 Sells random loadouts - a weapon, loaded mags, gear, meds, etc, so you can literally jump right back into a raid in 20–30 seconds after dying.
▶️ Video demonstration

2) 💸 (*Disabled by default) Buys FiR items and pays an average flea market price for them, minus a 15% tax.

Read "FiR selling compatibility" part if you want to enable it.
This functionality is basically updated and simplified 101p's "Blackmarket" mod



- There are 3 tiers of loadouts: low, mid and top. You can choose to buy a loadout with or without a gun.
- Generally, you’ll get what you pay for. However, there’s a chance you might get a TOZ-106 in the top tier or a Slick armor with level 6 plates in the low tier for example.
- Gun presets are randomized, but mods for each gun and tier are carefully handpicked, - which means presets rarely recur and they don't need much adjustments at the same time.
- If your PMC is naked, just use Alt+click on item to wear it.

- The idea of the "Blackmarket" (FiR quicksell) feature is to sell found-in-raid items in the standart trader window.
- The "Blackmarket" (FiR quicksell) feature is ported with its main problem: you can't see how much money you're gonna get before selling. Can't do anything about it, nor really care.

- The "Blackmarket" (FiR quicksell) feature is now disabled by default - not all people seem to need it and it also has a compatibility problem (see below).

- Also, there is an option that doesn't allow you to sell FiR items for fleamarket price before you reach level 15. If you want to sell FiR items for flea price before reaching 15 lvl just disable (set to false) "enable_FIR_only_after_15lvl" in config.


* FiR selling compatibility:

This feature is conflicting with any mod that intercepts the standart trading (sends you items in messages, sells XP points/skills, non-inventory quest items, etc) - for example, Skulltag's Personal Trainer and Bluehead's AIO Trader.

If you don't have such mods and you are wishing to sell found-in-raid items quickly, you can enable this feature in config.json - just set "enable_custom_FIR_selling" to true.


Custom guns/mods/gear support:

- WTT M249
- WTT AEK-971
- WTT AN-94
- WTT Cz-75
- WTT CZ Scorpion Evo 3
- Choccy Milk's Walter WA 2000
- Choccy Milk's Armsel Striker-12
- Choccy Milk's Kel-Tec KSG-12 Shotgun
- Kopat1ch'es Ratnik Spring Gear Pack
- Kopat1ch'es A-TACS FG Pack
- MoxoPixel's Tactical Gear component (Partial, work in progress)


The mods I used/looked into (thanks):

- 101p’s Blackmarket (updated with minimal edits)
- Bluehead’s AIO Trader (custom trader controller)
- Dsnyder's Unknown Survivor (used as a template for the trader)



> I installed the mod but the trader still doesn't seem to buy the found-in-raid items for flea market price

Read "FiR selling compatibility". You need to explicitly enable this option.

> I enabled the FiR selling option, and I don't have conflicting mods. The trader still doesn't buy found-in-raid items

You are probably under 15 level. You either need to reach that level, or set enable_FIR_only_after_15lvl to false.

> The loadout boxes appear in the flea market and flood my barters

This is not standart behavior, it seems some mod makes my loadout boxes sellable on the flea market. If you are using the "The Blacklist - flea market enhancements" check this comment, otherwise please let me know the name of the mod.

> How do I change level requirements for MID and TOP loadouts?

This is not recommended due to the game balance reasons, but check this comment.

> How I decrease price for loadouts?

This is not recommended due to the game balance reasons, but check this comment.

  • Version 1.2.7

    Minor fix: blacklisted the loadout boxes from barters on the flea market (Thanks to Prometo Melhorar for the report)


  • Version 1.2.6

    Minor update (no code changes, only a few fixes in loadouts):

    - Added mags: AR-15 5.56x45 Beta C-Mag 100-round, PP-19 9x19 F5MFG 50-round, AR-10 7.62x51 X Products X-25 50-round)
    - Changed the standart black 7.62x51 SCAR to SCAR X-17 in Top tier loadouts (the only difference is that it supports 50-round mags)


  • Version 1.2.5

    Ported the mod to 3.11:

    - Changed the semiauto Saiga-12 to the identical automatic Saiga-12 FK in Top tier loadouts

    - Added new standart guns: Sako TRG M10 and Aklys Defense Velociraptor

    - Added new standart equipment: 5.11 Tactical Rush 100 backpack, Mystery Ranch Terraframe backpack, 6B47 Ratnik EMR Arctic helmet, Bank Robber Multicam Alpine chestrig, MTEK Flux helmets (Multicam Arid, olive and Multicam Alpine)

    The mod won't recieve updates for 3.10 since it's already good and stable as it is. If you need the mod for 3.10 just download the previous (1.2.4) version.


  • Version 1.2.4

    Bug fixes:

    - (Hopefully) finally fixed the bug with examining items. Thanks to seijifml and SPTSpy for their reports and help!
    - Added missing categories for selling

    New mods support:
    - WTT CZ Scorpion Evo 3
    - WTT HK G3 and HK11 LMG


  • Version 1.2.3


    - Fixed the problem with Fence not giving money after a scav run (thanks to Riggzly for the report)

    New mods support:
    - AN-94

    - WA 2000


  • Version 1.2.2

    - minor fixes in loadouts


  • Version 1.2.1

    minor update

    - fixes for some presets

    new mods support:
    - Ratnik Spring Gear Pack

    - Kel-Tec KSG-12


  • Version 1.2.0

    Code changes and fixes:

    - Added a config option to enable FiR trading only after level 15 (It's too OP to have a trader who buys stuff for flea market prices before you actually have access to the flea market). Obviously, if you have FiR trading disabled it won't work anyway

    - Made ammo counts a bit more random

    - Added more variety to mail messages instead of just having one

    - Slightly increased prices for the low tier (sometimes you could sell stuff for more money than you paid)

    - Reworked ineffective FiR selling algorithm. Thanks to jj2022 for bringing this to my attention!

    - Tried to fix a weird bug I saw once but couldn’t reproduce again. Thanks to DaProk for the report!

    - People report it's possible to get the "loadout" box either from a crate (because of other mods or in vanilla - need to investigate), or from the mentioned bug above. So, now you can sell those boxes back to Croupier, with some losses, of course. Thanks to Beat2er for this suggestion!

    Added support for:

    - WTT Cz-75

    - Armsel Striker-12

    - A-TACS FG Pack

    - Some new items from Tactical Gear Component

    Loadout generation fixes:

    - If the weapon has only 2x2 type mag (machine guns basically) and the selected chestrig doesn’t have a 2×2 slot, the mag now goes in the backpack

    - Fixed M249 presets that were using 7.62×51 muzzle devices instead of 5.56x45 ones

    - Tactical modules in low tier were too good — now you’ll mostly see a blue laser or a simple flashlight



    Thanks to the SPT community for all the warm comments! <3

  • Version 1.1.2

    Loadout generation

    🎉 Loadout generation is now independent of confirmTrading. Now other mods with custom implementation of TradeController should not break this (core) functionality.

    FiR selling (Blackmarket)

    - FiR selling still depends on a custom TradeController implementation. As a result, mods that modify standard trading either break FiR selling or the other way around.

    - Because of that, and because not all people need this FiR selling feature, this option is now *disabled by default*. If you think you don't have other mods intercepting standart TradeController feel free to enable this option ('enable_custom_FIR_selling' in config.json)

    Added support for:

    - WTT M249

    - WTT AEK-971

    - (Partial) Tactical Gear component

    Bug fixes:

    - Fixes for gun presets

    - 2 code hotfixes for 1.1.0


  • Version 1.0.0


  • MEGA need vip to download the files. or waiting 5 hours. so sad ;(

    • I'll look into alternatives, but isn't the daily download limit there 5gb?

    • i dont know, mega keep asking to pay for vip, even after waited 5 hours. it goes to another 2 hours. ;(

    • Yeah, I see, sorry for that, I DM'd you a direct link to the mod

    • thanks a lot ! <3

      Heart 1
  • Hi, im new to this kind of mod, is there any way to blacklist the bundles from the flea, so it does not appear in bartering offers? Since you cant get the boxes it self, they just flood my flea when i need to buy something. Thanks in advance!!

    • hi

      the boxes should not appear on the flea market by default. do you use any mods that change the flea market blacklist?

      if the mod you are using is "The Blacklist - flea market enhancements" and you haven't changed its config:

      1) go to user\mods\platinum-theblacklist
      2) open config.jsonc in any text editor
      3) remove everything and paste the code from here:

      hope this helps

    • Now I got you, you wanted to blacklist the boxes from the barters, not from the flea itself

      Fixed this, just updated the mod, please re-download it again & let me know if it didnt work

    • Oh thanks, Unfortunately I didn't have time to update spt to the new version to test it. But as soon as I do I'll bring some feedback. Thanks again!

    • Oh, okay. But just in case, if this problem REALLY annoys you, you can update your 3.10 mod:

      1) Download the latest version for 3.11
      2) Copy this file from the downloaded archive: user/mods/croupier/db/items.json
      3) Paste this file to <3.10_folder>/user/mods/zcroupier/db/items.json

  • can I decrease the level requirement for mid and high tier loadouts?

    • yes

      just go to db/base.json

      there's an array called "loyaltyLevels", you can see 3 loyalty levels there (1, 15 and 36), change them to whatever levels you want, eg 15 to 10 and 36 to 20

    • thanks mate appreciate it

      Heart 1
  • just loaded the mod and he is taking something like 50% cut on some items

    • just went through it he is buying everything for what the best trader buys it for ie therapist give 63k for access cads as does he wile the cars goes for about 136k on flee am i doing something wrong?

    • Yes, he should buy everything for better price (either handbook price or flea market price) minus 15% tax

      FiR selling is disabled by default, you need to enable it in config.json:
      enable_custom_FIR_selling: true,

      Otherwise he will act like a regular trader.

      And if you have any uncompatible mod the FiR selling won't work neither - as well as loadout generation. You need to disable enable_custom_FIR_selling if so- in this case at least loadout generation will be working.

    • okay so for him to pay the flee price all i have to do is go enable fir?

    • Yes and no.

      If your character is lower than 15 lvl and you want to sell items before reaching that level, you need to set enable_FIR_only_after_15lvl to false.

      In this case the config would look like this:

        "enable_custom_FIR_selling": true,
        "enable_FIR_only_after_15lvl": false

      Once again, as I mentioned in the mod description, with this feature enabled, if there's any conflicting mod (anything that interferes the trader controller), either my mod won't be working or my mod will break the other mod. This is just a state of things sadly, maybe there will be a workaround in SPT 4.0.

      But if you dont have any other traders that use non-standart selling/buying you'll be fine.

    • okay thanks i changed the config around and its working amazing thank you so much better than posting it all myself lol

      Heart 1
  • Added your trader to my furry mod. Check if you want

    Thumbs Up 1 Heart 2
  • Hey friend, great mod! Really cool idea, been liking the practicality of it so far.

    Just wondering, though: is it normal for the trader to spam me with messages (2~3 messages every 10 minutes), even when i'm not buying the kits? Been using the mod for 2 days and been trying to figure out what triggers him to message me, but haven't found out yet (i'm guessing it's some weird interaction with some other mod i'm using.

    Is there any way to deactivate his messages, maybe? I'm currently using the default settings (FiR trade disabled).

    • hey mate!

      this is wild, i didn't encounter such bug

      what mods are you using? are you using the latest version of the mod?

    • Hello!

      I can imagine this problem could be a case a few versions ago, but now can't catch this bug

      Can you confirm the problem persists when you update the mod to the latest version? Just so I know at least

    • Hey Turbo, sorry for going MIA.
      Apparently it had something to do with my old install, since posting the original message I've had to switch from Windows 11 to Windows 10 and thus, completely reinstall SPT. I have played for a few hours already and the messages seems fine now, even with the same mods.

      Just for disclosure, here's my mod list anyway:

      I'm updating the mod right now, will test it out some more a bit later, and report if I have any issues, but the problem seems to be fixed for now because of my new install.

      Thanks for everything, mate!

      Algorithmic Level Progression
      Unrestricted Armor Plates
      Loot Value
      Dynamic Goons
      More Checkmarks
      Black Core
      Tactical Gear Component
      Item Info
      Better Rear Sights
      Increased Climbing Heigt
      Skills Ext
      Looting Boots
      SPT Recoil Standalone
      Tarkov Hd Item Rework Project
      Ui Fixes
      Virtual's Custom Quest Loader
      Wtt PackNSTRAP
      Unity Toolkit
      Amands Graphics
      Amands Sense
      Performance Improvements
      Dynamic Maps
      Use Items Anywhere
      Loot Radius
      Trader Scrolling
      Use Loose Loot
      WTT Menu Overhaul
      Stash Search
      That's Lit
      Virtuals Custom Quest Loader (VCQL
      Item Context Menu Extended
      Custom Interactions
      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks for your reply, glad to hear that!

      Yeah, let me know if the problem returns back.

    • I am having this exact issue on the latest version. Seems to happen when examining undiscovered items for some reason.

      I cant find a conflict just yet but I can replicate it 100% of the time by creating a new profile and examining the crates Croupier has for sale - wait a few seconds, and I receive a message with a loadout inside. See below.

      When examining the 2 "low tier" crates, and at the exact moment I receive the 'free' loadouts in the mailbox a few moments later, the console prints:

      List of installed mods:

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Using your mod fence gives me 0 RUB after a scav run in the messages. I took it out and fence worked fine.

    • Interesting

      Was FiR selling feature enabled or disabled? I dont have time to investigate it before the weekend, but will try to fix this in a future update, thanks

    • I changed nothing in the config so whatever is default.

    • It seems I fixed the issue in the latest version. Funny enough, it seems that some other traders also break this feature, and the problem in all similar cases is only in one value in the trader config.

      Anyway, thank you for your report. If still interested in using this mod give it another try.

  • so i got a LOW_NOGUN from opening a opened box from hideout .

    how do i open it or do i just discard it ?

    • you can sell these boxes to the trader if you somehow obtain them (via opening another box or a rare bug)

    • I checked and no trader buys all of them say this

      and i got it from this in the hideout

    • what version the installed mod is? please update it to the latest one, the trader buys these boxes starting from the 1.2.0 version…-flea-quicksell/#versions

      if you were using fir selling dont forget to enable it again in the config

    • well i was on 1.0.0 i had no idea delete all the messages i posted lmao :)

      Happy 1
    • haha i cant

      thats all ok m8

      just in case once again: in latest versions, if you want to sell found-in-raid items for fleamarket prices you need to enable this in config.json, otherwise he will buy stuff for cheap

  • I can't understand why a trader buys FiR items from me cheaper than other traders?

    everything is enabled in the config

    • the price you see in the selling tab is incorrect, i mentioned that in description. he will just get average fleamarket price and will buy it for that minus 15% tax

      and if he actually pays the price written in this tab it means that there is a conflict with another mod

  • Amazing idea well executed and it synergises nicely with mods that disable scav runs. Mod support integration is always appreciated too, thanks.

    Heart 1
  • Hello how can I increase or decrease kit's prices?

  • I get snipers as the weapon on High tier loadouts more than others, is there a way to change to config percentage change of weapon type?

    • Chances are in data/constants.json file

      Go to gunClassMultiplier -> top there and adjust it if you need to. Otherwise it is just a bad luck.

      Currently it's:

      If you really want less sniper rifles set it to 2 or 1.

      Make sure you have the latest version (I updated the mod an hour ago).

    • thank you! This mod is great and a really fun way to try out new weapons n loadouts

      Appreciate your work here

      Heart 1
    • Thank you! <3

  • great mod, but is he supposed to be buying literally everything for a better price than any other trader? or did i screw something up lol

    • That is what his purpose is i think

    • If you mean FiR selling mode then yes, it's the purpose, it buys everything for average flea market price.

      But if you mean selling items with FiR selling feature disabled - yeah, I agree it's a bit too OP to have such good prices.. For example he buys meds for a better price than Jaeger (yet slightly worse than Therapist), or guns for a better price than Prapor.

      Was focused on other stuff, but I'll calm down prices a bit in non-FiR mode in some next update, thank you for the comment!

  • I just came across this mod at the perfect time. I've reached Kappa on 3.9.8 and lately have only been running scav b/c I love going in with random crap gear and gearing up after killing PMCs. I've been running purely scav runs for several weeks, and started to become frustrated with how complicated it can be to gear up between raids as a PMC.

    But then I see this. I was holding off on updating to 3.10, but your mod has brought me in. Thank you for your work on this!

    Heart 1
  • Amazing work my friend!

    I have one thing, I (probably by SVM adjusting modifiers) got the "Mid Tier Random Loadout" Box (and 2 low) out of some epic crate (i don't remember quite what it was). But now as far as i see, i cant sell it or open it.
    I think an easy fix would be to let Coupier buy this back just for roubles.
    Cheers :)

    Heart 1
  • amazing mod bro i really love the way this hands out loadouts through the chat thingy rather than just dumping them into the stash

  • Because you were able to implement flea into selling is it possible to make a trader for all flea items?

    Would be sick for trader only hardcore.

    • Do you mean a trader that sells FiR items? Yeah, it's very possible

    • Yeah cook that up rn rn..

    • Nah mate, got work to do

      Just make a trader with all items you need by yourself, and later I'll help you with making items FiR

      Or you can also look at my code in latest (1.1.0) version, main.js lines 52-94:
      You basically should go thru all bought items in the inventory and the output ([profile_id] and make them FiR

    • Alr beh

  • IS it possible to lower the Lvl3 requirements from 15mil to something a little less?

    Edit, figured out how to edit the file in the mod to adjust this (user\mods\zcroupier\db\core.json)

    • yeah i slightly lowered that in the updated version anyway

  • MY game locks up when trying to sell to the flea with this mod, AITOO?

    • Due to its algorithm this feature is very resource-consuming, so for example if your game is on HDD and your inventory is big it can lag, probably

      UPD: I didn't see that the algorithm's *that* bad, I'll fix that in the next version

    • Thank you!

    • I am not 100% sure this will fix your problem, but I made the algorithm faster in the latest update…-flea-quicksell/#versions

      Let me know if you still encounter the problem

    • Thank you! I am not so sure the problem is tied to this mod - it seems to happen randomly on random items. I will keep testing, and try this new version. Thank you!

      Heart 1
  • I love the idea of random loadouts, but the other stuff makes me not want to try this. Not worth messing up other traders. I already have another mod for quick-selling to the flea. I'll keep an eye on this and maybe try it in the future.

    • As I mentioned in description, it is not "messing up other traders" if they don't interrupt standart SPT buying/selling function.

      Otherwise yes, it is currently not possible to have 2 or more mods that do such thing.


      Disabled FiR functionality by default in the updated version, patch note:…-flea-quicksell/#versions

    • Awesome. Thanks for the update.

  • Does this work for 3.10.5? If so its not working I could just be doing something wrong but could someone please help.

    • Read "Conflicts/Incompatibilities" part in description. Unfortunately, you currently can't have more than 1 mod that interrupts standart SPT trading.


      Fixed loadout generation conflicting (getting re-written) by other mods, disabled FiR functionality by default in updated version, patch note:…-flea-quicksell/#versions

  • I’ve noticed that sometimes when you sale this trader items, the item won’t actually sell. The item won’t disappear from your stash and you won’t actually get the money for it.

    • This trader only buys FiR items. You can use the FiR filter option in left-side of you inventory while you're in trader screen.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Oh my gosh, I feel stupid. I knew that, but it completely slipped my mind.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • This is a great idea. I only see LOW as an option though?

    • low is avaiable from lvl 1 and 0 roubles spent
      mid is available from lvl 15 and 1.5kk roubles spent
      top is available from lvl 36 and 15kk roubles spent

    • Thank you!

  • This mod started bugging my trader sell prices. For example Jager started paying more for meds and food than Therapist and Prapor started paying more for guns and attachments than Mechanic. Any clue how to fix? Also, when I did scav run and clicked "Sell All" to Fence at the end of the run it was telling me that I would receive 0 roubles for the sale to Fence but Fence was actually sending me money for the things...
    All of this actually happened after I used your justpasteit link to deactivate selling to Croupier.

  • I've been waiting for this kind of mod since 3.10! Great work on this.

    • Ironically I probably have it since 2.2 or 2.4, but was too lazy to finish it

  • This mod is excellent and very practical. I wonder if it could be reposted on the Oddba community so that more Chinese friends can see and use it. I will clearly indicate the source and author of the mod! Thank you very much and I look forward to your reply!

    • Thank you! 🙏 Sure, why not, you have my consent.

      If it's possible, when translating to Chinese:
      1) Make sure you state that the mod is incompatible with any customTrading mod, as mentioned in my description
      2) Leave somewhere a link to this page - so people can come here and report bugs/ask questions directly

    • I should think so! Thank you

      Heart 1
  • Is there any way to deactivate the second part of the mod?!, been playing with no flea and the random kits would be fun but the sell part is awkward in mp

  • Very good seller idea, thank a lot !

  • This is awesome, great for making the game more fresh, or for hardcore runs. Makes me use kit I never would run until I find something better on bodies. Keep it up!

    • Thanks for the feedback! The "low" kit indeed helps if you like to play like a scav (ie with bad gear) but don't enjoy dying due to heavy bleeding and lack of meds, or due to confusing pmcs with scavs.

  • I buy the container and it just sends it too my stash it does not follow like the video suggests. Any idea why?

    • It is almost certain that there is a conflicting mod interfering with the custom trading. What mods do you have? Especially take a look at the mods that send you messages or sell custom items (eg quest items, or some kinds of services, idk)

    • image.png?ex=678d444e&is=678bf2ce&hm=93b63080c2d88c930af15da1ed8523ac89bcc49a5d3b9ef1cc7e7247fc7b5807&This is the list of current mods i have no errors so im not sure. I did have a setting on SVM which blocked random messages from PMC's

    • Will investigate it tomorrow but it seems it's not possible to have more than one mod that interferes the standart trading. It's not about errors, its about which mod intercepts the confirmTrading function first.

      Once again will investigate it later, but it looks a bit depressing now 🤪

    • 95% sure it's a conflict with the "Personal Trainer" mod in your case

      Not saying that it's the author's fault or mine, it's just state of things for now 😔

    • Same to me, maybe 985-item-info mod (ODT Item Info), because this mod gives me some warning, and other people too, conflicting with different mods.

      [ItemInfo] bartersResolver failed because of another mod. Send bug report. Continue safely.

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

      at C:\SPT\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:1261:63

      at (<anonymous>)

      at C:\SPT\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:1257:7

      at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

      at ItemInfo.bartersResolver (C:\SPT\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:1251:20)

      at ItemInfoMain (C:\SPT\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:619:30)

      at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\SPT\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:458:10)

      at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:573:17)

      at processTimers (node:internal/timers:514:7)