Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 3.1.3
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.10.0+ of SPT.
Hey! Thanks for downloading, if you'd like to support my work, you're more than welcome to support me at the link below or follow along at my Ko-Fi page here:
Buy RaiRai a Coffee. a supporter of RaiRai today! ❤️ Ko-fi lets you support the creators you love with no fees on -
Version 3.1.2
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Added Italian language support - thanks Octopussy!
Added Brazilian Portugese language support - thanks manodavis!
Stats are no longer shown in the description by default, thanks to BSG.
Refactor to module changes for SPT 3.9.0+.
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.9.0+ of SPT.
Hey! Thanks for downloading, if you'd like to support my work, you're more than welcome to support me at the link below or follow along at my Ko-Fi page here:
Buy RaiRai a Coffee. a supporter of RaiRai today! ❤️ Ko-fi lets you support the creators you love with no fees on -
Version 3.1.1
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Fixed an issue where background colors were being applied to ammunition when it was disabled in the config, for real this time.
Added a config option to disable Realism compatibility, so people can use Realism with their Ballistics changes off and have the proper armor tier pen stats and colors.
Added Traditional Chinese language support - thanks LisaMikA!
Refactor of zip file structure - now installed by dragging and dropping the included "user/mods/" folder into the root of your SPT directory.Hey! Thanks for downloading, if you'd like to support my work, you're more than welcome to support me at the link below or follow along at my Ko-Fi page here:
Buy RaiRai a Coffee. a supporter of RaiRai today! ❤️ Ko-fi lets you support the creators you love with no fees on -
Version 3.1.0
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Fixed an issue where background colors were being applied to ammunition when it was disabled in the config
Revised SPT Realism mod compatibility, no additional config required, it's automatically detected
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.8.0+ of AKI.Hey! Thanks for downloading, if you'd like to support my work, you're more than welcome to support me at the link below or follow along at my Ko-Fi page here:
Buy RaiRai a Coffee. a supporter of RaiRai today! ❤️ Ko-fi lets you support the creators you love with no fees on -
Version 3.0.0
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
HIGHLY recommend downloading the companion Color Converter API with this mod, it pairs very well! Check the top of this mod's description for a link.
NOTICE: To enable Realism compatibility, you need to edit "usingRealismMod" in the config.jsonc!
Added support for the new Color Converter API client plugin.
Added support for the SPT Realism mod.
Added Polish language support - thanks RandomCitizen!
Changed config to .jsonc, added proper comments to the options.Color profiles! Check the config.jsonc to view the new color profiles (including colorblind/grayscale mode).
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.7.0+ of AKI.
This version will NOT work for versions prior to 3.7.0 due to the change to .jsonc - please use the older release if you're playing on 3.6.1 or earlier! -
Version 2.2.1
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.5.0 of AKI.
Version 2.2.0
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Added German language support - thanks MAEGE!
Major refactor to localization to comply with new standards as of client version 20765.
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.4.0 of AKI.
Version 2.1.6
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Added Spanish/Mexican language support - thanks javitecge!
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.3.0 of AKI.
Version 2.1.5
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Added Czech language support - thanks lastocka!
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.2.4 of AKI.
Version 2.1.4
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.2.2 of AKI.
Added option to suppress the debug logging to get rid of some warning text when modded ammo types don't have descriptions added for all languages.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Before you leave a comment or write me a message on Discord, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST.
thank you Legend. Been waiting for this one 😁😁👍
I love the funny colours, makes my mmo brain go brr seeing urple or RED
I love the color system....problem is when using Realism it gets overwritten...probably a that mod issue but still....I'm gonna cry lol.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
try messing with the load order, and check the config for this mod - there are settings specifically for Realism that you can adjust.
You rock. thank you for the update!
When 3.10?
Thank you for the mode! working great
Hello and thank you for your mods. Is it possible to mod the bg color of only ammunition that I choose? I'd like to have ammo highlighted in raid that I might be interested in keeping. I can't memorize all the rounds I rarely use like 9x18.
Hello, can your mod be compatible with item info
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
i don't use Item Info, so could you share your mod list with me and let me know how it's incompatible?
add in mod.js
and add in config.jsonc
Saint Nick
How do I add this correctly? I get an error when starting the server.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
glad you've made an addition, but you make mod changes within the mod.ts, not mod.js. the js file is transpiled at runtime.
as for where to paste it...
Even if the stats are now in-game, i still REALLY like this mod when combined with Color Converter API!
I really like the color coding idea, once you learn what it means i think its sooo good and intuitive gameplay-wise.
I liked the Arena Breakout:Infinite color scheme for ammo and I tried to replicate that, but in Tarkov:
Ended up with sth like this (click for higher res):
If anyone wants the same effect, replace this custom entry in "ColorProfiles" in the cfg, and set the above "ColorProfile" to "Custom":
I also really like the armor rating option that gets appended to ammo name.
For some reason, instead of characteristics from SPT realism, vanilla characteristics are indicated. in the background of the ammunition, in the name and in the description. "disableRealismSupport": false,
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author…on/#comments/comment41745
In the Mod Overview it says, that if you are using Realism, you have to set something to true in the config, but that is outdated, isn't it?
That setting is not in the config anymore, it looks like it already has Realism compatibility, right?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Right, sorry for any confusion.
Relax and get well and then continue with new versions!
Don't stress yourself!
agreed. thank you RaiRaiTheRaicu for all you do for the SPT community! you are truly the best
Bro I can't play without this and your Color Converter API, I can't believe you also did the hidden caches mod, thank you so much!!
I will not play the game without this mod, it's so good. Using this with Color Converter API is amazing. Thanks for this great mod!
Hands down one of my most used and loved mods. Simple, but I immediately miss it when it's not there on a new version! Thank you so much Rai for this!
Hey, i wish to collaborate to the translation for Brazilian Portuguese, here's the code:
"Damage": "Dano",
"Penetration": "Penetração",
"TextEffectArmorLv": "Efetivo contra armadura de level",
"EffectNone": "Nenhum",
"Pellets": "Paleta de Cores"
Thanks for the mod, have a nice day!
Ammo Stats isn't working properly with the latest version of Realism (V1.2.2) for SPT 3.8.3. It's not displaying the colors/stats correctly with the latest version. Thank you.
Seems to be a bug with Realism 1.2.2, Item Info mod is also reporting incorrect pen and damage values.
fontaine claims everything works perfectly thats why we came here
I don't know the "why" aspect really, but the issue looks like it might pertain around the fact that the changes are pushed asynchronous:…14d2/src/mod.ts#L752-L777
Made in this particular commit:…c5dc0280ad41ba35f185c1d0e
No clue what the proper fix is though (my SPT modding / TypeScript / JavaScript experience is extremely limited)
The issue is indeed related to the changes pushed asynchronously.
I've found a temporary solution which is to remove the (async () => { and })(); at the end of the async block and to remove the await, these are found in the user/mods/SPT-Realism/src/mod.ts
Had the same issue with ammo stats. A slightly less intrusive fix that worked for me that doesn't involve changing any code was to increase the load order "distance" between Realism and this mod. I have this mod load last and Realism used to load a few slots before this mod , but still towards the end of my load order (10+mods). I pushed it up towards the beginning of my load order and it started working. Probably gives that async function enough time to complete before the ammo stats mod loads is my guess.
"it": {
"Damage": "Danno",
"Penetration": "Penetrazione",
"TextEffectArmorLv": "Efficace contro armatura livello",
"EffectNone": "Nessuno",
"Pellets": "Piombini"
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Thank you! It will be added in the next version.
Hi RaiRai, love your mods
Quick question, is there a way to disable the Realism auto detection? I've disabled the ballistics system from Realism in my Realism config but the mod still seems to be showing me Realism stats and colours (from your colour converter API)
Any suggestions would be top notch!
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
As of 3.1.1, yes! Open the config and you'll see a way to disable Realism compatibility.
disableRealismSupport, set to true, on line 28.
Perfect, thank you!
Also, this might be a dumb question but is the "Ammo stats are out of a x barrel" line a realism thing? I just updated and disabled realism compatibility but that's still there.
Wasn't sure that BSG were clever enough to include barrel length as a stat modifier
Hi, I have an issue, the background colors for the ammo is not changing for me. I try editing the config file and also downloading the color API but neither work.
I'm posting my mod / plugin list. Thanks in advance for your help
Further info: I edited the config into this for testing, but it didn't work
"backgroundColors": {
"0": "blue",
"1": "blue",
"2": "blue",
"3": "blue",
"4": "blue",
"5": "blue",
"6": "blue"
// These color settings are for the SPT Realism mod.
"realismBackgroundColors": {
"0": "blue",
"1": "blue",
"2": "blue",
"3": "blue",
"4": "blue",
"5": "blue",
"6": "blue",
"7": "blue",
"8": "blue",
"9": "blue",
"10": "blue"
also both profile of the color api to grey scale
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Hi, I see you're using SPT Realism.
Assuming you have the Color Converter API installed as shown in your screenshot, and you have the Ballistics module for SPT Realism enabled, your config option is on line 68 of the config, specifically.
I just tested it and it works on my end. Try using a load order manager to ensure this mod loads after every other mod to minimize incompatibility issues.
Do the bullets have the stats listed in their descriptions? Eg, damage, penetration, armor tier?
Yes, everything else works, I can also tweak the other configs like the name of the ammo itself and it works, just the color. I'll try the load order manager and I'll let you know, thanks!
Found it and "fixed" it. The recolor option of ODT's Item info mod conflicts with your mod recolor option, even if it is loaded at the bottom of the order. It works if I disable the Item info recolor option, I think it's a problem of the ODT's mod and he should make an option for disabling the recoloring just for ammo, I don't know if you can make some adjustment to make the two mod compatibiles or if I have another problem and it's just me.
Anyway ty for your time, for now I'll keep the config this way, I prefer just the ammo recolored cause your mod(s) is amazing! Thank you!
For anyone who wanna use both mod with the recolor option from this one, you can blacklist the ammunition recolor from the ODT's Item info config by adding "5485a8684bdc2da71d8b4567" under the blacklist section, so you can have both mod. This mod will recolor ammunition, item info will recolor everything else!
Credit for this solution to @Geniuswas
How do I change the color?. I'm trying to change the color in the configuration, but it gives out some random color in the game. Or is there a list of specific colors that can be used? The additional mod that is listed on the page, I use it too
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Thanks! Will add in the next update!
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Open config.jsonc and from here, you have two ways to go whether or not you have my Color Converter API installed.
If you do have it installed:
Scroll to line 67 and you'll see "ColorProfile": "Rainbow",
Change the color profile to "Custom" and you can scroll down a tiny bit to the ColorProfiles section. Under the Custom profile, you can change the hexcodes freely to whatever you want. There's no alpha value support so the colors might look slightly different ingame but it's fairly accurate.
If you do not have it installed:
Scroll to backgroundColors section on line 33
Change the color strings to anything in the predefined color list on line 31 (keep in mind it's case-sensitive, no capital letters)
If you're using Realism Ballistics, then use those relevant entries instead.
If you have any more questions, let me know.
Tradionnal Chinese 繁體中文
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Thank you! It's been officially added.
I have 3.1.0 running with the latest realism 1.1.2. Maybe im reading this wrong, but it seems like the stats displayed by realism and ammo stats arent matching? anything I'm missing or need to configure?
realism right, ammo stats bottom left.
I went ahead and removed ammo stats since theres still stats from realism. since ammo stats has compatibility i thought it would work, but if i understand correctly thats only for if you arent using the ballistics changes from realism? is that right?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Hi, my mod should be loading after Realism, which should take into account all ballistic changes made by Realism.
The only things I can think of is that another mod loading after both Realism and mine, could be changing the values further. If you add a "z" to the beginning of my folder name in your user/mods/ folder, it should sort it last alphabetically, which is how load order is determined. Maybe you can try that instead.
Otherwise, yeah, if Realism is doing the same thing essentially, you can always disable the actual description stuff in the config and just have the background colors, for example. Or yeah - can totally just use their stat numbers.
have a idea for this mod why not add what level type it good against under the type of ammo it is when you or looking at it say it say 7.62x39 ap and under it have it say level 3 not sure it possible but maybe it can happen
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Already a feature, look in the config.jsonc file.
Specifically, look here.:
o ok thank you sorry i did not know this was a thing
i know probably not this place for this but thank you for making this mod as well
Is there a way we could turn off the realism check? Because I don't use any of the realism changes but the bots yet the ammo stats are as if I'm using ammo and armor changes. Much appreciated
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Ah, yeah I'll make it a config option and release it shortly. You'll have to disable Realism support in the config of this mod but then it'll show vanilla stats even if you have Realism installed.
How to do it?
I was under the impression that i could turn off background coloring, i did it myself anyway, but i think it would be a good feature for other people as well.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Yeah, it should be able to be turned off in the config, but I realize now that it broke with the last version. I'll upload a fixed version soon, but glad you were able to get it working either way.
The background colors for the ammo is not changing for me
you need to download his color converter API as stated in the description.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Can you send your mod list? It's likely an incompatibility.
The Color Converter API is recommended, but not required.
Im working today, ill send my mod list tomorrow
Sorry I forgot to send my mod list the other day. Heres my mod list and list of .dll files
Mod List