Anime Rear Sights 3.5.x

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
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ayo?? šŸ¤Ø



Girls Frontline M4 SOPMOD II - ApertureAwesome.

Ram & Rem - ApertureAwesome.

Ai Fuyuumi - Farengar, tac.error, Rymd.

Art for Anti 1 & 2 by Sumerikan.

And one more unknown artist.

If you have spare money to spend and wish to support me and my work, you can donate here


  • will this get updated for 3.10.5?

  • for anyone still wanna use this mod in 3.9.0, u just have to update 1 line in package.JSON in the mod, the akiVersion one to this: sptVersion": ">=3.9.0 and boom, done. Works fine on my side with 20+ mods

  • Does anyone know how to resolve "Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for sight_rear_all_sig_flip_up_ramrem, defaulting to 1" when loading up this mod? I did do the change version to 3.8.3 but still get this error.

  • To whom it may concern,

    I was able to use this mod on 3.8.0

    I'm not even sure if this is necessary, but I just changed the package.json to the say the latest version:

    "akiVersion": ">=3.8.0",

    It loaded right up :)

  • pls update to 3.80 :DDD

  • works on 3.7.0

  • update?

  • phantom forces moment

  • Please update for 3.5.5. shows error in the newest version of the game

  • "Target Located"

    "Let's Do This"


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  • on 3.4.0 does not work yet, we are waiting for the update

  • does anyone still have the original version?, please send link if you do

  • Hey there. I believe the recent file you uploaded for 3.2.1 isn't the correct version. It's not compatible when launching.

    • Yes. In the package it shows 3.0.0 instead of 3.2.1. Please update link when you can, please.

  • pleas updater :)

  • For those looking to get the sights to appear in the in mechanic.

    Update your mod.js file in the zSamSWAT-WeebSights folder to contain the following: (Just copy and ctrl+a in the file, ctrl+v and then save)

    Click here to view difference on DiffChecker for those interested on what has changed.

  • I have tried installing an re-installing this mod to no avail, even completely fresh install with no other mods, no matter what I do I can't get the sights to show up at Mechanic Lvl1. If I search the flee, they show in the list, but I don't have access to the flee yet, so I can't check if they are available to buy there, I will check after I unlock it. No errors are showing up in my console, and since they are in the search list, I think they are implemented, Mechanic just isn't selling them for some reason. Does anyone have any ideas?

    • See my comment above on how to get them added to mechanic :)

    • Worked perfectly! Thank you very much.

    • No problem :) Anything to help :D

  • flea market gets broke by this any idea for fixes? Did a good bit of looking around before commenting. I can give the exact error it says in the server log if needed

  • Is there a way to get all the individual sight's IDs? I'm trying to make them compatible with the MPR45 back-up (canted) rail.

    I've got all vanilla flip-ups working but I cannot find the ID for the anime sights.

    *Edit: I was looking for the long numerical code (starting with a 5 mostly), but by experimenting around I found out it's the ones that say:


    Located after "d_locales[localeID].templates".

    I now got my canted back-up waifusights! If anyone else would like to know how, I can explain further in detail. As there's some very specific things to go over, just reply here or DM me.

    • Are you able to show the process on how to make them compatible with the MPR45?

  • Made an account just to comment, good work porting Anti over to EFT.

  • this is gold i register myself just to comment i love this please make more

  • covers half aiming view. its cute but not practical for the hardcore game

  • Seems that the 2.2.0 link leads to a 410 error

  • I knew you liked anime.

  • I never thought that someone make a mod like this with Anti.

  • what the fuck is up with this site and moe weebs?

  • Sending you love, in tarkov.

  • I've been waiting so long for this

  • <3 hihihi

  • My brain is confused... In a good way I guess :D

  • at least put titties on them :|