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Version 310.0.1
- jbs4bmx
Update to SPT 3.10.x
Now includes ArmBandCore by default.
Version 390.0.2
- jbs4bmx
Type: Item Mod
Supported SPT Version: 3.9.0+
Change Log:
- Fixed blacklist issue by removing code that was unnecessary for functionality.
- Fixed prefab assignment code. Prefab options now work as intended.
- Removed unused config option.
Installation: Extract to root of SPT folder.
jbs4bmx Author
The "Comments" section will no longer be used for help/support.
If you need help/support, please use the mod's "Forum" page: Holtzman Shield
If you are reporting mod issues or incompatibilities with other mods, you must provide information such as (but not limited to) which other mods you may have installed, the exact reproducible behavior, and where necessary, logs.
jbs4bmx Author
I will be reintegrating Arm Band Core into the 3.10 version once that releases, so just a single download moving forward.
The DLL file will still be made available as a standalone download for other armband modders should they choose to use it.
This mod has been my essential mod can't play without it great mod for us noobies i even changed the armor class down to LV 6 armor and turned down its HP so it's not too op yet still keeps the game very challenging for me

Alas, it stopped working( version 9.3.8 )
How do I get the configurations to reflect correctly?
I'm wearing an armband from earlier and it doesn't protect me...
jbs4bmx Author
Can you provide more information?
Are you specifically wearing the Holtzman Shield armband?
Do you have the areas you want protected enabled in the configuration file?
Are you wearing any other armor while wearing the HS armband?
Sorry. Resolved...
I just didn't check Ragman's items...
I am finding the amor protection is not working & get killed in the first firefight from body shots all over. The amor is showing damage but not significant to allow bullet penetration. Is this because there are sections of the body that are not protected by the shield? I have not edited any of your config files.
jbs4bmx Author
The default is to have all areas protected.
Wearing any other armors/helmets will override this mod. I haven't had time to figure out how to give priority to armor that has been placed into the armor slot.
Yeah I just got one tapped with the lowest of 7.62x25 ammo and I have Armour Class 7 from top to waist to avoid that.. Can you add that as a disclaimer for others in the description. No idea that was an issue.
jbs4bmx Author
It will be added soon.
I don't know if it's because of 3.9.5, but Knight more or less blew off my arm with M882 in my last raid, only stuff equipped was the armband, a balaclava, a scav vest and some comtac 4s. So no other armor.
Bluntforce is disabled and in the after action healing screen it didn't show bluntforce as the damage type.
jbs4bmx Author
Interesting... will look into it.
Note to self; don't wear armor on top of this, you'll get done in by blunt force trauma ignoring the armband...
Great mod, just have to remember not to equip found armor
jbs4bmx Author
Access denied for the realism compat patch link
Any other way to make it work with realism?
jbs4bmx Author
I don't follow. What patch?
I didn't know anyone made a patch that allowed this mod to work with Fontaine's Realism mod. I also don't think this mod lends itself to Realism in any way, but that's just an opinion I have.
It's in your source/notes category on your mod page:
jbs4bmx Author
Ah, I see. I'll have to fix that.
Looks like the mod has since been deprecated/removed. I'll remove those lines from the description.
How i can edit my armor ? how i can turn on mod or how i can use it ? O.o
jbs4bmx Author
edit config to enable mod and modify.
once the game loads up i keep getting an error that has to do with client trader api null error. any fixes?
jbs4bmx Author
you may need to edit the load order of the mod. add a letter or two to the beginning of the folder name to change its location.
Is the appearance aspect of the mod not working correctly ? i have only set the deadskul to true and it still only shows the evasion model in game.
jbs4bmx Author
clear the cache before launching the game client.
Thanks for the reply. No luck there, I tried that. Had deleted the item beforehand and everything. Ragman still only shows evasion armband for sale. Double checked to make sure i only had one set to true, didn't touch any other settings either.
jbs4bmx Author
I'll double check my logic. I may have screwed something up.
Thanks for pointing it out.
No worries. Thanks for checking it out!
In the meantime, you can edit the appearance by changing the default version used. Go in to the mod database folder, and in dbItems.json look for
Changing the prefab path to the name of your desired armband will give you the correct look (you may need to reset temp files if the item has already been generated). Worked for me, you can look up the item details here:
Dude, the mod is great, thank you for your efforts.
I have a request from you. Is there a chance to increase the number of Armband shields to 4 at a suitable time? I want to set the armor level to 4-5-6-7 in accordance with each trader loyalty level.
If I have a chance to do this by editing your files and if you show me the way, I will try to do it.
jbs4bmx Author
That's not within the scope of the project, but if you want to do it yourself, here's what you would need to do...
Ty for quick answer. I'll try.
I couldn't figure out exactly how to show it as 3 separate items. Will I need to create 3 separate "IDs"? Can I do this by just editing the mod files with notepad++? Because I can't do more
Okay, I solved it and added the first item without any problems. I also learned how to do it.
I get a warning like this:
user/mods/HoltzmanShield/database/dbItems.json - Detected faulty json, please fix your json file using VSCodium
The newly added items appear smoothly in the game. But will this warning cause problems in the future? I edited the file completely with Notepad++.
Should I ignore it?
thank´s - you are my last hope XD
Thank you!
Canis lupus
Thank you for made this mod !
but i have a question about it
i think Arms true settings makes all area
( LeftUpperArm, LeftForearm, RightUpperArm, RightForearm )
can i set the armor zones for only 'armpit' area ?
jbs4bmx Author
LOL. You're more than welcome to fork it create an armpit armor mod.
*sweating profusely after seeing armbandcore updated.*
jbs4bmx Author
With the new armor changes, it's proving difficult to update this mod. But still, this is the one that I'm working on the most and I'm hoping to have something working within the next week.
jbs4bmx Author
Found an easier way to implement this mod without using the new plate armor system. Had to rewrite a good bit of code to do it, but in the end it came out alright.
Hi, thank you for the mods!
I have a question about changing armor protecting area. I did change all the protect area to be full body but when I going into the game, protected area did not change even when I tried to refresh the shop or wait for 30 mins to be refresh. Am I mess up something? Thank you again
jbs4bmx Author
If you want FULL protection, you have to set all MainArmor options to true.
I also recommend setting all HeadAreas options to true as well for that extra bit of protection.
Thank for reply!
I think I got all MainArmor para set to all true but still show only thorax, left and right arms still.
Is there anything wrong?
jbs4bmx Author
nope. looks correct to me.
What other mods are you running?
This is my mods list
jbs4bmx Author
Mod: SPT Realism Mod version: 0.14.0 by: Fontaine loaded
There's your problem right there.
SPT Realism conflicts with my armor mods.
Im trying to change the price of the bands but nothing seems to work i change the prices in the prices.js
and anyother file that has prices. I even went to config and made the band prices to -0 and that just set them all to 69420 and i change everything that says 69420. I'm i doing something wrong?
not even the traders levels work changed the level for each on of them but dose not move them. i can change the Armor level though so that cool.
jbs4bmx Author
I will look into it. no promises though... had an incident at work and they have us working 12 hr shifts 7 days a week to get it resolved.
no worries
Hey, does anyone have an idea on how to maybe make this mod compatible with the ballistics overhaul from "SPT Realism Mod"? I know it seems like a weird combo but I think it could be fun. I've tried messing with load orders and a bit with the configs of both mods but so far the armband just lets damage through too easily.
jbs4bmx Author
I would suspect this is due to RM adding additional "Hit Zones". My mod uses default zones.
I will look into this and see if I can figure something out.
jbs4bmx Author
Another thing to note is that wearing helmets and armor while wearing the armbands from this mod, seem to take priority over the armband and thus, throughput damage will be allowed.
This appears to be a change that occurred after a client update, so I suspect BSG made a change in their code that I will likely have to account for.
Alrighty, thanks for the info. I guess I'll try around a bit more (i.e. no additional armour and such) but for now I'm also perfectly content without realism mod.
P.S.: This mod and super AFAK/ medical attention have always been among my favourites, keep up the good work.
Thank you for the mods. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working for me, even if I set ALL body areas to true and the "throughput" godmode to true I still get "hit" and die after two or three hits and the armband still shows 1500/1500
jbs4bmx Author
Did you also add the dependency mod? ArmbandCore
yes I did
jbs4bmx Author
Using other mods? If so, which ones?
Game panel hud, Better Hit Reaction and serwolfik-Heavy_Ttrooper Face protectors.
jbs4bmx Author
I use GamePanelHUD and my mods are working for me.
I looked at the code for the other two you listed and I can't see anything in them that would clash with my mods.
I'm fully stumped on this one.
I like this mod, but the armband (for some reason) also protect my complete Head (nape, eyes, ears, etc.) eventhough they are all set to "false" in the config and "head" is also "false" aswell.
Other than that, nice addition, even essential imo
Edit :
Found the issue. When using "Kobrakon AIO" and set "HelmetsProtectFullHead" to "true", armbands (for some reason) count in aswell
is it somehow possible to change the shield so that it is a level 6 armor and not level 10 (or whatever it is set to).
its a Great mod and i love it a lot, i was just wondering if i can change some of them, so that they are like tier ones.
Thanks in Advance and keep it up
jbs4bmx Author
In "..\mods\HoltzmanShield\database\templates\items.json", edit the following line...
"armorClass": "10",
to whatever value you want. There will be 17 of these in total since there are 17 armbands.
thank you very much for answering so fast.
youre the best
It's great mod and I love it, but from my experience and testing, I'd recommend changing "MaterialType": "Helmet", to "MaterialType": "BodyArmor", in items.json. During my gameplay whenever i got hit in arms or legs, I kept getting effects as if i got Headshot including the sound, which I found this setting to be the cause, after changing it to BodyArmor, that problem was gone. I'd say that's a huge QoL compared to original setting.
jbs4bmx Author
I was also looking into changing the "MaterialType" to "BodyArmor" as a QoL feature.
I guess great minds think alike!
I'll probably have this set as default in the next version... until then, users will have to manually edit the database file.
Was armor level removed? I swear it was there before.
jbs4bmx Author
ArmorClass is statically set to 10 for all 17 variants.
Is there a way to add other custom armbands that have been made by others. if so is it something I could do on my own or would I have to dive deep in the code? The armband in question is this one. Bad Dragon Armband
jbs4bmx Author
Not really what I want to do with this mod.
I could add compatibility to check for their mods and tweak those item properties... but there are 3 issues with that...
1. All "compatible" mods would have to load prior to this one.
2. It would go against the original mod author's intended purpose for their mods.
3. I don't really have to time, nor desire these days to add new features.
Can I ask about what causes this error?
>Error: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "ImporterUtil"
I've commented on the support thread but no reply so I try my luck here. Any help is appreciated.
jbs4bmx Author
Is this an error with my mod?
What version of SPT are you using?
I'm using 3.5.0.
I've tried putting ONLY this mod into the folder and the Core mod into the BepInEx folder. Apparently its not only this mod, but Bandana of Protection and BodyBlessings also shows similar errors.
jbs4bmx Author
Something's wrong with your SPT installation then.
I'm running my own mods on 3.5.0 and they are working for me. ImporterUtil is the new method implemented for manipulating the database as of 3.5.0.
You could try redownloading a fresh copy of the mod. If you still get the same error, then it is definitely your SPT installation.
alright i see what i can do
weird that it only happens to those 3 mods and other mods dont cause these errors tho, thanks for the help
Same problem
Love the mod, helps a terrible player like myself do things for a few minutes in a raid. After the 3.5 update, the lower nape area seems to be unprotected (I keep getting blasted in the neck). In the config it says that head must be set to "false" for the head areas to be protected (I've tried both true and false), has something about the lower nape changed since last patch?
jbs4bmx Author
Head area must be set to "true".
Nape is part of the head area.
If Nape is no longer protected even with both items set to true, then it must be because of a BSG change that I am not aware of.
Cool, thanks for checking! I'll look and see if the bandana has the same issue. I checked with throughput off and on as well, still getting lower naped periodically from >1400 durability. The strange part is I'm killed by "gunshot wound" every time and not an actual bullet type.
Same here, god mode, lower nape. I've checked LShZ-2DTM Aventail - it protects LowerNape zone, and zone name isn't even not localized to Russian, so it may be added recently.
UPD: Added LowerNape if into mod code - seems like it working, zone showing in in-game zone list for armband and looks like it now cannot be hit.
jbs4bmx Author
Can you show/explain to me what you modified so I can add to the next version if it's missing?
Thanks for finding this.
Ok, PR it is
UPD: Made a WIP PR, hope I'll be able to test it later today. Also, if someone knows where to obtain a list of all armor zones and segments - I'll be grateful!
UPD2: looks like I found out why LowerNape isn't translated - it's all lowercase in locale files on SPT server and fails to match. Also, locales seems like the only place in server code where you can find more or less full list of segments.
UPD3: Tested PR - works fine as far as I can test.
it say's I need BepInEx so do i just need to download say BepInEx 5.4.21 and put the BepInEx files to the games root folder
jbs4bmx Author
The "Dependency" is listed in the sidebar on the right. You need my client-side mod for this mod to work. The client-side mod gets placed into the "BepInEx\plugins" folder.
so not sure if its supposed to not work or what, but when i changed the Loyalty level for the different bands and the armor level for a more personalized progression, it didnt work. just an observation. still 10/10 for those who just want to melee EVERYTHING because its fun
I must be doing something wrong. Installed this and ArmBandCore, followed instructions and just got blasted and killed by a scav. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I am on the newest version of AKI etc and have had this work in the past.
jbs4bmx Author
GodMode is disabled by default. This will allow the armband to operate more like regular armor and there will be a "throughput" value that allows some penetration of the armor.
Enable GodMode and the "throughput" value will be set to 0, essentially preventing all penetration until you run out of durability points on the armband.