Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
- This will install SPT to the same folder as the installer - The latest version will confirm the directory with you
- Make sure live EFT is updated before running the installer
- Do not place the installer on your desktop and run it
Video guide:
- Download here (made by @McDewgle)
The installer will:
- Check you have .Net installed, as you will need this for the launcher
- Copy EFT into the same folder as itself
- Patch the copied EFT files to the needed verison for SPT
- Download most recently released SPT from the SPT website and install it into the same folder
Usage guide:
- Download installer
- Place in new folder e.g. `SPT`
- Ensure live EFT is updated to latest
- Run installer
- If something shows as RED, you should pay attention to it
- Wait for it to say it has completed
- Close the installer box, you are ready to play
- From this point onwards, any issues please use the FAQ and General support
How to run SPT:
- Start the Spt.Server.exe wait for it to say Happy Playing!
- Start the Spt.Launcher.exe
- Create a profile
- Launch the game
Before you download and use this, understand that it will download SPT and the relevant Patcher required for your client version from our GITEA Repo.
(the same place as if you download them separately)
Example of the installer:
Cached files are located in %appdata%/spt-installer/cache
You can locate this folder by typing %appdata% into windows startbar, find spt-installer/cache and inside there are the zips
Version Latest
- waffle.lord
Download the lastest version of the SPT installer. It will install the current release version of SPT
Version 2.88
- waffle.lord
- add overview page
- fix debug log not writing to file
Version 2.86
- waffle.lord
- add installpath param
- clearing metadata cache will now automatically re-launch the installer
Version 2.85
- waffle.lord
- fix / improve update script because it was broken. whoops...
Version 2.84
- waffle.lord
- fix copy log error when installer is located in the install directory
Version 2.83
- waffle.lord
- added shortcuts option
- added open install folder option
- other stuff probably
Version 2.82
- waffle.lord
- fix bug were selecting a path with the Select Folder button used URL encoding
- added an EFT Installed precheck for clarity
- updated the free space message slightly for clarity
- added some margin to changelog text
Version 2.69
- chomp
Version 2.44.0
- waffle.lord
- re-added .NET 6 precheck until 3.8.0 drops
Version 2.43.0
- waffle.lord
- updated mega mirror downloader to use DownloadFileAsync on the mega client (seems faster)
- added a button to the cache info screen to move a downloaded patcher into the cache folder (Drakia reeeeeeaaaaallllyy wanted this feature *smirk)