Milkor M32A1 MSGL 1.0.1

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from the latest patch



  • для 2.3.1 подойдёт?

    • пишет в логах, что не подойдёт... пишет "WARNING"

  • i cant load it with 40mm vog-25

    • its a western grenade launcher and requires 40mm western rounds

  • wonderful weapon! the main thing is not to kill yourself at close range when shooting or how to die in a raid , otherwise the game freezes with an error

  • Где можно купить или получить гранатомет?

    Смотрел у всех продавцов, но никто не продает...

  • awesome!! you mind if i share this mod on oddba? :love:

  • boss consider HK G36? :P that baby is awesome, especially unloading chamber

    Like 1
  • Da Yiss... Beeg Milkors

  • It is invisible when I go into a raid and my character doesn't move; how do I fix this?

  • I have a question, if you can get the item from the latest patch,

    Can you fix this too? I wish there was a 30 round magazine from the mk 17.

  • but, which trader Sell M32A1 MSGL ?

  • I hope this isnt a frustrating question.. but why new mods instead of updating the existing ones? This mod is still appreciated asf, im just sad fer meh old guns. Like the trusty ol Benelli

    • No one feels like refactoring all of their mods

      3.0.0 rewrote the entire modding framework

  • out of curiosity will you be bringing all the new guns over or just this one?

  • let's f-f-FUCKING go

  • the legend pops off again

  • more please

  • How