Environment Replace 1.5.0

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Replace Background and Splash Screen

  • 这个功能非常好。有什么方法可以让它播放多个视频?它似乎只能播放一个视频。

  • Here is an album of pics I've made/edited


    Thumbs Up 2 Heart 1
  • is there a specific way to get it to choose different videos? like do they need to be names something in particular? i have some music videos as my backgrounds and they do play but it only plays one per launch of the game. even going into raid and coming back out it only plays the one video ever.

  • Forgot to change the SPT version compatibility tag. Confused me since there's a reuploaded version by DevRacoon for 3.8.0.

    • DevRacoon ported it to 3.8.0 last month. I didn't have time to update it then

      Thumbs Up 2
  • This mod works for 3.7
    The vids / images in the splash folder wont work but everything else does

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Video should be named "1.mp4" and should be h264 codec, worked for me

  • any chance you can pass those images/vids along? i love how they look on your preview

    • nvm i cant get your mod to even work, it breaks the background and makes all the original backgrounds show at once

    • Make sure you have install EFTApi 1.1.4 or later,

      Description show Videos/images:

      SUPER HIGH by APO*

      明日方舟 Arknights 企鹅物流 2K 30fps


    • i did, after i installed it then your mod, gonna keep trying tho

    • @kmyuhkyuk how did u manage to extract those files from wallpaperengine if i dont own it stean wallpaper engine?

    • i can answer that, on wallpaper engine i believe i was able to right click and it says something about viewing it in the workshop and you can download it from the links they provided

  • I think its still broken, at least the preset ui is. Version 1.4.1, using a 1920x1080 black png background.


  • are you able to have videos in 32:9 aspect ratio work without being cut off? No matter the resolution the video is being forced to 16:9, but the loading picture is perfectly fine at 32:9.

  • It isnt working for me, I not sure if i have to do something more or just extract it into the folder. Please help.

  • Hope someone makes a cool pic for SPT, I would but I'm not skilled enough for it ^^

  • I will never be able to comprehend weebs

    Thinking 2 Thumbs Up 1
  • I think I am doing something wrong or something happened, I followed directions but still have regular background.

  • Do the files in the "images" folder need to be converted to .dds or something? Whenever one is supposed to show up the sceen is either white or a red question mark.

    • QQ20220901091101.png

      You can tell me your image file format ? this is images filter format. :kannatiredofthis:

    • I'm using .jpg images, I'll keep trying different ones until one shows up I guess.
      it might be tied to the resolution, using smaller ones that were either png or jpg worked.

    • right, it's weird. I test jpg file but load normally.

    • I think this because image file size too large, it doesn't finish loading after Splash Screen Load End. :notlikethis:

    • I test a 25.5 MB png image but it work fine. the issue should be because other cause:kannatiredofthis:

  • Pleas upload the one you have very thanks

  • are you able to add multiple videos to have it cycle between them like the random background the vanilla game has?

    • uh, if you need loop multiple videos, you can edit multiple videos merge to single video :whatever:

  • does it support replacing the background with a gif background?

  • Did you forget to put a download link? It just opens google

    • sorry I'm adding this Mod URL for dll, so file temporarily is Google.com. Now correct link has been upload.

    • Was just curious that it directed me to google, now it works! Are only MP4 supported?

    • It supports all video formats by Unity, But you need modify URL path in AssetaBundle



  • what does this do exactly?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • if i am reading it right, replace the background in your menu?

    • uh, I still writing Overview, It Feature roughly is Replace Main menu background.

    • ah finally now i can see m16 rule34 whenever i open the game

      Thinking 2 Happy 1
    • wait i mean in my defense ripped m16 is hawt