Kiki-BiggerStash 2.5.0

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Finally you can Horde it all!


  • Version 2.5.0

    Updated for 3.9 +

    Added unheard stash.

  • Version 2.4.3

    Updated package for 3.7

  • Version 2.4.2

    update to 3.6.

  • Version 2.4.0

    Updated for AKI 3.4.0

    Refactor of code. Added debug option to config to turn off console messages.

  • Version 2.3.1

    Updated for AKI 3.3.0.

  • Version 2.3.0

    Updated for .ts and AKI 3.2.4.

  • Version 2.2.1

    Updated to AKI 2.3.0 ++.

  • Version 2.2.0

    I have given all my mods a sizeable refactor which should make the code a fair bit easier to follow. I have also added most of my todo list (any specific changes below), and want to release everything before things get hectic in my life again ^^.

  • Version 2.1.5

    Update package for 2.2.0. No change in method.

  • Version 2.1.4

    No change to functionality.
    Updated main method to ES6.
    Updated package to AKI 2.1.2.

  • kiki pls update it doesnt work with new version it says mods doesnt match version and wont load any mod

    • ****DO AT YOUR OWN RISK*** I went into the package.json, and just changed the AKI Version to 3.8 and it loaded just fine with no errors, and works in the game. But that may not work for you. I'm not a coder or anything like that but its a work around until its updated potentially.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • uhh thanks will try :))

  • hey, could i have some help with the change all = false? im not sure what the instructions meant. and im not sured how to exactly change the value of it.

    • "If ChangeAll = any whole number, it will set all of the accounts stash size to that value."

      I am sorry, but I do not know how I can be more clear than that?

    • my bad, how could i save it?

      Thinking 2
    • so if i, for example, set change all = 100, how could i keep that change?

      Thinking 1
    • as with all JSON configs you will find here, edit them with notepad++ vscode or whatever.
      Then you save the file.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • hey is there a reason this mod randomly just stopped working i have the normal stash size but no errors related to biggerstash show up in console and it says it loaded the mod and i've even redownloaded it wiped my profile and made a new one 2 times each and still no dice

    • Have you set the config so that the stash is actually bigger than normal I take it? (It defaults to the live stash sizes)
      Other than that, I would check for other mods you are using, that also edit the stash size.

    • yes i did edit it and i removed all the other mods and its till not working

    • That doesn't make sense, it is a super simple mod, which has been working with the same method for over 3 years now.
      Under support zone, read the support rules so you can see where to find your logs, then make a post in this mods support thread, (blue box on the right of the page) including your logs, because you have given me absolutely nothing to go off here.

    • alr so I did some troubleshooting and the mod that was conflicting with your mod was "crafter" it adds more hideout crafts and it was not giving off an error code I can only assume it was overwriting the values of your mod and the actual game files I tried changing the server files and it still didn't work so I am gonna assume it was crafter I would say you should check out what is causing that but that's up to you I am no mod dev nor do I have the time to be one so ill leave that with you

    • Hey luckily not much work needed to find out what is causing the confliction, as it states it on that mods page.

  • Thanks for this!

    Heart 1
  • I have played about a month with this mod and i have an update on autosort and biggest playable size.

    Autosort works without deleting items. Does not matter if inventory is near filling up or not. There is limit to how many items or rows can be sorted though. If you have too many items (about 600 lines worth of items, mostly 1x1 items) or if you have too many lines filled (about 800 lines worth) the autosort fails to sort everything, there is an error code and it reverts your inventory by 30-120 second (depending when your last autosave was). There might be possible duplicate or delete errors if you are moving in and out items from your equipped inventory, but i never tested this.

    As long as you are only operating inside your stash before clicking sort, you will be fine, although when it fails to sort its kinda scary because it hangs the game for good 20 seconds and then dumps you into main menu.

    Performance takes significant hit after your stash is 800+ lines long, scrolling is kind of laggy and it starts hanging for few seconds sometimes. Also, at higher amount of lines, the scroll bar becomes very small and fast, which means it's harder to be accurate and it scrolls so fast the item images load slower and add to the low performance.

    Kikirio, thanks for the mod, i love it, game would be unplayable for me otherwise.

    TLDR: If you want high performance inventory without having to worry about anything, i would set max size to 500 lines on highest stash level.

    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 1
  • Thanks for this awesome mod, love it! :D

    Heart 1
  • auto sorting works for the stash of about 1000, any items beyond that just returns an error, but nothing goes missing lol. it works great.

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • I just tested the auto sort with a stash size thats triple the eod and it worked perfectly fine, not a single thing went missing

    • We can only hope it's finally fixed eh, that would be handy ^^
      I will keep the warning up though, I don't want no hate mail asking where someones THICC had gone lol

    • i risked my thicc case lmao

      Happy 1
  • Thanks for the quick update! I do have a question though, I have always wondered. In the description it states that the Auto Sort Feature is messed up, but how so? Is it like a "could brick your whole profile" kind of issue or just that the auto sort might be a bit weird?

    • It used to break the sorting algorithm, which would cause items to randomly disappear, and reappear when sorting.
      It is possible that this is now fixed (due to them adding stash rows as rewards from other methods now), so do let me know if you find this to no longer be the case.

    • Ill try it out when I have time to play a bit, but I'm usually an inventory hoarder, so I cant promise I'll notice if something goes missing :D

      But if I notice something or it is obvious things are working fine I'll come back to you.

      Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • May not notice any weirdness until after the stash would normally be full. Not the end of the world eh.

    • Does the sorting works now? Has anyone tested it on new version?

    • i didnt run into any issues yet, but I didn't play a lot yet, so I can't say it 100% works all the time

  • Discovered sptarkov earlier today and found your mod a little while ago, made an account to thank you!

    Heart 1
  • Super useful, i just change standard to 68 and eod is 128 and now i have super big stash :D

    Heart 1
  • It is possible without any mods.

    SPTarkov\Aki_Data\Server\database\templates\items.json - there can edit grid of stashs.

    "566abbc34bdc2d92178b4576" - Standard stash 10x28

    "5811ce572459770cba1a34ea" - Left Behind stash 10x38

    "5811ce662459770f6f490f32" - Prepare for escape stash 10x48

    "5811ce772459770e9e5f9532" - Edge of darkness stash 10x68

    Need change "cellsH" and "cellsV" to grid what you want.

    eg. for stash 10x28:


    in this example was changed only one line "cellsV": 28, to "cellsV": 69,.

    Additionally, you can set the Stash to behave like a Sorting Table, that is 'infinite'.

    • Yes, if you look at the code this is exactly what it is doing??

    • .mhm

    • Editing your files on BE completely defeats the purpose. I would advise a bit of patience for it to be finalised and released with mods enabled.

  • it seems i cant add items using profile editor, is there any way you might add support to it?

    • No. All this does is change a number.

    • is there a workaround it?

      ? 1
    • sorry if you couldnt understand, i love your mods, i just want to add items to my stash but profile editor says theres no more space left. i just want to know if i can do anything to go around that problem.

    • I understand, but do not have a solution.

    • oh welp, thanks for responding.

  • mod doesnt seem to be working for me. ive set change all to 84 but the stash size remains the same

    • hmm, I can only presume you have installed it incorrectly. has this been placed in user/mods?
      So it should be \user\mods\Kiki-BiggerStash

    • its installed in the right place. found out that a different mod changes the stash size but i cant find the mod thats changing it

      Thumbs Up 1
  • bro kikirio is in the middle of a urkraine warzone making these mods can literally hear tanks going off in the back ground

    ? 1

    Heart 1
  • ok he is dead rip

  • i think its been around a month i hope he is okay

  • hey will u update this to 3.0.0?

    • Eventually, I have a lot on, it is going to be a few weeks.

      Like 2
    • got it thanks this by far my fav mod so respect to u man

      Thanks 1
  • When I changed the stash size to 200 (lol) in config.json
    it actually changed it to 1 (1x10) anything I did wrong?
    ChangeAll is set to 1.



    • Check the readme. Change all will change the size of all editions (in this case to 1 line)

  • This doesn't work for me i just get an error and then the game closes any fix?

    • Had the same issue, setting "ChangeAll" to true was what caused it for me.

    • "If ChangeAll = any whole number, it will set all of the accounts stash size to that value."
      yes it is false or the above.

  • Mod is great, i changed the message since the issues i thought i have is not therel, not from this mod atleast.

    • Thats cool, don't use it ^^
      Auto sort will work until it exceeds the EOD stash size, it is a pity, but is unfixable AFAIK.
      Icons taking longer to load, I haven't noticed myself (or heard of up to now)

    • I'm a bit late with this reply, but the auto-sort stops working after exceeding the EOD default stash size?

      Thats weird, because IIRC, I had doubled each stash size from its default with my last AKI 2.1.2 setup, and my auto-sort seemed to be working just fine, without any issues at all. I didn't test going any higher than that, since I remember having the auto-sort not working the last time I went crazy with the values, but that was way back in like October 2021 IIRC.

    • Hmm I am just presuming it is on exceeding EOD size, as this would be a logical error in how the sort function works on BSG's end, It may indeed be higher than this, but at some point it does seem to break.

    • I think my problem was from earlier versions where the auto sorter deleted stuff, i have tested it and even with a full stash it does not delete anything,

      The loading icons is just tarkov, i have it with or without mods. I always leave atleast 25% of the stash empty so autosort doesn't create any issues, if you fill it to the brim it might cause issues.

      Thanks 1
  • Every time I boot up the server, it sets my stash sizes back to default. In the config, ChangeAll is set to false and the stash sizes are in ascending order from 68 to 98.

    • I have many many server restarts with 10* values, and I am not seeing this happen.
      What other mods are you running?

    • Online Ragfair, Operator trader, Food&Drink trader, Munitions Expert, Medical SICC case, Zarya Killer, Bigger Stash and ThatGuyXIV's Random Loose Loot Generator.

  • thank you so much!

  • A stupid question... At the launcher I have to choose a game edition.. I bought standard edition but.. What happens if I put EoS edition there?

    Also, how does game editions affect this mod?

    • You can use which ever edition you would like, you can set the stash sizes for the edition you pick. You just need to be careful to set stash sizes, above the edition you are using, to an equal or greater stash size. This is because you need to upgrade your stash in the hideout, on editions other than EOD, to unlock other hideout upgrades. As such if the size is set lower you could lose items (temporarily).

    • Thank you very much!!! <3

  • So, I've ran into an issue where upgrading the stash in order to build other hideout stations resets the stash size to vanilla. Further editing of the config doesn't seem to make a difference. Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas for a fix?

    • Can you tell me what upgrades require you to upgrade the stash? I must be being dumb because i thought there wasn't any, and hence that no one would spend resources on something the do not need.

    • Ahha i see it is workbench 3 and nutrition 3. I am surprised no one else has stumbled across this yet. I will look into pushing an update later today to fix this. (by setting stash to level 4 from the start)

    • As a hotfix, what it has done is set your account stash id to point to the next edition up, so you can change the stash size for that edition to be the same.
      I will aim to push out a patch for this shortly.
      Thanks for bringing this to my attention :smiling_face_with_hearts:

    • Thanks for the response! Glad it helped