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Amands's Hitmarker
This mod adds hitmarkers with different Shapes, Colors and Sounds
Default Shapes, Colors and Sounds can be changed by pressing F12. ConfigurationManager's Advanced settings allows for better customization
How it works
Hitmarker was broken down into 4 parts allowing the user to change its Thickness and its Center Offset together with animation speeds and modes.
if you want to use a single image, using Advanced settings enable StaticHitmarkerOnly, by default the pngs are just a simple glow, replace them both StaticHitmarker.png and StaticHeadshotHitmarker.png with your custom pngs.
DebugMode for adjusting the hitmarker features.
Hitmarker Sounds
Sounds for Hit, Headshot, Kill, Armor damage sound and Armor breaking.
Sound volume slider.
Supported audio formats are WAV and OGG.
Hitmarker 3D Position
Position modes for NonADS/ADS includes Center, GunDirection, ImpactPoint and ImpactPointStatic.
GunDirection uses the gun pointing direction in worldspace and it's the default mode for ADS.
ImpactPoint uses the hitpoint in worldspace and its the default mode for NonADS.
ImpactPointStatic uses a snapshot of the hitpoint in screenspace.
Start can be None, Player + Weapon, Weapon or Weapon + Role.
Name color can be changed to SingleColor or Colored.
End can be None, Bodypart, Role, Experience, Distance, DamageType or Level.
UpperText headshot/bleeding/longshot on top of the kill text.
Position presets are Center, TopRight, BottomRight, TopLeft and BottomLeft. can be fine-tuned.
Font customization Size, Color, Outline, Uppercase and Text Spacing.
Animation Time to start fading and fade speed.
DistanceThreshold allows the end text to prioritize distance over another mode.
Planned Features
Final armor damage and break icon.
New hitmarker animation modes.
Damage dealt numbers and armor damage Floating.
Melee, Multi and Double Kills stuff
Known issues
Thanks to CWX, SamSWAT for their mods helping me on modding in general.
KMYUHKYUK's Grenade Sprite for the sprite loading used on this mod.
SamSWAT's Sixth Sense for the sound loading used on this mod.
thanks pin for beta testing
Version 2.6.1
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.8.3 (29197), 3.8.0+ (29197)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip required.
2.5.4 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
NEW! DamageIndicator
Customizable damage indicator when getting hit, Disabled by Default.NEW! Smol things
New Player method patch.
FIXED! Smol problems
SPT-AKI 3.8.1 compatibility.
Some scavs reporting as Boss.
DamageIndicator persisting on screen.
Version 2.5.4
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.7.6 (26535), 3.6.1+ (25206)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended2.5.3 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
NEW! Smol improvements
Sound playing behavior, sounds are now louder by default.
Raiders and Bloodhounds Colors.
StartDistance and EndDistance, the Hitmarker will only appear if the shot distance is inside this range.
FIXED! Smol problems
Hitmarker Sounds doesn't go through a filter anymore.
Debug Sounds on Menu*.
SPT-AKI 3.6.0 Hitmarker sounds not playing after first raid.
Version 2.5.3
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.6.1 (25206), 3.1.0+ (19078)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended
2.5.2 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
FIXED! Smol problems
SPT-AKI 3.6.0 hitmarker non-spatial sounds not playing.
NOTES! Debug sounds
Debug buttons for sounds only works in Raid or Hideout as they depend on the BSG's audio engine to be initialized. -
Version 2.5.2
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.6.0 (25206), 3.1.0+ (19078)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended
2.5.1 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
FIXED! Smol problems
SPT-AKI 3.6.0 compatibility.
Version 2.5.1
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.5.7 (23399), 3.1.0+ (19078)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended
2.5.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
NEW! Smol improvements
Performance Improvements.
Compatibility update 3.1.0+ (19078).
Killfeeds Presets now act as anchors, the Position setting will be relative.
FIXED! Smol problems
Opening Inventory/menu doesn't clear Killfeeds anymore.
Changing resolutions pre-raid doesn't offset Raid Killfeed after entering raid.
(Use ReloadUI button when changing resolution mid raid in case of problems)INCOMPATIBLE! SPT-AKI 3.6.0 (25206)
Version 2.5.0
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.5.3 (22173), 3.4.1+ (20765)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended
2.4.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
NEW! Raid Killfeed
Raid wide killfeed show all kills happening within a customizable radius. Disabled by Default.Position presets are TopRight, BottomRight, TopLeft and BottomLeft. can be fine-tuned.
Font customization Size, Color, Outline, and Text Spacing.
Animation Time to start fading separate from Killfeed.
FIXED! Smol problems
SingleColor is now used for Roles once selected.
Multikill icons correctly centered on different resolutions.
ReloadUI button when changing resolution mid raid use this in case of problems.NOTES! Enabling feature
You can enable the new feature by searching "Enable" on F12's menu and checking:
(click somewhere else to leave the menu).
Version 2.4.0
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.5.1 (22032), 3.4.1+ (20765)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended
2.3.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
NEW! Code Rework
Performance improvements.
DebugButtons instead of debug bools to toggle.Kill functions moved out of Update() to methods.
NEW! MultiKillfeed
Icons will accumulate as you get more kills, it resets once the last kill fades out, Enabled by Default.
PMC Icon modes are Generic, Custom (USEC and BEAR logos) and Rank level icons.
Icon Color modes are SingleColor, HeadshotColorOnly and Colored.
Icon customization Size, Position, Spacing.
Scavs and bosses use a Generic Icon by default, better icons are planned.
NEW! Damage Numbers
Damage and Armor Damage numbers, Enabled by Default.
Accumulative until the hitmarker fades out, then it resets.
Position modes are Screen or to follow the hitmarker.
Font customization Size, Color, Outline.
NEW! Default values changes
Changes for HitmarkerColor, KillTime.
FIXED! Smol problems
FSR2 Offset fix.
Better armor damage detection (not final).Multiple kills on a single frame fix.
Hitmarker Offset on first shot after using Debug mode fixed.
Debug kill level is now random.
NOTES! Disabling features
You can disable the new features by searching "Enable" on F12's menu and unchecking:
click somewhere else to leave the menu.
Version 2.3.0
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.5.0 (21734), 3.4.1+ (20765)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended
2.2.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
NEW! Code Rework
UpdateInterval Removed.
Performance improvements.
Raid start Hitmarkers.
NEW! BSG's EXP Formula
StreakXP Takes killstreak in consideration, Enabled by Default.
HeadshotXP On Headshot EXP Number is displayed on the right side of UpperText, and it's the default mode.
HeadshotXP On Formula Headshot EXP is added only to the base kill EXP.
Boss EXP detection.NEW! Killfeed Update
Start Player + Weapon Added.Longshot UpperText.
FIXED! Smol problems
Hitmarkers now load at the start of a raid.
Version 2.2.0
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.5.0 (21734), 3.1.0+ (19078)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended
2.1.1 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
NEW! Experimental Streets of Tarkov
0.13 patch support.
NEW! Armor Icons
Simple Armor Damage and Break Icon.
BreakingOnly is the default mode.
FIXED! Smol problems
Killfeed End now correctly shows other modes for scavs.
Version 2.1.1
- Amands2Mello
SPT-AKI 3.4.1 (20765), 3.1.0+ (19078)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended
2.1.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.
FIXED! Smol problems
NVIDIA DLSS and AMD FSR 1.0 doesn't offset the hitmarker anymore.
Just gonna leave this here for anyone that wants it.
Armor, Armor Break, Hit, and Body Kill are MW2019 (Body kill is actually headshot kill sound)
Headshot Kill is BF1 sound
I have packaged the zip exactly how modders do so it is a simple drag and drop to your SPT folder if you want to replace your sounds wholesale.
Hitmarker Sounds
Much obliged!!
Btw do you have the cod2019 body kill sound file?
Having been using it for a while now, I have to say that simple things can really improve the gaming experience!
It’s a simple thing, but it really does bring me a lot of joy to know you’ve been enjoying this. Thank you.
it works on 310?
i found a bug
sometimes bosses are shown like Sniper (Tagilla) and other bosses xD
its not really a big problem but its weird xD
when we get a update for 3.10 please ?
Amands2Mello Author
if you are talking about the killfeed for 3.10, it is working based on my tests, maybe yours is outside the screen because its resolution detection isn't great; you can change its Position, AmandsRaidKillfeed Position X set to 500 moves it closer to the center of the screen.
but hitmarker is no in the mod menu idk what i do wrong in installation,can you write me how to put it in the right folder i downloaded it from github
Amands2Mello Author
for SPT 3.10 get it from AmandsHitmarker 2.6.3 GitHub extract and move the BepInEx folder to your SPT directory where the .exe are
wait for the gif to show After Installation and that's how it should look like, SPT/BepInEx/plugins/AmandsHitmarker.dll
thx,i think i had downloaded the wrong version but now it works,thank you
Does your latest version of hitmarker, which I assume is 2.6.1, still work on SPT 3.10?
Amands2Mello Author
it doesn't, you can get the mod for SPT 3.10 on AmandsHitmarker 2.6.3 GitHub
Many thanks.
I miss the kill feed.
Amands2Mello Author
I still can't figure out why it wouldn't work for other people as it does work on my end.
it works on the menu too when you change any settings you can use that to change its Position in case the kill feed is just out of the screen, AmandsRaidKillfeed Position X set to 500 moves it closer to the center of the screen.
I'm currently checking why it would be outside the screen to begin with
I am so sorry, I meant I miss the kill feed in 3.9 and 3.10. It worked fine for me in 3.8.
I'm going to delete 3.10 anyway. There is so much broken garbage going on that it blows my mind. I'm also a little sad they disabled the ability to download the previous versions and downgraders. I would literally go back to 3.8 for certain mods.
EDIT: OMG, I just saw a 3.9 version on your git! I had no idea!
Yay, it's working! I was able to turn off the GamePanelHUD versions now since all I want is a global kill feed and your I like your hit marker better.
the killfeed dont work in 3.9.x i get messages when bots kill others but iin the new version 3.10.2 it dont show the killfeed, can ypu fix it please
Amands2Mello Author
Thanks for the report, what is your Hitmarker mod version?
2.6.3 i think thats the newest version.This is the version that came out 2 weeks ago, so the latest
I just got the 3.10 hitmarker off the git and ive notice EVERY scav I kill is marked as "sniper"
Im not sure if its a bug in this mod or something in another mod im using.
Amands2Mello Author
thanks for the report, it is from the hitmarker mod
i hope this is not abandoned, i really liked to use this one.
Totally agree. I can't play Tarkov without it. The dev is great and has already updated 2 of their 4 mods for 3.10 (o the Github), so it looks promising. In the meantime I found this as an alternative, and it is updated to 3.10.0.
[Audio Accessibility Indicators] - Audio Accessibility Indicators
Amands2Mello Author
Not extensively tested AmandsHitmarker 2.6.3 GitHub
big love, if I see a bug, I'll report.
does this work with 3.9.7? just making sure
Amands2Mello Author
only the GitHub version, AmandsHitmarker Releases
I have recently installed the Hitmarker mod , ims tuck in the loading screen after installing the mods into the BepinEx folder, anyone got the same issues?
hello since updated to 3.9.8 the hitmarker is not centered but il left bottom corner, any idea or config for set it to correctly pos ? thx dude ! all of your mods are banger and must have !
Amands2Mello Author
problem could be Super sampling or FSR, but I'll have to check 3.9.8 that I haven't tested yet
Okay thank you, let's be brave then, and thank you for your work
For ones looking to download this mod for current 3.9.X go check out the github page for amands updated mods!
Thank you! Just out of curiosity: Why aren't updates published here?
Have no idea my dude, best to ask Amands. Im sure there is a reason but the github would be the best to check for most mods.
And i was wondering why i was getting infinite loading thanks!
I've installed a lot of mods at once and was stuck at an infinite loading screen, so I started installing all of them one at a time to find the mod with the issue.
It seems that this mod is causing an infinite loading screen whenever I install it, can't tell why as the server log doesn't say anything and I get no console errors because it doesn't get past the initial loading screen that shows up before the main menu.
Any idea what could cause this? I don't know where I can find logs to send to you.
Amands2Mello Author
if it's for SPT 3.9.5 then it's not compatible, I'll be updating the mod soon
Awesome, thanks for the info!
Amands2Mello Author
tested with 3.9.5 and couldn't find any issues, the latest mod version 2.6.2 is on AmandsHitmarker GitHub Releases.
if you had the wrong version before, delete the folder SPT/BepInEx/plugins/Hitmarker/ and the file SPT/BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg
you need to extract with 7zip; extracting with windows or winrar might cause problems.
Yes that version is working just fine, thanks a lot
hello so i tried the install the mods from github but for some reason it registers that the plugin is installed when i press f12 but then when i tried to load into a raid it wouldnt let me and comes up with an error message of "could not find pat of the path C/Users/*username*/Desktop/spt3.9/BepInEx/plugins/Hitmarker/Images
Amands2Mello Author
the mod comes with .png files at SPT/BepInEx/plugins/Hitmarker/Images/*.png
if you have the images inside there and the mod still doesn't work it might be because you installed SPT to desktop.
so i did a fresh install and took it off my desktop and well its still giving me the same message even then i have no other plugins nor mods to test if something else was interfering with it, the images are there in the file though
instead of putting it into your spt folder in you plugin folder put the folder you get from the mod into the plugins and the single file into the spt one
Using the 3.9.X ver from the github, I can't make the raid kill feed (Bot killed bot) appear at all no matter what I try.
Every other function of the mod works otherwise, which is very strange
Running SAIN, Questing Bots, Looting Bots, Realism and Donuts+Swag only.
Maybe it has something to do with DLSS or DSR?
Here's the full log:
Amands2Mello Author
raid kill feed is usually really outside the screen for some users, you can try playing with the position of it on F12, what resolution are you using, and do you change it often?
Resolution is DSR 5160x2160
Weird thing is, even at 3440x1440, back in ver 3.8.3, kill feed worked fine, but on 3.9.X, neither this mod nor kmyuhkyuk's show the raid kill feed. Every other element works fine. Even when carrying over the BepInEx config file from 3.8.3 to 3.9.X for Game Panel Hud, so essentially the exact same settings, it doesn't show anymore. Turning down the resolution to something incredibly small also doesn't make it show up, I'm honestly out of ideas at this point
I did try to play around with the position, but I couldn't make it show up
Im on 1440p so it might be different for you but my Settings are these:
Thanks for giving some crucial pointers
I accidentally made the text size really, really big and I finally caught a glimpse of it, so it's definitely there, somewhere far off to the right
I personally had to set it to -3570 x -310 for it to work (Position top right)
Good to hear that its working now! I also set the time a bit higher, like 20 seconds. Would be Cool if we could have a permanent Killfeed with idk four Rows or so.
When using the respective build for SPT v3.8.1 - v3.8.3, in conjunction with Fika, I noted whenever I was not the host of the raid it would not show hitmarkers for hits on enemies unless it was the lethal shot itself. I saw that it was an issue others reported on Github and it seems to track with Fika's rework of how damage is handled between clients. This was also the time I started appreciating the Killfeed feature to confirm when my friends would take down bots. While my friends had issues with the Killfeed not being positioned correctly (Offscreen) like some people reported, I never ran into issues.
With the introduction of SPT v3.9.0 - v3.9.1, the Killfeed is following the same behaviour as the Hitmarkers, where the feed only populates when you make a kill as a client. The host sees all information in their Killfeed like normal. Everything else, asides from these two issues, is working as intended.
oh man i just realized how much i miss this mod. i just wiped and updated to 3.9. first raid: a pmc starts shooting at me and i return fire. i thought i hit him but didnt get the hit marker pop up and it confused the heck out of me lol. so much so i stopped firing, and inspected my gun cuz i thought it jammed and then got killed. then on the death screen i remembered i dont have the hitmarker mod on anymore.... lol
Yes, the game really feels unplayable without, but gladly there's a 3.9.0 version on github now.
I hate it, but my brain's simply hardwired to these satisfying plok and crunch sounds
This mod is a true miracle.
thanks for letting me know! i didnt even to think to check the github
send my energy for 3.9.0 mate awesome mod thanks for the time to do it ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Amands2Mello Author
3.9.0 is on GitHub AmandsHitmarker GitHub Releases
OMFG!!! Thank you
ty much appreciated
Hi we do use your mod and we love it. We do only use raidkillfeed and the killfeed.
a really cool feature would be if you could change the raidkillfeed to to tell not the names but like "boss, scav, pmc, playerscav"
Pmc killed Pmc
Pmc killed Boss
Scav killed Boss
and so on.
maybe its simple to implement. would be cool.
you can change name colors to know it
that is not what i asked for
Love this mod! Any relation to "Amand's Graphics"? Must be a coinkydink.
Idk if this is a joke or not but this is made the same guy.
Nice try, pal. I will report you to Mr. AMANDS. Good luck. Your maps will now be foggy again.
So I'm assuming installing this on top of Game Panel HUD mod will have issues since GPH has hit markers? I rather use your hit markers over GPH. I guess I just have to disable GPH hit markers.
Amands2Mello Author
no issues reported; you can enable/disable individual features using both mods.
Try to update these two mods, because on my computer these two mods will take effect at the same time, so I turned off the hitmark of hud
Is the github version fully working? I've tried it but no hitmarkers are displayed. Everything else works fine.
Amands2Mello Author
yes, it is working for 3.8.0; what you are having sounds like incompatibility with other mods like Dismemberment
I just did a full reset and it works now! Must have touched something in the settings. Great work bud!
Sorry, I can't use this mod
I am currently using version 3.8.0, and the server does not report any errors. I don’t know what the problem is. Although I have debugged in the configuration, there is still no response.
Amands2Mello Author
for 3.8.0 you need the latest mod version AmandsHitmarker GitHub Releases
Yes, I downloaded it from this link I found in the comment list, but it still doesn’t work properly. I can open the mod debugging menu but any debugging is meaningless.
But thank you to the author for providing such a great mod!
ps: I can already imagine how happy the players who can play this mod will be:)
Amands2Mello Author
if it still doesn't work it might be incompatibility with another mod like Dismemberment
Feedback again: I stumbled upon the kill alerts appearing off-screen, then after some debugging he now shows up properly in the right place on the screen where I want it, but the hit markers still don't work!
Thank you, because now the feature I can use is also one of the features I wanted, and I feel happy too!
i downloaded the 3.8.0 version but its not working in game. i can adjust it with F12 but it dont do anything. the only thing that works is kills.
just wondering if anyone could help
it works good on 3.8.1 for me i just extracted it to bpex/plugin and it works
Same here, no hitmarkers. Everything else seems to work fine including damage numbers.
I downloaded the file on github for 3.8 but tis not working for me. I had it working fine before switching to 3.8. not sure what the problem is.
have y'all considered this hasn't been updated to 3.8 yet
It actually has been. Its just not on aki hub yet. Theres a github link specifically for the 3.8 file. Im talking to the dev about it right now.
Pls update to 3.8.0
i dont know whats wrong, but all the bots are freeze after 5-10 sec after raid start. i hear some gunshots from newly spawned bots, but they are freeze too after some sec
There will be a version for SPT 3.8?
Dimka Brick…marker/releases/tag/2.6.0
I wish dev will update for 3.8.0,
The test version is working properly, had a "few" run this afternoon. The github link just a bit below