Realistic Plate System 1.1.6

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time to turn up the ai to horde with nothing but an RPK and a bag full of armor plates

That's right, armor plates. This mod adds armor plates for up to level 7 protection with chest, chest and stomach, and arm plates.

Also, all carriers and vests are automatically converted into carriers with slots to accept the plates.

Plates can be found on the flea and in AI loadouts

oh yeah they get the plates too

yoinked model from here

  • Version 1.1.6

    Added config options to allow you to edit penalties for each material individually

  • Version 1.1.5

    -Fixed a generation issue with the MaxClass config option

    -Added the ability to configure how much of a carrier's weight is retained after tweaking

    also now hosting future releases on github

  • Version 1.1.0

    Added config options, you can now set the maximum armor level to be generated, plate spawn chances for AI, and whether armors with integrated armor (i.e. PACA) should be ignored during vest tweaking

  • Version 1.0.8

    -Fixed bot gen

    // for some reason I had to switch to functional iteration in order for my changes to apply, also had to do that for iterating and editing items, seems like the regular for statement just doesn't wanna work for some reason

  • Version 1.0.7

    -updoot 3.5.0

    -Fixed plate container

    -Made more penalties material-specific

  • Version 1.0.6

    Updated for 3.4.0

    Made plate weight and blunt damage depend on the plate material i.e. softer armor is lighter but deals more blunt damage

    Also made it so that plates make different noises in inventory menus depending on their material i.e. harder materials sound more clunky

    Changed the spawn chances a bit, chest plates now have an 80% of spawning on AI as opposed to 60%

  • Version 1.0.5

    Fixed a pricing issue and decreased overall prices for carrires

    Tweaked weight so armor isn't too unbearable and more close to it's real life equivalent

    Plates are now generated for every material type (UHMWPE, Kevlar, Titan, etc), don't worry tho, base plate ids are still the same

  • Version 1.0.3

    swapped plate model to a more consistent one which I also did some texture work on (original was bland), and I changed the arm plate model to feature two plates to be more appropriate

    tweaked bot generation so that scavs only have plates of lvl 4 or less so you wont encounter any more god scavs with lvl 7 plates

    fixed an issue with the plate container that resulted in it not accepting arm and stomach plates

  • Version 1.0.2

    plate machine fixed, bots should generate properly and I did some general tweaks here and there and added plates to ragman

    also completely forgor to mention last update but I also added a plate container so you can store plates in it, available on flea

  • Version 1.0.1

    -Minor revamp, added stomach plates and changed regular plates to only protect the thorax, so now decent-sized carriers such as a gzhel can take thorax and stomach plates while small carriers like Slicks can only take thorax plates

    -Added plates and stuff to fence assort, wanted to add it to ragman but this update is already pretty late so I'm saving all that for next time

    Highly recommend you sell your plates before updating tho cause I changed a lot of the IDs for the new system, though chest plates should still remain

  • Is there a way to edit the config files to have backplates?

  • Works in current version of SPT perfectly fine

  • If someone have the model files from yoinked can they please upload it? it's gone from google drive and without his model when i use this mod i don't see the models only the dog textures.

  • Go into the package.json and change the 3.6.X into 3.7.1 exactly and the mod should load and work, It works for me and hopefully will work for yall until its updated

    • its crazy that this works but Im happy

      Thumbs Up 1
  • 3.7.1 please

  • Do you plan on updating this to 3.7.0?

    Just wondering

  • How do I get lvl 6 and 7 plates?

  • Problem with bots spawning with None/Class 1/2 plates in what used to be class 5 and 4 plate carriers? SWAG and one other mod on for bot behavior and spawning

  • If the bots ever spawn with plates then this mod would be amazing.

  • yippee

  • This is a VERY, VERY good mod, but is it possible to make bots wear plates too?

    • this mod used to work great but even with no other mods the bots dont spawn with plates

    • too bad, do you know the mod that fixes this?

  • Plates seem to work fine in 3.61, but the bots don't carry them for whatever reason, at least not in early game. It might be another conflicting mod that alters bot loadouts or game updates that caused the issue, but I don't know for sure. I only know that this didn't used to be an issue in the past.

  • When we're getting a update for 3.6.1? I can't live without this mod

  • could this be updated to 3.6.0 or 3.6.1 please?

  • Hey, does this work with 3.5.8? It gives a warning in server when installed.

  • Hi, there was a problem, I used the mod up to level 15, then I deleted it and decided to buy armor, and I got an error message

    getSizeByInventoryItemHash() Item with tpl: plate5StomachTitan not found

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at InventoryHelper.getSizeByInventoryItemHash (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at InventoryHelper.getContainerMap (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at InventoryHelper.getStashSlotMap (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at InventoryHelper.addItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at TradeHelper.buyItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\TradeHelper.js)

    at BrokerTradeController.confirmTradingInternal (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\TradeController.js)

    at BrokerTradeController.confirmRagfairTrading (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\TradeController.js)

    at TradeCallbacks.processRagfairTrade (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\TradeCallbacks.js)

    at TradeItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\item_events\TradeItemEventRouter.js)

    at ItemEventRouter.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\ItemEventRouter.js)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at InventoryHelper.getSizeByInventoryItemHash (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at InventoryHelper.getContainerMap (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at InventoryHelper.getStashSlotMap (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at InventoryHelper.addItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at TradeHelper.buyItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\TradeHelper.js)

    at BrokerTradeController.confirmTradingInternal (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\TradeController.js)

    at BrokerTradeController.confirmRagfairTrading (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\TradeController.js)

    at TradeCallbacks.processRagfairTrade (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\TradeCallbacks.js)

    at TradeItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\item_events\TradeItemEventRouter.js)

    at ItemEventRouter.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\ItemEventRouter.js)

    • 防具の中にアーマープレートを入れた状態でMODを削除するとこのエラーメッセージが表示されます MODを再びダウンロードし防具の中のアーマープレートを排除することでこの問題は解決することが出来るかもしれません

  • Turns out it's just that not all AI spawn with plates, and the traders sell empty rigs without plates by design and the mod worked all along.

    Can someone tell if ragman gets higher level plates for sale as you level him up, or max lvl 4 is all he sells?

  • 3.5.7 Bots spawn without plates in their rigs, and traders sell plateless rigs














    • And only the mod ?, maybe doesn't work with 3.5.7

  • Could we get some balancing for the plates? i.e., Steel being cheaper, and having more durability but higher weight, UHMWPE being light, but having low durability and being more expensive, thicker plates like ceramic having ergo debuff, etc.

  • When i load it in it says its "missing package.json" is it supposed to go into the mods folder? or the Plugins? Can someone please help me

  • How do i go into the configs and change the weight of the plates?

  • Is it possible to adjust the inventory size of the armored plates? I find it odd and a tad annoying that an armored plate can be larger than a full sized Grizzly med kit. Just want to adjust the size down to 2x2 so I can grab and take spare plates out incase I find more higher level plates as I run through (cheaper than buying brand new plates for carriers I already find). On top of that, I'd adjust the space of the Plate carrier bag to be smaller, and to adjust its inventory space to be equal to the armor/weapon repair kits, if I recall correctly, it is a single row higher than the repair kits.

    Apart from that, having that weird issue with SVM and PMC's not spawning with plates, gonna untick some boxes concerning containers and restrictions and see if that fixes it. *Well, it must've been an error on my part, as I am seeing plates, just not as constant as Scavs. I will chalk it up to lower level PMC's not carrying plates as often*

  • Do you need to install the RealisticPlateSystem (version) folder in yoru mods or the zkobra-plates folder?

  • how i change the plate model?

    i have the plate.bundle but how i install it ?

    you have 3 diferent .bundle files in the folder...

  • This mod should seriously be integrated into SPT Realism, as I see both to be an integral part of a realistic experience.

    • Were you able to get them to play nice together? Currently I'm having an issue where all the bots that spawn don't have any plates in their carriers.

    • No, I opted for SPT Realism. Sometimes, you gotta decide what to use.

  • Hey, amazing mod. This should have been in Tarkov years ago, extremely similar to this. It's very easy to understand the concept of it. In that regard, well done putting it together.

    One question, I'm using other mods to make custom hideout crafts, and was going through the script.js to find the item Id's of the plates. But It's a bit difficult to find which one is exactly the right one. Any tips on finding them?

    Thanks a lot.

    • the ids are generated programmatically, tho there are arrays in the scripts that stores the generated IDs that you can call from

  • Uhm so for some reason models are not loading, i just see the doge texture for some reason here are the logs from server ("Żądanie klienta" is just Client request and "NIEZNANA" is UNKNOWN):

    [2023-04-01T12:08:17.056Z] info: [Żądanie klienta] /cwx/seeitemvalue/plate1ChestAramid

    [2023-04-01T12:08:17.057Z] error: [NIEZNANA][/cwx/seeitemvalue/plate1ChestAramid]

    [2023-04-01T12:08:17.058Z] info: [object Object]

    [2023-04-01T12:08:18.731Z] info: [Żądanie klienta] /cwx/seeitemvalue/plate1ChestTitan

    [2023-04-01T12:08:18.732Z] error: [NIEZNANA][/cwx/seeitemvalue/plate1ChestTitan]

    [2023-04-01T12:08:18.732Z] info: [object Object]

    [2023-04-01T12:08:21.957Z] info: [Żądanie klienta] /cwx/seeitemvalue/plate1Arms

    [2023-04-01T12:08:21.959Z] error: [NIEZNANA][/cwx/seeitemvalue/plate1Arms]

    [2023-04-01T12:08:21.959Z] info: [object Object]

    and here are the other aki logs:

    2023-04-01 14:13:15.523 +02:00||Error|assetBundle|Error: Bundle assets/item_equipment_armorplate_chest.bundle not found in manifest

    2023-04-01 14:13:15.523 +02:00||Error|assetBundle|Error: Bundle assets/item_equipment_armorplate_chest.bundle not found in manifest

    2023-04-01 14:13:15.561 +02:00||Error|assetBundle|Error: Bundle assets/item_equipment_armorplate_chest.bundle not found in manifest

    2023-04-01 14:13:17.676 +02:00||Error|assetBundle|Error: Bundle assets/item_equipment_armorplate_chest.bundle not found in manifest

    2023-04-01 14:13:17.676 +02:00||Error|assetBundle|Error: Bundle assets/item_equipment_armorplate_chest.bundle not found in manifest

    2023-04-01 14:13:17.683 +02:00||Error|assetBundle|Error: Bundle assets/item_equipment_armorplate_chest.bundle not found in manifest

    2023-04-01 14:13:18.738 +02:00||Error|assetBundle|Error: Bundle assets/item_equipment_armorplate_chest.bundle not found in manifest

    2023-04-01 14:13:18.738 +02:00||Error|assetBundle|Error: Bundle assets/item_equipment_armorplate_chest.bundle not found in manifest

    2023-04-01 14:13:18.748 +02:00||Error|assetBundle|Error: Bundle assets/item_equipment_armorplate_chest.bundle not found in manifest

    • ok it seems like it is not the mod problem

    • Issue fixed by just deleting SamSWAT.ReflexSightsRework everything works perfectly

      Crying 1
  • fYtmzBjI'm getting this error any way to fix it?fYtmzBj

    • think that might just be a weird aki thing should still work

    • It seems to still be working properly, Thank you for the swift response! :)

  • is this mod compatible with spt realism?

  • Im loving this mod, have been running it for a whole playthrough all the way to level 40. I have one a few suggestions, I saw that you added options to tweak weight and other things in the config to balance different plate types aganist eachother, One other multiplier each material could have is "price multiplier". Some materials might simply be better, but way more expensive. (Looking at you UHMWPE)

    Another thing would also be to simple disable a material. For me, I feel like there's just to many, so personally, I might keep Ceramic as a cheap, light but basically not repairable plate. Steel as a heavy but repairable, and finally maybe UHMWPE as an expensive af, but light plate for when you really need to run places.

    While writing that, why not also a multiplier for repairability, and/or effective durability. (a stat that is normally hidden in vanilla, but shown with item info.)

    Honestly, I love the dynamic this mod brings, and ill keep using it regardless. Just suggestions.

    • Funny thing is, Aramid is nearly twice as good as UHMWPE and the Plates have something like 200+ effective durability XD

    • But doesn't repair as good as UHMWPE or Steel. It's all tradeoffs, that I would love to exaggerate more to make it more interesting.