No More Mines 1.0.1

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hecc u mines >>>>>:((((((

nothing much to say, makes it so mines arent a threat and wont completely delete you out of nowhere

  • someone plz update for 3.9

    Thumbs Up 2
  • going to test this on v3.8.1 wish me luck.

  • Will this be updated to 3.8?

  • Anyway to update this for 3.7.6?

  • No longer (fully) functional, the lighthouse ones are still there. Use this instead I found this last night and have been using it since. There's a README with the controls and you can configure it how you want

    • when using it, it doesnt show options for removing mines, just the vision stuff and pause menu. Is it somewhere other than the right-alt menu?

    • Why are people lazy to read the readme file modders give? Literally open the readme ctrl + F and search mines and you would have found this:

      Disable mines & snipers

      Areas that will trigger mines/snipers/claymores can be disabled.

      To remove mines/snipers, open the console (~), and enter 'nomines'.

      (This setting does not affect regular NPC snipers!)

  • Cant say nothing about Lighthouse bridge mines that Karma mentioned before, and it might be my luck, but i did not get blown up by any mine on Woods. Tested it a few times.
    SPT v3.7.1 :thumbup:

  • well i hope youre happy Kobrakon, heres my PMC after discovering all the mines that are still there on Lighthouse

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    Happy 1
    • its a client mod, and i didnt put it in plugins. user error. im leaving the photo of poor legless karma as warning to others not to follow in my footsteps

  • the mod *is* working on version 3.7.0, I assume it might work on 3.7.1 as well but I haven't tested it

  • please update!!

  • As of 10/12/23, No more mines seems to work on 3.7.0... I havent tried in-raid, but the server, and game works. :):thumbup:

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Have you tried in raid yet?

    • been in multi raids since, either im lucky or it works

    • can You check the mines around Lexos on Streets (where Kaban is bing chilling)?. the place is surrounded by mines that instakill, precise placement You can check on tarkov wiki

  • Just blew up on a mine as I'm missing this awesome mod.

  • I would love this for 3.7.0 <3

    Thumbs Up 1
  • great mod, mines aren't as funny in SPT since i'm the only idiot who can step on em lol

  • The mines north of the water treatment in the mountains are still there. any way to remove them?

  • Are lighthouse bridge mines now gone? I saw you found its object class but have you removed them?

  • Oi, Kobrakon.

    How can I find the ID of the mines and in which file can they be removed manually?

    I'm still on v3.5.0 (Waiting for those Delicious Additional Clothes/Gear mods to be updated) 8)


    • not how they work, but this mod should be backward-compatible with 3.5.0

    • Oh, nais. I'll try it then. Ty so much for your time, mate.

  • i needed this mod, thx m8!!

  • как автор модных предложений интересным. мины почти везде. спросишь у автора есть ли на маяке мины, ответ: не знаю, не проверял. фейспалм
    maybe you should not spread the mod without checking its performance?

    • это клейморы, а не мины

      those are claymores, not mines

    • hmm sorry, i thought claymores were mines

  • ayo man you missed some mines they added on lighthouse

  • Does this include the claymores on the lighthouse bridge??

  • I have a weird effect, but since I run additional mods I am unsure if there's some weird cross-bug happening:
    when I use this mod it removes the mines, but also prevents bots from spawning across most of the map. 2 spawns near the train depot, and a a few spawns in the small village. Every other spawn doesn't work anymore and rogues do not spawn even when set to 100% spawn chance.
    Since I'm running 12 other mods, not sure if one interferes here, but once I remove the No More Mines dll everything works and spawns fine again. FYI :)

    • you def got a conflict going on

  • Still mines at Lighthouse on the bridge and near exusecs base on the mountains.

  • does this get rid of lighthouse bridge mines?

    • maybe, haven't tested it but I think it might

    • tested today, dont remove any mines for me( died near exusecs base mines and bridge mines. Dont tested woods

  • pretty sure walking around the USEC camp on woods crashed my game, something about a failure to allocate? I don't remember exactly what the error said.

  • seen this... didn't think i needed it..... 30 minutes ago... my legs wish i had it... I now do buahahah thanks yo much love

    • "say goodbye to your kneecaps chucklehead"


      Happy 1
    • Pretty sure my kneecaps ended up in orbit next to the ISS somewhere on that second mine 1.5 steps after the first. Mod has been a blessing, thanks yo!! Much love!

  • Hi Kobrakon , Can I reprint MOD to mddba?


  • 3.2.4 ?

  • Where does it go? Bepinex? User mod folder? Doesn't seem to load when I start the server.

    • It is a .DLL and should usually be pasted in BepInEx\plugins

      Thumbs Up 1
  • its me of its not working ? i put the files in my mods ! got it wrong ?

  • kobrakon youre a legend thanks so much