JoshJ5Hawk's NoHydroEnergy (Updated) 1.5.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Want to be a hydro homie? This mod is not for you. Set your own Thirst and Energy levels so you don't have to keep drinking like a fish.. or eating like every 2 min.

I went ahead and updated JoshJ5Hawk's mod for 3.3.0 since I needed it.

His original mod can be found here: JoshJ5Hawk's NoHydroEnergy

  • Version 1.5.0

    Updated package to 3.5.0 only.

  • Version 1.4.0

    Only updated so package version warning went away for 3.4.1

    redownload if you get a package error.. fixed it and reuploaded the zip

  • Version 1.3.0

    Only updated so no warning in 3.3.*

    I skipped some versions somewhere but i'm too lazy to retype and zip so this is it.

  • Version 1.0.0


  • Well i forgot to update the package.json for the src..

    just redownload if you guys get a package error for file not found as it should be fixed now.

  • how do you set it?

    • look at the config file and change the values...

  • Работает на 3.4.x ?

    • It should still work, just a warning.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • The download button seems to lead to the old version, not the updated one.

    • oh crap.. shjould be fixed now

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Which folder I put it in? I put it in SPT>user>mods but it gave an error when launching the server

    • Yes it should be in SPT> user > mods... what was the error?

      My guess is you put a value in the config file that it didn't like