Holster Any Gun 1.0.2

Allows holstering of any gun in the pistol slot

Allows holstering any gun in the pistol slot.

Because fuck it, why not?


  • It is currently working

  • with 3.8.0 not working. obviously

    • work ))))

    • It works, you just have to go into the json file and change the AKI number to 3.8 and the server will load the mod properly.

      Thumbs Up 2
  • Just to report, we have confirmed that it works with 3.7.1👍

  • Наконец то. 3 пулемёта = 300 патронов. Нахрен перезарядку

  • well, i checked it works in 3.5.8 version, so I thought it would work in 3.6.1 version, and that was correct.

    shit, what the hell did you made? D:

    anyway, i'll enjoy with it.

  • hope we get a updated version to 3.5.0

    • Still workin at 3.5.0

    • it crashed in mine ill try again thank you for the reply

    • I just confirmed it is working perfectly still in game version (07 Mar 2023) *** add SPT-AKI 3.5.3

  • Will this work with 3.4.0 pls?

    • It does.
      As the author stated, it should work with any version ,unless osme big changes to gun wielding happen.
      I use it on 3.4.0.
      About to instal it on 3.4.1 too

  • yay now i can put a kedr on my leg

  • Added some extra to be able to put guns in my scabbard. Now I can rambo like I've always wanted!! Thanks!

    Happy 1
    • link or code screenshot pls

    • Absolutely! Open the mod.ts with something like VSCodium.

      1. UNDER const holster = inventory._props.Slots[2]...

      ADD const scabbard = inventory._props.Slots[3]

      Should look like this...

      const holster = inventory._props.Slots[2]
      const scabbard = inventory._props.Slots[3]

      2. UNDER holster._props.filters[0].Filter.push("5422acb9af1c889c16000029");

      ADD scabbard._props.filters[0].Filter.push("5422acb9af1c889c16000029");

      Should look like this...


      Simple addition using our savior Echo's code as a template. Works like a charm. Have fun!

    • you too are a savior. i see now with the way you broke it down, that the "holster." code is a variable/stand-in for a certain slot and not the actual code/name needed to make the tweaks. thank you so much, this stuff is hard for me to piece on my own. the scabbard is called a sheath in game 🖤

      Thumbs Up 1
  • thank you so much for this i always wanted that part of Traps AIO that let you put smg's in the 1 slot

    now with this i can thank

  • me cosplaying as lvl 100 mafia scav boss with three ARs on my person. maybe now i can stand a chance against the AI snipers pinning me inside a fucking house

  • Finally I can whip out a KS-23 and quick draw Tagilla faster than Marty Robbins himself