Priscilu: the trader

  • Aye dawg, great mod, great idea, love it. Have one slight issue with it thus far. Whenever I go into the game, for example lets say I've started on an Easy Start to test things and Priscilu would be at level 4. After I buy something, despite still saying I was at level 4 loyalty, from that point onward the stock he has stays as though he was level one. Any possible reason this could be occuring? Thanks!

    Hi Rogers,

    Man, actually I'm almost sure I know what is happening. It seems to be a conflict with another mod. And I think the conflicting mod is the SPT-Realism mod. I'm telling you this because:

    1) Originally there is no loyalty level on Priscilu, so another mod must be inducing loyalty level on him;

    2) Some players have already reported similar issues.

    If it is the case, unfortunately we can not do much as it is something related to another mod that is not mine. Anyway, if you want to do our "Error Check Procedure", it is here:

    1 - Please, check if you are playing with:

    a) Original EFT version;

    b) SPT-AKI version 3.5.2;

    c) Priscilu Trader version 2.3.1.

    If not, please install them.

    2 - If you are playing with the right software and the problem still persist, please uninstall all other mods and play with just Priscilu Trader version 2.3.1 installed.

    Obs.: Players are reporting compatibility issue between Priscilu Trader and SPT-Realism.

    3 - If it is still not working, uninstall everything and reinstall it with;

    a) Original and fresh EFT version;

    b) Fresh SPT-AKI version 3.5.2;

    c) Fresh Priscilu Trader version 2.3.1.

    Hope it solves the issue.

  • Reis added a new version:



    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.5.3

    - All items are now limited in number. It refreshes each 60 minutes period or if the game is turned off.

  • Reis added a new version:

  • Reis added a new version:

  • Reis added a new version:



    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.5.7

    - Fix Priscilu Trader not working properly with Developer Profiles. Credits to Pettan for the fix and to jittleyang for reporting.

  • Reis added a new version:



    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.5.8

    - Added equipped ACMX (Accuarancy International AXMC .338 LM bolt-action sniper rifle

    - Added individual M203 40 mm underbarrel grenade launcher

    - Added individual GP-25 "Kostyor" 40 mm underbarrel grenade launcher

  • I'm playing with Realism Tarkov and it messes with lots of the trader settings which I think breaks Priscilu to some kind of level 1 state. He sells PAB-9 bullets as the only noteworthy bullet and he only sells one gun, the VPO-209

    Is there some kind of fix / compatibility I'm unaware of?

  • I'm playing with Realism Tarkov and it messes with lots of the trader settings which I think breaks Priscilu to some kind of level 1 state. He sells PAB-9 bullets as the only noteworthy bullet and he only sells one gun, the VPO-209

    Is there some kind of fix / compatibility I'm unaware of?

    Hi Aori,

    Players are indeed reporting compatibility issue between Priscilu Trader and SPT-Realism.

    The player @davide has suggested this solution for this issue:

    In SPT-Realism config, just disable "trader rep" and "offers changes".

    Unfortunately, I don't play with SPT-Realism, so I can not guarantee it will work, but I think it worth a try.

    Hope it helps. :):thumbup:

  • Reis added a new version:



    - Rise in the majority of ammo price to solve dumping issue;

    - Added EOTech Vudu 1-6x24 30mm riflescope ready to use as it is already assembled on Nightforce Magmount 30mm ring scope mount;

    - Added EOTech Vudu 1-6x24 30mm riflescope ready to use as it is already assembled on Burris AR-P.E.P.R. 30mm ring scope mount.

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