SPT Realism Mod

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.8.72 for SPT AKI 3.5.8 - HOTFIX 3: Third Time's The Charm

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT


    • Fixed PMCs and Scavs spawning with lots of food/drink and prevented PMCs spawning with weapons in their bag. when using Looting Bots compatibility.
    • Fixed excessive rearward (horizontal) recoil with certain mod combinations. Previously recoil was tuned for using FOV Fix + Geff's Scope Overhaul. There are now config options for adjusting vertical and horizontal recoil for semi and full auto, and for the hard horizontal recoil limit. Recoil is now tuned for not using FOV Fix. If you are using FOV Fix it is recommended to raise the horizontal recoil modifiers, and to raise the limit to 20 or higher.
    • Adjusted PMC and Scav loot limits to reduce large amount of "bla bla ignoring loot limits" warnings in server console.


    • Medical/Health: reduced medkit use time 25%. Made makeshift medical kits impossible to use in-raid with notificaiton, made them heal "normally" out of raid. Removed the direct additional negative effect of having blacked arms on weapon manipulation speed, and instead it's solely based on % arm HP. Doubled the impact of % HP on hydration and energy loss rates.
    • Recoil: set a hard limit to horizontal recoil. Added config option for changing max horizontal recoil, semi and auto recoil modifiers. Reduced horizontal recoil on most DMRs. Increased horizontal recoil on Ash-12.
    • Stances: tweaked how pistol position is set and reset, making ADS smoother and making reloading and rechambering look better.
    • Malfunctions: fixed a mistake that made malfunction chance overall higher than it should be because the malfunction threshold was ignored.
  • Thanks for the amazing mod Fontaine!

    I'm having a similar issue as the person above. PMC's and Scavs appears to have their backpacks filled completely with food and water after enabling Looting Bots compatibility for PMC and Scavs.


  • I'm having an issue where firing any weapons in full auto will cause the gun to effectively go over my shoulder to where I can no longer even see the sight. It will occasionally happen even with semi auto or burst fire as well if I fire after sprinting. (or at least that seems to be what causes it) I don't have any other mods that change recoil or handling as far as I know. I'm using SAIN 2.0, Big Brain, SWAG, ODT ITEM INFO, SVM, Looting Bots, Waypoints, More Checkmarks, and kmyuhkyuk-GamePanelHUD.

  • I'm having an issue where firing any weapons in full auto will cause the gun to effectively go over my shoulder to where I can no longer even see the sight. It will occasionally happen even with semi auto or burst fire as well if I fire after sprinting. (or at least that seems to be what causes it) I don't have any other mods that change recoil or handling as far as I know. I'm using SAIN 2.0, Big Brain, SWAG, ODT ITEM INFO, SVM, Looting Bots, Waypoints, More Checkmarks, and kmyuhkyuk-GamePanelHUD.

    remove the mods and put one at a time and see which one

    you listed causes this effect , the realism of the mod does not cause such effects for me

  • Hey Fontaine great work man. I got a question but would it be possible to add more live EFT weapon Meta's to the higher tier bot loadouts? like SAI Builds AK builds we commonly see in live EFT.

    why spoil something that already works great ? let 's ask them to stuff all the garbage into the mod and let it become a garbage dump ?

  • Hey Fontaine great work man. I got a question but would it be possible to add more live EFT weapon Meta's to the higher tier bot loadouts? like SAI Builds AK builds we commonly see in live EFT.

    Nah, meta build in live =/= meta builds with Realism, and PMC weapons are mostly randomly generated anyway

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • Hello, I've been playing with your mod for a few days and two things really bother me:

    • Aim punch messing up my aim
    • Getting shot at completely blurs my vision

    I went through the options both ingame and in the config.exe and couldn't find an option to either lower the effect or disable it completely, can it be done in the code itself?

  • Hello, I've been playing with your mod for a few days and two things really bother me:

    • Aim punch messing up my aim
    • Getting shot at completely blurs my vision

    I went through the options both ingame and in the config.exe and couldn't find an option to either lower the effect or disable it completely, can it be done in the code itself?

    Have you ever played EFT before using SPT or Realism?

  • Fontaine one more question - almost everytime when I die 2+ times in a row, my previous bleedings reappear. For example - if raid 1 I die with 2x Heavy bleeds and 1x Light bleed, I heal these bleeds and then die in raid 2 without getting any bleeding in the process, after going back to main screen and character's health I can see these 3 previous bleeds and I have to treat them again. sometimes it also happens at the very start of the raid, but I discovered it goes away if I hit alt+f4 and then restart the game. Also, treating light bleed from stash screen doesn't consume med's HP - Heavy bleeds use 2x as expected. I'm not really sure if it's strictly related to Realism, because I stumbled across multiple similar threads, either in live EFT or other SPT mods suggesting it's some kind of a glitch. however in my case it's happening far too often (almost every iteration of KIA streaks).

    EDIT. I might also add that this happens also when I successfully extract (but less often). There's also no fresh wound debuff visible on affected body parts.

  • Have you ever played EFT before using SPT or Realism?

    It's been more than a year now. I know the aim-punch throwing off your aim is a thing in main tarkov but I don't remember the blurring effect being so pronounced. Are you saying that your mod doesn't/can't turn both effects off and these effects can't be turned off by any mod?

    Edited 2 times, last by Phaster ().

  • Sorry for posting in the comments.
    So - how do I turn off reduced arm stamina loss? I use the mod only for the bot loadouts for now, and turned everything else off both in the client and in f12 menu, but arm stamina is still very overbuffed.
    I also think armor is less protective and shotguns are stronger than without Realism.
    So it seems like some things can't be turned off from the mod manager and through F12 menu?
    What do.
    Thanks in advance.

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