SPT Realism Mod

  • I'm trying out the new med system, I just had some problems 2 raids in a row. One raid I got a light bleed on my stomach, I dropped my armored rig and backpack, but wasn't able to use army bandages or a medkit, but an esmarch worked which is weird cuz you said we wont be able to use tourniqets on stomach/chest. Next raid I got a heavy bleed on chest, dropped armor/backpack but wasnt able to use any meds at all including calok. Idk if im just missing something or if its a bit buggy.

  • Please help me! How do I just turn off the 10 item that is connected to the racks. I accidentally pressed J and now I have to play with my weapon constantly lowered. HOW DO I GET EVERYTHING BACK?

    UPD: Restarting the game helps, but still add the ability to disable racks directly in the f12 menu

    I don't really understand what issue you are having, but you can press J to cycle stances or use Up arrow to go High Ready, Down arrow to go low ready, right and left as well or tap the key again to go back to your standard ready stance.

    F12 menu will let you rebind/unbind these keys.

  • I'm trying out the new med system, I just had some problems 2 raids in a row. One raid I got a light bleed on my stomach, I dropped my armored rig and backpack, but wasn't able to use army bandages or a medkit, but an esmarch worked which is weird cuz you said we wont be able to use tourniqets on stomach/chest. Next raid I got a heavy bleed on chest, dropped armor/backpack but wasnt able to use any meds at all including calok. Idk if im just missing something or if its a bit buggy.

    You cannot have anything on your chest, so Armor, Tac vest or backpack.

    Medkits should work on chest, thorax and stomach to stop bleeds, bandages and esmarch/cat should not.

  • You cannot have anything on your chest, so Armor, Tac vest or backpack.

    Medkits should work on chest, thorax and stomach to stop bleeds, bandages and esmarch/cat should not.

    I know, I had all of them taken off but still nothing worked. I disabled the "gear blocks healing" thingy for now, but still having all kinds of weirdness. Just had a blacked out leg and was limping, but couldn't use painkillers by shortcut or by rightcliking "use", but was able to use them if i dragged directly on the leg.

  • really liking all the recent changed, but im a bit weirded out by how fast the player is now. I really liked the pacing in 0.7.10

    The speed difference is probably less than 15%, and you get slowed down significantly from injuries and perhaps more in the future.

    I'm trying out the new med system, I just had some problems 2 raids in a row. One raid I got a light bleed on my stomach, I dropped my armored rig and backpack, but wasn't able to use army bandages or a medkit, but an esmarch worked which is weird cuz you said we wont be able to use tourniqets on stomach/chest. Next raid I got a heavy bleed on chest, dropped armor/backpack but wasnt able to use any meds at all including calok. Idk if im just missing something or if its a bit buggy.

    I can't reproduce this bug, I can heal light bleeds on stomach just fine. Being able to use tourniquets that way will be fixed thanks.

    Hi Is there any problem with dropbox ? I tried to download mod but got an info that acess denyed

    The issue is on your end, I don't know of any countries where Dropbox is blocked.

  • Hey is there anyway to turn off that i cannot see armour lvl i would like to see what armour is what lvl instead of having to look it up, or when i add new armour mods i need to go into there files to figure out what lvl they are.

    It's in the config options.

    How would I go about stopping the new enemy generation after about 30 minutes into the raid?

    Find a spawn mod that does that.

  • I'm trying out the new med system, I just had some problems 2 raids in a row. One raid I got a light bleed on my stomach, I dropped my armored rig and backpack, but wasn't able to use army bandages or a medkit, but an esmarch worked which is weird cuz you said we wont be able to use tourniqets on stomach/chest. Next raid I got a heavy bleed on chest, dropped armor/backpack but wasnt able to use any meds at all including calok. Idk if im just missing something or if its a bit buggy.

    Same problem with the new health system.

    1)When the "Enable Medical Overhaul" option is enabled, severe bleeding in the chest, on hands(probably legs, don`t get on them) will not be stopped by anything other than the CMS & SURV12 surgical kits and AFH-1 & Zagustin Injectors, not Celox, nor CAT, IFAK, AFAK. "Gear Blocks Heal" was off all the time.

    2)When using TIER 1,2,3 medkits on a player with full HP in hideout through the "heal all" context menu, the game freezes with continuous attempts to heal. During this I can't kill the game process through the task manager, only through a system restart. It happens with both on&off "Enable Medical Overhaul" option.

  • Same problem with the new health system.

    1)When the "Enable Medical Overhaul" option is enabled, severe bleeding in the chest, on hands(probably legs, don`t get on them) will not be stopped by anything other than the CMS & SURV12 surgical kits and AFH-1 & Zagustin Injectors, not Celox, nor CAT, IFAK, AFAK. "Gear Blocks Heal" was off all the time.

    2)When using TIER 1,2,3 medkits on a player with full HP in hideout through the "heal all" context menu, the game freezes with continuous attempts to heal. During this I can't kill the game process through the task manager, only through a system restart. It happens with both on&off "Enable Medical Overhaul" option.

    You shouldn't be able to use tier 1,2,3 medkits at full health, the option should be greyed out https://i.imgur.com/6qDtOcl.jpeg

  • You shouldn't be able to use tier 1,2,3 medkits at full health, the option should be greyed out https://i.imgur.com/6qDtOcl.jpeg

    On the second point, I found out that this happened as a result of my manual overwriting of the profile saved with other mod settings or even from version 7.10.

    And according to the first point, everything described above with severe bleeding occurs when the "Enable Medical Overhaul" option is DISABLED, with the option on, everything works.

  • On the second point, I found out that this happened as a result of my manual overwriting of the profile saved with other mod settings or even from version 7.10.

    And according to the first point, everything described above with severe bleeding occurs when the "Enable Medical Overhaul" option is DISABLED, with the option on, everything works.

    If you disable "Enable Medical Overhaul" nothing to do with blocking healing will be enabled, nothing can stop you from healing. Have you been restarting the game after enabling/disabling this option. I can't reproduce any of the issues you described so it's likely on your end.

  • Hello, you there is option Guarantee Boss Spawns, it works only with raid option Boss spawning or always when bots turned on?

    And what means Boss Spawn Tweaks?

    Guarantee Boss Spawns is a dev option to make it so that if you have bot spawning on and have enabled boss spawns the boss on any given map is a 100% chance to spawn, not intended for regular play, it's to test the mod.

    Boss Spawn Tweaks enables Realisms system to change the chance that bosses will spawn based on the players level.

  • You have a conflicting mod or have the mod configured wrong. Make sure the med changes are enabled in the config app.

    I have it enabled. These are all the mods im using:


    Amand's graphics

    SAIN all in one

    DrakiaXYZ waypoints



    Fontaine Fov Fix

    Gilded Key Storage

    Kobrakon's Adrenaline


    SPTRealism ammo stats


    Can anything here be conflicting?

  • Also if I got a mod like SWAG would it still spawn bots with the loadouts and tiers from this mod?

    Yes, swag wont conflict with realism as swag doesn't change loadouts, it simply controls how/when bots spawn, I would personally suggest getting nookys preset and loading it after realism. Make sure if you do get SWAG and nookys that you turn off the spawn changes in realisms config

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