SPT Realism Mod

  • As mentioned, re-posting in the support form:

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or what, but I've disabled the "Enable Armor Hit Zones For Player" as i want to have traditional "Full Body Part" protection opposed to gaps in the plates etc for my play style.

    It does not even feel like I am wearing armour. I get hit once in the chest with a 7.62x39mm HP round and it does full damage.

    Is this because I have disabled the hit zones for the player? It just feels like I take way too much damage to the chest for a round that is meant to take a stupid number of hits to even start penetrating. It cant be due to hit zones as i can for instance empty and entire magazine of M855A1 into the back of a PMC wearing GOST 5A / 6A or ESAPI armor and they don't bat an eyelid, yet the crappiest 7.62x39mm round can sink through the front strike face Defender 2 armor first time?

    Something definitely seems off.

  • 7.62 HP is pretty good in this mod, there's a small chance it's the bots shooting 2 bullets with one shot bug.

  • 7.62 HP is pretty good in this mod, there's a small chance it's the bots shooting 2 bullets with one shot bug.

    What im trying to say is if i were shooting at a PMC using this ammo and they have the same armor on, it would likely soak up all of the damage and do absolute jack. The spreadsheet provided in the mod shows that HP should be "mag dump only at" a effectiveness value of 2. See the image below, the end two are ESAPI / GOST and NIJ IV and GOST 5A respectively

    It just seems to me that it happens way too often with one single shot to my torso. It feels as if I am not even wearing armor half the time. The armor is getting hit as it takes durability damage. With the fort defender 2 having a blunt reduction of 90% that would mean my torso should have only really taken 11 damage instead of the 90 points it took?

    Just got shot again, square on point blank from a PMC with a Vepr using 7.62x39 T45 this time, almost full 6B13 which is GOST6A. he dealt 90 damage to my torso directly and a heavy bleed. I was hoping that when i escaped it would tell me the damage from the shot. I did enable balistics logging so i might go see if i can check that. This is what he had (Had to scale down as image was too big:

    Okay i think i found the data where i was shot, It is the correct armor type, hit zone and about the damage i would have expected to go through:

    This appears to show me getting shot once i assume? My level 10 armor stops it (GOST 6A). I can send the full debug if required.

    Edited 8 times, last by Jamoy1993 ().

  • What im trying to say is if i were shooting at a PMC using this ammo and they have the same armor on, it would likely soak up all of the damage and do absolute jack. The spreadsheet provided in the mod shows that HP should be "mag dump only at" a effectiveness value of 2. See the image below, the end two are ESAPI / GOST and NIJ IV and GOST 5A respectively

    It just seems to me that it happens way too often with one single shot to my torso. It feels as if I am not even wearing armor half the time. The armor is getting hit as it takes durability damage. With the fort defender 2 having a blunt reduction of 90% that would mean my torso should have only really taken 11 damage instead of the 90 points it took?

    Just got shot again, square on point blank from a PMC with a Vepr using 7.62x39 T45 this time, almost full 6B13 which is GOST6A. he dealt 90 damage to my torso directly and a heavy bleed. I was hoping that when i escaped it would tell me the damage from the shot. I did enable balistics logging so i might go see if i can check that. This is what he had (Had to scale down as image was too big:

    Okay i think i found the data where i was shot, It is the correct armor type, hit zone and about the damage i would have expected to go through:

    This appears to show me getting shot once i assume? My level 10 armor stops it (GOST 6A). I can send the full debug if required.

    I've done a number of tests now with player armor zones disabled and the same armor and I haven't once been one shot. I made all bots use 7.62x39 T45M, I'd stand there and let them shoot me. The very high limb health I gave myself was to make sure I didn't die to leg and arm shots which was happening instead of dying to chest shots. In the video and screenshots my arms and legs were still the old health (65 and 60). As you can see I took 19 rounds to the armor between body and chest, 11 to the chest. That's on top of all the bleed and collateral damage from limbs. This isn't a one off either.

    Either there is some random rare bug where you randomly get one shot to the chest through armor, or something is messed up with your install and/or you have conflicting mods. I see you've raised your health, so it's not like you're testing the mod by itself in an unmodified state.

    Every time someone claims they're getting one tapped through armor I spend my time testing it and re-checking the code, I haven't yet experienced a single instance of being one tapped through armor by rounds that shouldn't.

    I see posts like this about unmodified SPT and for years I've seen people claim it happens to them in live. I'm not saying you haven't experienced what you say you have, but from my perspective I can't reproduce it and I've seen people get shot multiple times who think they were shot once, or were shot in the head or wherever else, or they were massively exaggerating the one shot claim because they were angry they died. Maybe the mod is bugged, maybe SPT is bugged, maybe EFT is bugged, maybe the death screen is bugged and isn't always showing the correct information. In live there were multiple periods where it would show you the previous raid or some random raid's death info.

    Until someone goes through the mod's code and points out to me where the issue is, or are able to show me footage of it happening consistently to them, there's nothing I can do.

    The logging shows info of all hits, not just the hits that hit you, and if player armor zones are disabled none of the logs will be of shots that hit you. That ammo chart is very old and is a general guide only. Blunt damage reduction obviously can't be a flat reduction to bunt damage and isn't in unmodded EFT either. The round's pen, energy, armor's remaining durability, armor's armor rating are all taken into account. Having said that the blunt damage is very low, havbing the player armor zones disabled is almost like cheating with how tanky armor is which was done deliberately to compensate for the armor hitzones that are enabled by default.




  • yeah new feature, check last few version's patch notes for details.

    Yo, hey Fontaine. Just a quick side note, I don't know if it was related, but have disabled the bot disarm for now. Reason being one incident, where I was at the car shop on streets next to the fuel tanker and shot an enemy who was making a run for the gate, a good 10 to 15 meters away from me.

    I killed him, went over to loot him, and he had no more rifle in his loadout despite carrying an AK. The thing is, the weapon was not lying next to his body, but where I was standing when I killed him, next to the tanker.

    It could be a mod conflict with visceral bodies though, I'm not sure. I just found it weird that his weapon jumped or spawned to where I was standing instead of being dropped close by.

    Just a mention that this is a thing that happened (once IIRC)

    Edit: I also had an issue in reserve in the command bunker with tac reload (mag drop) having the dropped mags despawn instead of lying on the floor. But again, mod conflict likely and I don't know which mod could influence this. I just try not to drop any mags, lol. Maybe even just a live EFT issue. Haven't touched live in over a year.

  • If you shoot a bot in the arm, they have a chance to drop the weapon, that's why the weapon wasn't on the body. Nothing this mod does will affect magazine disappearing, it likely fell through the ground or you just didn't see it.

    can this be turned off? because at some points (I don’t know what it is connected with) they just throw out their weapons and run with knives into hand-to-hand combat

    Did you look at the config?

  • If you shoot a bot in the arm, they have a chance to drop the weapon, that's why the weapon wasn't on the body. Nothing this mod does will affect magazine disappearing, it likely fell through the ground or you just didn't see it.

    Did you look at the config?

    watched. I do not know English well (I write through a translator) and maybe I saw this parameter but translated its value incorrectly

  • Hey, I might be retarded but I have no issues with any of the high ready, low ready or short stock they are just single key press, but when it comes to point firing I have to hold the key down for it to stay in position. If I let go of the key it returns to the normal EFT shoulder position. Wouldn't be a major issue but I use the arrow keys to set the stance. Is this intended or have I just got a setting wrong somewhere?

    I have checked through my other key bindings and cannot find any that conflict.

    Loving the mod other than that BTW and appreciate all, that you modders have been creating to make this game that I loved the idea of into the game I love to play.

  • Hey, I might be retarded but I have no issues with any of the high ready, low ready or short stock they are just single key press, but when it comes to point firing I have to hold the key down for it to stay in position. If I let go of the key it returns to the normal EFT shoulder position. Wouldn't be a major issue but I use the arrow keys to set the stance. Is this intended or have I just got a setting wrong somewhere?

    I have checked through my other key bindings and cannot find any that conflict.

    Loving the mod other than that BTW and appreciate all, that you modders have been creating to make this game that I loved the idea of into the game I love to play.

    There's a check in the f12 menu to disable hold

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