SPT Realism Mod

  • There's a funky issue with Melee on the TOZ-106:
    Using Melee at default settings by holding melee and releasing it after drawing the weapon all the way back damages the player's left arm. Haven't found it with anything else thus far but I doubt this hitbox issue is limited to that one weapon.

  • There's a funky issue with Melee on the TOZ-106:
    Using Melee at default settings by holding melee and releasing it after drawing the weapon all the way back damages the player's left arm. Haven't found it with anything else thus far but I doubt this hitbox issue is limited to that one weapon.

    I haven't been able to replicate this, could you send a video?

  • Profile changes saved

    [Client Request] /singleplayer/bundles

    [Client Request] /MoreCheckmarksRoutes/quests

    MoreCheckmarks making quest data request

    Got quests

    [Client Request] /MoreCheckmarksRoutes/items

    MoreCheckmarks making item data request

    [Client Request] /MoreCheckmarksRoutes/assorts

    MoreCheckmarks making trader assort data request

    Got assorts

    [Client Request] /MoreCheckmarksRoutes/productions

    MoreCheckmarks making production request

    [Client Request] /singleplayer/settings/version

    [Client Request] /client/game/start

    [Client Request] /client/menu/locale/en

    [Client Request] /client/game/version/validate

    Realism Mod: Error Checking Player Profile: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_parent')

    Realism Mod: Profile backup executed successfully: _2023-10-13_11-58-41_PM

    dunno what does this line mean

    Realism Mod: Error Checking Player Profile: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_parent')


    Mod: UltimateClearNVGs version: 1.0.0 by: Kobrakon loaded

    Mod: displayofficialversion version: 1.1.0 by: !♥Koͨmͧiͭnͥoͤ Style♥! loaded

    Mod: MoreCheckmarksBackend version: 1.5.8 by: VIP loaded

    Mod: PMCsHaveEOD-SPT version: 1.1.0 by: nooky loaded

    Mod: Realistic-Thermals version: 1.0.0 by: Borkel loaded

    Mod: SPT Realism Mod version: 0.13.0 by: Fontaine loaded

    Mod: SWAG + DONUTS version: 3.2.0 by: nooky and props loaded

    Mod: SAIN version: 2.1.4 by: z-Solarint loaded

    Mod: DrakiaXYZ-Waypoints version: 1.3.0 by: DrakiaXYZ loaded

  • I haven't been able to replicate this, could you send a video?

    dude melee lmao

    Ignore the popups, I had it set to a throwaway keybind that was duplicate with other stuff.

    Mods used: "zzDrakiaXYZ-Waypoints","MoreCheckmarksBackend","ServerValueModifier","Dirtbikercj-EasySkillOptions","Fontaine-FOV-Fix","ACOG4Life-OpticRework","SPT-Realism","Realistic-Night-Vision-Goggles-1.1.4","Realistic-Thermals-1.0.0","ODT-ItemInfo-3.2.0","SWAG","zSolarint-SAIN-ServerMod" + DONUTS, AmandaGraphics, AmandaSense, OpenContainers, AILimit

    It also appeared to happen with only realism mod installed and on all weapons I tested it on so far (SKS, TOZ, MP5, MP153). Before the jump to 3.7.0 muzzle strikes worked fine and if I replicate the settings I used on that version 1:1 it functions as expected without taking damage, same by using all default settings so it's gotta be related to some setting I changed right. I'm outta time for today but I'll try to see if I can figure out which setting is causing it tomorrow.

  • Hey, i'm using SPT Realism mod and get a strange effect. When i get in the raid, aim down sights and shot, my arms begin to spin and the error (in the image) shows up in the console. After a few seconds, its come back to normal, but sometimes, don't, the arms disapears.

    Tested my mods and the mod causing this is the Kiki-antigravarmbands (i know this mod isnt updated anymore), i'm using this mod for so long and never had any isue, this is the first time. In SPT Realims, already disabled weight changes but don't work too.

    Any ideia that i can do to keep my arms from spinning?

  • Hey all, getting a crash as soon as I launch the game. Ive been through all the basic steps, verifying, reinstall ect
    I have no other mods installed with it btw

  • Hey all, getting a crash as soon as I launch the game. Ive been through all the basic steps, verifying, reinstall ect
    I have no other mods installed with it btw

    Whats mod's you have with?

    • Make sure you load SPTR first in order.json
    • Make sure you dont have outdate mods
    • If you have SWAG and SAIN make sure to follow the step for SWAG
  • Is there a way or option to have Hold-Breath function enabled? I have the recoil overhaul disabled but the Hold-Breath function does NOT work in-game.

    Removing the mod completely resolves this issue and thus, reenabling the Hold-Breath function again.

  • Scheduled event: 'aki-traders' failed to run successfully.

    Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_parent')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_parent')

    at RandomizeTraderAssort.randomizeStockHelper (C:\Games\SPT\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\traders\traders.js:325:49)

    at TraderRefresh.modifyTraderAssorts (C:\Games\SPT\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\traders\traders.js:543:37)

    at TraderRefresh.myResetExpiredTrader (C:\Games\SPT\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\traders\traders.js:517:40)

    at TraderAssortHelper.result.resetExpiredTrader (C:\Games\SPT\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\mod.js:124:38)

    at TraderController.update (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\TraderController.js)

    at TraderCallbacks.onUpdate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\TraderCallbacks.js)

    at App.update (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

    Scheduled event: 'aki-traders' failed to run successfully.

    Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_parent')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_parent')

    at RandomizeTraderAssort.randomizeStockHelper (C:\Games\SPT\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\traders\traders.js:325:49)

    at TraderRefresh.modifyTraderAssorts (C:\Games\SPT\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\traders\traders.js:543:37)

    at TraderRefresh.myResetExpiredTrader (C:\Games\SPT\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\traders\traders.js:517:40)

    at TraderAssortHelper.result.resetExpiredTrader (C:\Games\SPT\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\mod.js:124:38)

    at TraderController.update (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\TraderController.js)

    at TraderCallbacks.onUpdate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\TraderCallbacks.js)

    at App.update (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

    WHY Is this happening

  • Which part of the logs?
    In the logs folder?

    the game has 2 folders for logs. 1 is located in root/logs (from that i need errors) the other is in root/user/logs (from that i need the lastest file). probably the files are big so is better if you do not copy the text here but use the attachments button below so i can download the files and check

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