SPT Realism Mod

  • A quick look at the merchant's code revealed 2 errors. Missing parameters


    and "BuyRestrictionCurrent

    There may be more errors. And about the mod conflict in your response to my message it sounded so ordinary, I even yawned....

    Good luck in your hard work!

  • I deleted all modifications and created a new profile. The result is the same. The problem lies precisely with the Jaeger merchant. After the countdown to the product update has completed, the update does not occur and the timer does not start again. Accordingly, an error appears. Clearly in the screenshot. There is no such problem with other merchants.

    Thanks for the work!

    Greetings, Fountaine, and everyone! I encountered this problem in the version 10.0 of Realism, during the SPT times even before 3.5.0. But then I didn’t really understand the structure of mods and there were about 10 installed mods themselves. Since then I have not enabled config options that affect traders. I`ll try to reproduce, I just did a fresh installation of SPT AKI 3.7.1 (26535), it won’t be difficult to identify if issue still present or not with only installed Realism v.0.14.5.

  • Greetings, Fountaine, and everyone! I encountered this problem in the version 10.0 of Realism, during the SPT times even before 3.5.0. But then I didn’t really understand the structure of mods and there were about 10 installed mods themselves. Since then I have not enabled config options that affect traders. I`ll try to reproduce, I just did a fresh installation of SPT AKI 3.7.1 (26535), it won’t be difficult to identify if issue still present or not with only installed Realism v.0.14.5

    I looked at the code of other traders, not everything is smooth there either. But the errors are not critical because... affect the availability of the item at the merchant. The Jaeger has a more significant problem.

    Let me know how the test goes.

  • Soo, in a pure assembly with only Realism there is no problem, regardless of the language, type of profile, or initial side. Only strange is Fence timer not affected at all, it always shows 00:00, and not refresh assortment at least in period 5min with set time 60sec in "trader refresh time" in config. Trying to on\off "Nerf Fence" option, its not affect on that.

    This error is caused by mods that add new items for sale (retextured, for example, in my case, equipment in Multicam) through the base script of the JustNUCore mod. It touches only the merchant whose assortment has added a new item. I tried changing the boot order before and after Realism, but there was no result.

    Is it possible to combine Realism with this type of mod in future?

  • Попробуйте отключить опцию Randomaze Stock. Все должно работать нормально. И на новом аккаунте я не вижу закрытых товаров для покупки. примерно это выглядит так. Никаких модов, кроме Realism, у меня не установлено. Вы закрыли трейдер Jaeger, который вызывает ошибку, но обрабатывается системой. If you understand Russian, then we can communicate freely))))

    Edited once, last by Nemrosim ().

  • Hi, I get this every other raid or so. It just prevents scav bots from spawning, PMC bots do spawn and some scav bots spawn at later times but not as many as normal. Only mods I have is SAIN with all its requirements and SPT Realism but with med changes reverted. it actually spams that bot and its level like 100 times before it gives the error not sure if that helps. Any help would be appreciated and thank you again for an amazing mod!

    Did you update to the latest version? Looks like you didn't.

    Those files aren't even used, please keep it all to one post (you can edit posts). If you guys want to communicate in a language other than English please use the DMs.

  • Попробуйте отключить опцию Randomaze Stock. Все должно работать нормально. И на новом аккаунте я не вижу закрытых товаров для покупки. примерно это выглядит так. Никаких модов, кроме Realism, у меня не установлено. Вы закрыли трейдер Jaeger, который вызывает ошибку, но обрабатывается системой. If you understand Russian, then we can communicate freely))))

    Ofc I get the Russian. Although I am not a native English speaker, I am interested in improving my communication skills. Let's meet the rules, established on the resource, and communicate in English. Btw you were warned bout it earlier. "No Russian", like in COD MW2, you know))

    Jaeger is off coz its USEC side+Edge of Darkness profile type combination on the start. As I said before, there is no issue on clear install SPT+Realism in all combinations, with any trader, without exeptions. I`ll try "Randomize Stock" off option, maybe that helps, but I doubt it.

    UPD Without the "Randomize Stock" option, there are no errors, as well as functionality, the usual vanilla assortment and that's it.

  • Hi, I get this every other raid or so. It just prevents scav bots from spawning, PMC bots do spawn and some scav bots spawn at later times but not as many as normal. Only mods I have is SAIN with all its requirements and SPT Realism but with med changes reverted. it actually spams that bot and its level like 100 times before it gives the error not sure if that helps. Any help would be appreciated and thank you again for an amazing mod!

    I have been having the same issue as well

  • I have gotten the 90° aim rotation bug a couple times in the past and never connected them to this mod.

    It's only about once every 20 hours or so, so I'd like to maximize the usefulness of it happening.

    Are there any settings to output additional logs/troubleshoot info I can turn on besides the "Log Everything" option in the config?

  • I have gotten the 90° aim rotation bug a couple times in the past and never connected them to this mod.

    It's only about once every 20 hours or so, so I'd like to maximize the usefulness of it happening.

    Are there any settings to output additional logs/troubleshoot info I can turn on besides the "Log Everything" option in the config?

    Thanks it's good to hear about how frequent it is. I don't currently have any logging enabled that would reveal this issue specifically but I can add that to a future version, appreciate the offer. I'll keep adding checks that *might* fix it.

  • Hi, I get this every other raid or so. It just prevents scav bots from spawning, PMC bots do spawn and some scav bots spawn at later times but not as many as normal. Only mods I have is SAIN with all its requirements and SPT Realism but with med changes reverted. it actually spams that bot and its level like 100 times before it gives the error not sure if that helps. Any help would be appreciated and thank you again for an amazing mod!

    Still having this issue after the hotfix. Only running this and SAIN that affect bots in any way. Shows exactly the same as the screenshots posted.

  • Did you update to the latest version? Looks like you didn't.

    Those files aren't even used, please keep it all to one post (you can edit posts). If you guys want to communicate in a language other than English please use the DMs.

    Hi, yes I updated to the latest version. The first time I ran it it worked fine but then it started happening on maps like customs and woods. The only thing I did is revert med changes and changed some settings from the marketplace and traders that were enabled by default. If I disable bot changes in the options it works fine. Thanks for the reply!

  • Hi, yes I updated to the latest version. The first time I ran it it worked fine but then it started happening on maps like customs and woods. The only thing I did is revert med changes and changed some settings from the marketplace and traders that were enabled by default. If I disable bot changes in the options it works fine. Thanks for the reply!

    Are you 100% sure? When you open the console app what version does it say it is?

  • This seems to be an old bug that was fixed in the last hotfix, different error to the one Soup is reporting. Are you on latest?

    Yeah deleted old version and installed the latest. I'll double check tomorrow to make sure though and report back.

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