SPT Realism Mod

  • Hey there!
    The medical system seems to have broken for me at some point. 2 days ago it still worked fine, medkits worked as intended. But not it seems like something went wrong. Medkits no longer heal bleeds, nor heavy bleeds. Car medkits have 360 HP for some reason, and only take 1 use to heal a body part its set amount of HP, meaning i could use it 360 times. It would still take its set amount of HP to heal bleeds tho.
    I tried disabling the config, that didnt work. I tried deleting the config, and that didnt work either.
    Is there a way to fix this issue, and has this happened to anyone else?

    I can't help you there, sounds like you messed something up with your install/config/or a mod conflict

  • For some reason i can't go back to main menu after finishing a scav raid. I can transfer loot to my stash but after that it just gives me an endless loading screen and a backend timeout error after some time. I'm only running the mods from "recommended" section, SWAG + Donuts is configured properly as mentioned on the mod page. Any ideas? Thank you.

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'item')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'item')

    at WeightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.ts:33:27)

    at BotLootGen.genLoot (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bots\bot_loot_serv.ts:80:68)

    at BotInvGen.myGenerateInventory (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bots\bot_gen.ts:468:24)

    at BotGen.myGenerateBot (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bots\bot_gen.ts:387:35)

    at BotGen.myGeneratePlayerScav (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bots\bot_gen.ts:206:20)

    at BotGenerator.generatePlayerScav (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\mod.ts:186:35)

    at PlayerScavGenerator.generate (C:\snapshot\src\generators\PlayerScavGenerator.ts:83:42)

    at ProfileController.generatePlayerScav (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\ProfileController.ts:343:41)

    at ProfileCallbacks.regenerateScav (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\ProfileCallbacks.ts:69:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\static\ProfileStaticRouter.ts:30:50)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'item')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'item')

    at WeightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.ts:33:27)

    at BotLootGen.genLoot (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bots\bot_loot_serv.ts:80:68)

    at BotInvGen.myGenerateInventory (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bots\bot_gen.ts:468:24)

    at BotGen.myGenerateBot (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bots\bot_gen.ts:387:35)

    at BotGen.myGeneratePlayerScav (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bots\bot_gen.ts:206:20)

    at BotGenerator.generatePlayerScav (A:\SPT 3.8.0\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\mod.ts:186:35)

    at PlayerScavGenerator.generate (C:\snapshot\src\generators\PlayerScavGenerator.ts:83:42)

    at ProfileController.generatePlayerScav (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\ProfileController.ts:343:41)

    at ProfileCallbacks.regenerateScav (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\ProfileCallbacks.ts:69:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\static\ProfileStaticRouter.ts:30:50)

    UPD: turning off "Looting Bots Compatibility: Scavs" in the Realism config fixed it, still i dont understand why would it give me errors. Looting Bots is listed as recommended on the mod page. I don't have any custom item/gear mods that could break scav loadouts.

    Edited once, last by ghostem ().

  • UPD: turning off "Looting Bots Compatibility: Scavs" in the Realism config fixed it, still i dont understand why would it give me errors. Looting Bots is listed as recommended on the mod page. I don't have any custom item/gear mods that could break scav loadouts.

    You're not using the latest version of the mod I take it

  • You're not using the latest version of the mod I take it

    I'm using the version 1.1.1 of Realism and all the latest versions of other mods since I did a clean SPT reinstall prior to my post yesterday, using all the newest mod versions, so this can't be the issue.

  • My game seems to have a delay on shooting after installing the realism mod. Is that part of the mod? If so is there a way to disable it?

    need more information

    I'm using the version 1.1.1 of Realism and all the latest versions of other mods since I did a clean SPT reinstall prior to my post yesterday, using all the newest mod versions, so this can't be the issue.


  • Bots are sooooo tanky

    I feel like I die in 1,2 or 3 shots depending on my armor, On the other hand I need to empty a full mag on a scav to kill them (Thats a little bit of an exaggeration but it takes a lot of bullets) Even shotguns feel useless without headshots

    Is this a bug or a feature?

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